We plant winter garlic in the fall correctly

Garlic is a very healthy product. The daily use of cloves in small quantities can have a beneficial effect on increasing the protective functions of the body. Therefore, most gardeners are happy to plant it in their beds.

Read about how to choose winter garlic for planting and plant cloves correctly in the fall before winter in this article.

Planting winter garlic in autumn

Which garlic is better to plant: winter in autumn or spring in spring

According to its characteristics, garlic is classified into spring and winter. The differences in them are that the first is planted in the spring, and the second - in the fall before winter.

By the way! About planting spring garlic in spring read in this material.

However, for example, spring garlic is more often planted due to the possibility of its longer storage, but winter garlic is by no means inferior to its competitor, having the following advantages:

  1. There are many different worries in the spring, and much more time in the fall.... The timing of planting winter garlic in the fall is not strictly fixed, so planting work can be extended over a long period.
  2. Winter garlic is not afraid of the first frost or fierce winter, let alone returnable spring temperature drops. While tender leaves of spring garlic in spring can be ruined by a sharp drop in temperature.
  3. Planting material in the autumn months boasts larger specimens in front of spring specimens. The larger the planting material, the larger you will end up with a harvest (direct dependence). At the same time, spring seedlings often dry out by the time of sowing.
  4. Winter crops are immune to neither diseases nor pests, which cannot be said about spring specimens.
  5. Planting garlic before winter does not require special care. In the fall, the soil is saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture, allowing it to winter well in the cold months.
  6. Harvesting is done earlier than with spring planting. Which suggests that in the summer months only representatives of winter varieties are present on store shelves.
  7. Planting in autumn gives a greater yieldthan spring rooting.

By the way! You can see how winter garlic looks different from spring garlic in the diagram below.

Winter and spring garlic

Thus, planting garlic in the fall before winter is considered a very profitable business that brings a generous harvest. However, for everything to work out, you need to know the timing of the start of planting work.

How to plant winter garlic in the fall - rules and step by step instructions

To get a crop consisting of large, whole and even cloves, you must first decide on a place for planting, prepare a garden bed, soil for planting cloves, choose a good planting material and properly prepare and process the winter garlic itself for planting.

When to plant: timing

Advice! For more information on choosing the optimal time for planting garlic (including the lunar calendar), read in this detailed material.

Garden bed preparation: site selection, soil improvement, fertilization

Advice! The site already has a separate detailed material about when and how to properly prepare a bed for planting garlic in autumn.

Selection and preparation of planting material

The teeth should be chosen in the largest sizes from the best heads, and it is desirable that each (head) contains no more than 5-6 pieces.

If you choose small cloves, then the garlic will turn out to be very small volumes. In other words, the larger the teeth, the larger the heads will be.

Important! The teeth should be free of rot and mold. It is worth carefully examining the surface for any unnatural stains.

Do not take teeth for rooting with mechanical damage.

All teeth suitable for planting must be completely "dressed" in the shell, without visible flaws.

You must carefully separate each tooth (preferably with your hands, not with a knife) from the others so as not to damage the outer shell (scales) and the bottom.

Processing before planting

Before planting garlic cloves in the ground, they should be disinfected, namely, etched in a solution of one of the fungicides.

Advice! The site already has a separate article about how to process garlic before planting before winter.

Direct planting of teeth in the ground

Basic rules for planting winter garlic:

  • The teeth are planted in the form of long rows, the distance between which is about 20-30 cm (a stretched rope will help you to make even grooves). As a rule, each row is placed strictly parallel to the previous one.

By the way! Many people like plant garlic not in grooves, in separate holes, in other words, plant out pointwise... Moreover, it is convenient to make such pits with special devices, or with a bottle neck (as in the title photo of the article).

How to plant garlic in autumn

  • Sami the teeth are placed at a distance of 10-15 cm apart.
  • Depth of autumn planting of winter crops garlic, as a rule, is about 5-10 cm (sandy soil - deeper, clay soil - closer to the surface). Some people use the rule - the height of the clove is +5 cm, but the classic rule for planting all bulbous is 3 onion heights (cloves), that is, if the height is 2-3 cm, then the depth is 6-9 cm.In this case, the cloves are planted strictly bottom down.

Important! If the teeth are placed too high to the surface, they can freeze. If, on the contrary, it is too deep, then they will germinate for too long or completely rot.

Step-by-step instructions for planting garlic in the fall before winter:

  1. Decide on a place for planting, while taking into account the rules of crop rotation.
  2. Prepare the garden bed and soil.
  3. Select high-quality planting material, process (soak in a solution for disinfection).
  4. Cut grooves or make holes.
  5. Plant the cloves to the required depth (5-10 cm).
  6. Cover with fertile soil.
  7. Mulch (if you have a cold and harsh climate, winters are snowless).

Video: correct planting of garlic in the fall before winter

Winter garlic care after planting

If your winters are very cold, then with the onset of frost, the garden mulch sawdust, or laid with pine branches or straw, you can even cover it with spunbond. But in the spring, all the shelter will need to be removed at the very first warm days, but the mulch can be left (some specially grow garlic in mulch).

If the autumn is dry, there is little rainfall, it is recommended to shed the beds a couple of times so that the rooting process goes faster.

Naturally, the main care is in the spring. Some time after the snow masses come down, the first green sprouts should already be visible. Watering is not yet required, because after the snow melts, the soil has been saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture.

Winter garlic care after planting in the fall

Then, of course, you will need to water, weed, loosen and feed the garlic. And also remove arrows in time.

By the way! About, what and how you can feed garlic (including spring), you can find out from this material.

When to harvest winter garlic and how to store it (methods)

Note! About, when to harvest winter garlic and how to store it correctly, read the relevant articles on the site.

Planting garlic in the fall before winter

Possible mistakes when planting garlic in autumn and when growing it

No matter how experienced the gardener is, he still often makes offensive mistakes that could not have been made if he knew exactly what to pay special attention to.

The following mistakes are distinguished, which are often made when planting garlic in the fall before winter:

  • When buying planting material, the sellers themselvesoften confuse names or even mix everything together. Therefore, there is a chance to buy the wrong garlic in the fall. So either use your own planting material or watch what you buy carefully and carefully.
  • Planted without a shell... Garlic, like a fish, dies without scales. Many gardeners believe that the casing must be removed. They are of the opinion that scales (or poorly removed old crust) interfere with the germination of roots. However, in the absence of a shell, the clove soon begins to actively rot.
  • Planting is done immediately after the bed has been dug up and prepared. Firstly, when you add mineral and organic additives for digging, they need time to saturate the soil with nutrients. Secondly, the cloves planted during this period, after the earth subsides, will necessarily bury themselves in the ground too deeply, which will negatively affect their germination and further growth.
  • Planted out too early. If you plant early enough - back in August, the warm weather will provoke active growth of green shoots. And they will die with the onset of cold weather, which will lead to a weakening of the planting material.
  • Arrows are not removed in spring... Of course, the final size of the garlic depends on the head of the bulb, but if you leave the arrow that he released in the spring, then all the power of the head will go to the formation of bulbs. Therefore, the arrows should be broken off even during the period of their formation.

Thus, it is better to plant garlic in the autumn period, since during the winter it undergoes natural stratification, which allows the plant to harden in natural conditions and accumulate mass.

Video: everything about planting garlic before winter for huge harvests

Note! Naturally, in addition to winter garlic in the fall before winter, you can plant other crops, the same onion, dill, parsley, even carrot and beetsmany flowers (The same asters) and especially bulbous (tulips, hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils, grouse imperial, bulbous irises other)!

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