Areca: everything about caring for a flower at home, varieties, planting and reproduction

The Areca plant belongs to the palm family and is grown at home. Due to the attractive appearance of the flower, it is used to improve the design of premises for various purposes. With proper care of the crop, its rapid growth is ensured, as well as abundant crown formation.

Description of the plant

The flower belongs to the palm family and has more than 50 species. It is characterized by a thin stem. There are scars on the stem that are annular in shape. In its shape, the dense foliage of the flower resembles feathers. The leaves of the plant are characterized by a bright green color. Below the crown, the formation of cobs is observed.

By the way! The height of the culture can be 35-120 centimeters.

Areca plant is characterized by the presence of small inflorescences-cobs, the length of which is almost a meter.The formation of cobs is observed below the crown. Areca flower is characterized by the presence of small, closed white flowers.

After the flowering of the culture, the appearance of fruits in the form of reddish-yellow ovoid drupes is observed. The length of the fruit is no more than 7 centimeters. After the flowering of Areca, the appearance of horny white-pink seeds is observed.

Areca is a very beautiful palm-shaped flower, which allows it to decorate not only private houses and apartments, but also public buildings.

Many indoor plant lovers are interested in how quickly the areca grows. So, it is growing rapidly and in about three or four years it reaches its maximum size.

Types of culture

Areca is an original plant, the family of which has a huge number of species. Most often, flower growers grow:

  • Areca Katehu... This plant is popularly called the betel tree. The culture can reach a height of 20 meters. The trunk is 50 centimeters in diameter. The leaves can be up to two meters long.

  • Yellowing Areca... It belongs to the category of medium-sized palms, the maximum height of which is 10 meters. The trunk reaches 1 meter in diameter. The flower is characterized by the presence of arched leaves, one and a half meters long. The leaf plates are characterized by a dense arrangement.

  • Luteskens... This plant is most often used for growing at home. The culture can reach a height of 6 meters. To ensure the full growth and development of Areka Luteskens, proper care is needed in terms of lighting and abundant watering.

Areca Luteskens

  • Three-stalk Areca... They are often used for growing in public premises, since the plant height reaches three meters. The flower is characterized by the presence of straight leaves that do not have an arcuate bend. The drooping leaf segments can be up to 0.9 meters long.

Three-stalked areca

Due to the large number of varieties of the Areca plant, it is possible to choose the most acceptable option for the gardener.

Growing conditions

In order for Areca to fully grow and develop, she needs to provide appropriate growing conditions:


Areca needs diffused sunlight. The flower can grow fully in partial shade. Areca can be in direct sunlight in May-June. At lunchtime, it is necessary to protect the flower from their effects.

If excessive lighting is provided, it can lead to leaf curl. Also during this period, the appearance of sunburn on the leaf plates is observed. Young plants, up to six years of age, must be protected from exposure to sunlight.

Important! To maintain the symmetry of the plant, it must be rotated 180 degrees twice a month.


At a young age, the culture is able to fully tolerate a slight decrease in temperature, the indicator of which is -6 degrees. Foliage can withstand temperatures of -6 degrees for a short period of time.

With a prolonged decrease in temperature to 0 degrees, serious damage or death of the Areca flower can be observed. For full-fledged cultivation of a culture, it is necessary that the earthen lump be at a temperature of 21-27 degrees. In this case, the air temperature should be no more than 35 degrees.

Areca temperature


It is very important to maintain high air humidity for the normal existence of Areca. The plant can fully tolerate moderate humidity. If the indicator is low, then this can lead to a decrease in the decorative effect of the plant. In this case, the area of ​​the leaf plate is significantly reduced, and drying of the tips of the leaves is also observed.

Note! With insufficient air humidity, the leaves of the areca will begin to dry!

With drafts, leaves can be damaged, which will negatively affect the decorative qualities of the flower.

The palm is demanding on growing conditions. If the grower strictly adheres to them, then he will be able to grow a beautiful culture.

Areca humidity

Planting and transplanting

When planting and replanting Areca (for example, after purchase), it is necessary to choose the right soil, which will ensure its rapid growth. The soil should be such that water is quickly drained from the pot. Soil drainage is provided using:

  • Pebbles;
  • Coarse perlite;
  • Pumice;
  • Coarse peat;
  • Coarse sand;
  • Granite;
  • Wood chips.

The soil mixture for Areca is prepared on the basis of such components as dolomite crushed stone, pine bark, charcoal, slanting flour, perlite, pumice. Florists recommend a flower transplant in April. For this purpose, a pot is used, which is slightly larger in diameter than the previous one.

