What garden crops can and should be planted in the garden before winter

If you want to do something useful at the end of the garden season, then you can do a winter sowing. The procedure is not complicated, but it has many advantages.
Next, you will learn what can be planted in the garden before winter, which vegetables and herbs are best suited for this, as well as when and how to properly carry out winter sowing, what to harvest in spring a couple of weeks earlier than lazy neighbors.

What can be planted before winter: vegetables and herbs

Of course, everyone has known for a long time and every year they successfully plant winter garlic and onion set.
But did you guess that carrot and beet also great for winter sowing?
But the list of vegetable crops suitable for sowing before winter does not end there either!

Unexpectedly, but before winter you can sow and cruciferous crops:

  • radish;

  • cabbage (white and red cabbage).

Yes, it sounds incredible. But if you learn the nuances and subtleties of the procedure, then such a fit will give a result.

Of course it's much easier to sow greens:

Why, when and how to plant correctly before winter

Benefits of winter sowing

  • Saving precious spring time.

If in the spring you always do not have time for everything, then try to “have time” in the fall.

  • Passing by seed natural stratification - as a result, plants grow stronger and healthier, resistant to unfavorable weather conditions.
  • Getting a little more early harvest (on average 2-3 weeks).

When to sow: timing

  • It is recommended to sow seeds in winter not earlier than the air temperature drops below +5 degrees, while there will be a clear tendency to its further decrease. Namely, you should wait until the moment when the earth will grasp slightly and freeze slightly (harden). The fact is that sowing in loose soil while it is still wet and warm is not possible.
Note! If, according to the forecast, a thaw period is foreseen, then sowing should be postponed to a later date, because in the event of positive temperatures, the seeds may wake up and begin to germinate, and then, with the return of frost, die.
Thus, if you live:
  • In the Middle Lane (Moscow region), then under winter sowing, you can start to carry out from the second half of October and continue until November.
  • If you are a resident of the Urals and in Siberia, then you can sow a little earlier, somewhere from the end of September to the end of October.

Features of sowing before winter

  • Choose for winter sowing special "winter" varieties and hybrids of vegetables and greens.
For example! The most popular podzimnyaya beet variety is Podzimnyaya A 474, and carrots - "Moscow Winter A 515".
  • Place for the garden it is better to choose in a sunny area, and it should be even and no slope, optimally - on a hill, so that snow and melt water melt as quickly as possible, wherein without washing the seeds.
  • Drow for sowing (and furrows) for the winter you need prepare in advance, bringing in all the necessary fertilizers for digging.
Advice! If you do not want your grooves to be washed away during the autumn rains, then cover them, for example, with a film, which should be fixed with bricks or boards.
  • Also you should prepare the land in advancewhich you will sprinkle the seeds with.

By the way! You can make grooves in advance or immediately sow on the soil surfaceand then just sprinkle pre-prepared loose earth.

  • Observe crop rotation rules! It is highly undesirable to plant the same crops in the same place where they grew this year.
  • In autumn you need sow much more often (by 20-30%), since the weakest seedlings will still die in winter and will no longer sprout, and in any case you will still thin out the garden bed. So don't be afraid to thicken.
  • Soak the seeds and somehow prepare for sowing before winter Absolutely forbidden.

Another thing - process the cloves of garlic or onion sets before planting.

Note! The most important thing is to buy the right seeds, garlic (exactly winter crops!) And the smallest sevka bulbs ("wild oat"), and then choose the right time for their winter sowing.

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