By the way! It is recommended to transplant in April!

When transplanting a palm, it is necessary to keep an earthen lump. That is, it is recommended to transplant Areca carefully, using the transshipment method (without destroying the root ball).

Note! The transplant procedure must be performed every year.

Areca flower has a fairly developed root system. Part of the roots is the formation of a felt layer, which must be cut off with a knife.

Areca is a versatile flower that needs regular transplanting. In this case, the florist must strictly adhere to the rules, which will ensure the survival of the palm tree.

Home care

Areca can be grown at home. In this case, the flower must be provided with appropriate care, which will positively affect its growth.

Watering and feeding

Watering the flower is carried out as needed. If the soil dries slightly, the florist is recommended to carry out this procedure. With excessive watering of the plant, root rot can develop, and its death can also be observed.

Watering is recommended in such a way that water does not get on the crown of the flower. When the plant darkens, one can judge about excessive watering, which must be reduced. Insufficient watering can lead to the death of the tips of the leaves and their yellowing. Watering the plant should be carried out using settled rainwater.

In spring and summer, it is necessary to spend feeding twice a month. For this purpose, complex fertilizers are most often used. In autumn and winter, the procedure is performed once a month.


Areca rarely blooms at home. But with proper care, it is possible. The plant is characterized by the presence of small flowers that gather in a panicle. They can be yellow or creamy. After flowering, dark purple fruits appear on the culture.

Important! The fruits of the plant are composed of alkaloids and tannins, which ensures their toxicity. That is why it is strictly forbidden to eat them.

During the flowering period of the culture, it is recommended to provide it with an optimal level of humidity and good lighting. The air temperature during this period should be from 22 to 28 degrees. Also, the plant is recommended to provide high-quality watering. After the procedure, water will be poured into the pan through the drainage hole, which must be drained immediately. Otherwise, flowering may cease, as well as decay of the root system.

Areca bloom

Dormant period

In winter, the dormant period of the flower begins. At this time, care must be taken that the frosty air does not negatively affect it. Watering during this period is carried out less than once a week. The reference point is the upper layer of the substrate, which dries out slightly.

Important! During the rest period, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 16 degrees.

Video: caring for Areca at home after winter

Diseases and pests

Areca, like any other flower, with improper care, can succumb to a variety of diseases.Most often on this crop, leaf spot is observed. Spots on foliage can be reddish brown or black. They can be located anywhere on the sheet plate.

Attention! With untimely treatment of the disease, bleeding of spots is observed. Because of this, the appearance of necrotic formations on the leaf is observed.

To avoid the appearance of the disease, it is necessary to provide the plant with good lighting. It is recommended to spray the crop as little as possible.

Over-watering the Areca plant can cause root rot, which is characterized by decay of the root system. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering. Damage to seeds or young seedlings can be observed by other types of rot.

Improper crop care can lead to the fact that it will be attacked by a whitefly, spider mite, scale insect. When pests appear, the plant must be treated with insecticides.


Reproduction of Areca can be carried out by seeds or by dividing the bush.

Reproduction by seeds:

  • Before planting the seeds, they are soaked in sulfuric acid for 10 minutes.
  • The seeds are sown in the substrate.
  • The pot must be placed in partial shade before the first shoots appear.

Reproduction by dividing the bush:

  • With the second method of reproduction, it is necessary to remove the bush from the pot.
  • Free the root system from the earthen clod and divide Areca with your hands into several bushes.
  • Planting is carried out immediately after dividing the bush.
  • After placing the bush in the ground, it must be watered without fail.
  • After planting the plant, it is provided with bright diffused light or partial shade.
  • The air temperature should be between 20 and 25 degrees.
  • In order for the flower to take root as quickly as possible, it needs to provide high humidity.
  • After the earthen lump dries a few centimeters deep, the flower must be watered.
  • The culture takes root within a few weeks. After rooting the flower, it is recommended to feed it.

Areca is a very beautiful decorative flower that can be used to decorate not only residential buildings and apartments, but also public premises.

Cultivation of the culture should be carried out under optimal conditions in the form of lighting, temperature and humidity. Areca should receive complete home care.

The plant needs regular replanting. Reproduction of the plant can be carried out by dividing the bush or by seeds. Proper care is recommended to avoid the appearance of diseases and pests. Otherwise, you need to treat the flower with insecticides.

Video: Areca care and transplant

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