Proper preparation and processing of garlic before planting before winter: suitable dressing agents (potassium permanganate, phytosporin, maxim)

Autumn has come: the last harvests have been collected, it is time to start planting in winter. What crops are most often planted in autumn? That's right, the onion families are garlic and onions. However, before planting the cloves, it is worth taking care of the issue of their preparation and processing before planting.

Next, let's talk about how to properly prepare the garlic for planting before winter, how to process the cloves, what kind of pickling agents are better to use.

How to prepare garlic for planting before winter

So, the list of measures for preparing garlic for winter planting includes the following:

  • First, you must carefully select the cloves of winter garlic most suitable for planting (not spring!).

Winter and spring garlic

For landing you need to choose the most large denticles from the largest heads.

Small cloves will produce small bulbs.

Naturally, the teeth themselves should be healthy (free from stains, rotting and other obvious signs of disease, as well as mechanical damage).

Garlic is planted with cloves (cloves), and not with a whole head. One tooth = one future plant (head).

It is very easy to divide the dried onion into slices (cloves) with your hands; it is not at all necessary to resort to dividing with a knife, which can damage the cloves.

  • Secondly, soak in one of the fungicidal pickling solutions.

Interesting! Many gardeners from year to year plant garlic in the most usual way - without any soaking in dressing agents, both small and large cloves, and as a result they get quite good garlic.

In general, you can do this too if you are confident in the quality of your planting material.

But, if your garlic is annually affected by various diseases (rots), then pre-planting treatment will significantly increase your chances of getting a healthy and large harvest.

Why you need to process winter garlic before planting

Preplant dressing of bulbous plants, including garlic cloves, is performed to disinfection of planting materialand also for him protection against various diseases (gray rot, fusarium = dry rot), which can affect the culture during its growth and development.

Fusarium garlic

How to process garlic before planting before winter: the best means for pickling and rooting

Pharmacy processing products:

Note! Almost all pharmaceutical preparations (except for brilliant green) slightly "squeeze" (inhibit) the growth of roots, which is very important for podzimny planting.

However, their main disadvantage compared to special etching agents is that they destroy not only pathogens, but also almost all useful microflora.

  • Chlorhexidine (pharmaceutical 0.05% solution, soaking time - 1-5 days).

Incompatible with other drugs and remedies.

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution, keep from 1 day to 4 a bit).

Hydrogen peroxide treatment

The remedy is slightly less powerful than Chlorhexidine, but also quite effective. Also not compatible with other drugs.

  • Pharmayod (the most effective solution is 30 ml per 1 liter of water, the etching time is from 1 to 5 days).

Not compatible with any other drugs.

  • Brilliant green or "brilliant green" (for etching, you need to use a clean solution or as a maximum diluted 1 to 1 with water, keep no more than 2 days, because the product does not inhibit root growth, but on the contrary, stimulates).

Zelenka, like all of the above agents for etching, is not compatible with other drugs.

  • Potassium permanganate.

Chemical fungicides:

  • Maxim Dachnik.
  • Fundazol (Benomil).

Important! Fundazole is a very powerful systemic fungicide that should only be used as a last resort.

In Ukraine Fundazol is Fundazim.

  • Copper sulfate (1% solution, 10 grams per 1 liter of water).

Biological products for etching (protection against diseases):

  • Fitosporin.
  • Bactogen (keep in the working solution no more than 2 days, as it stimulates active root formation).

Fitosporin and Bactogen are analog drugs (both based on "hay stick").

Note! Moreover, Bactogen is a purely Belarusian drug that is not sold in Russia.

  • Trichoderma or Trichodermin.

Not worth it use preparations based on "Trichoderma" for the treatment of bulbs (cloves) in the fall... Where to better add Trichoderma to the soil in the spring.

Folk remedies:

  • Brine.
  • Turmeric. So you need to cook alcoholic infusion - 1 tbsp. spoon for 0.5 liters of vodka, then 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of the resulting solution with 1 liter of water.

An alcoholic solution of turmeric is not recommended for use in conjunction with biological products.

Regulators (stimulants) of growth and yield increase:

Next, let's talk in a little more detail about the most popular and effective (ineffective) means for processing garlic (were in bold).

Potassium permanganate

Of course, everyone knows that potassium permanganate solution can be used for etching and disinfecting planting material. However, you must understand that potassium permanganate only disinfects, but does not protect and does not prevent the appearance and development of garlic diseases.

Important! Moreover, a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate has a very mediocre efficiency, while a strong (dark purple) solution can damage (burn) the teeth themselves (more precisely, their scales and bottom).


As a rule, a saline solution is used to process onions, but it is quite possible to pickle garlic cloves in it (100 grams of salt per 1 liter of water, soak up to 2 hours).


However! If you have already decided to pickle your garlic, then it is much better to do this with the help of modern drugs, and not use the "old-fashioned" methods, which have very dubious effectiveness.


Perhaps, Fitosporin Is the most popular biological product to protect plants from fungal infections (fungal diseases).

Prepare the working solution according to the instructions.

Advice! Fitosporin can be used together with growth regulators (stimulants), for example, with the same Epin or Potassium humate

Maxim Dachnik

Maxim is very effective chemical preparation for dressing bulbous plants (destroying pathogens = causative agents of diseases).

Prepare a working solution and keep the cloves only according to the instructions attached to the preparation.

However! Many gardeners complain that after processing by Maxim the cloves simply rot in the ground. However, most likely, it is not the drug, but the wrong fit.


It is used to increase yields, but not to disinfect and protect teeth from diseases, because is a stimulating drug (growth regulator), not a disinfectant.

Prepare the soaking solution according to the attached instructions.


Recipe from Procvetok Channel

The host of the Procvetok channel, Ivan Russkikh, offers his personal recipe for processing garlic before the autumn planting (per 1 liter of water):

  • Pour 1 liter of water into a container.
  • Add 1 tbsp. spoon Fitosporin (or 1/2 tbsp. l. Bactogen).
  • Slightly less than 1/2 tsp. Epin.
  • 1 tsp potassium humate + 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar (preferably mixed separately in a tablespoon).
  • Soak the cloves in the solution for 1 to 5 days (the solution should cover the bulbs evenly, but not completely).
  • After processing, the cloves should be dried, and then they can be planted immediately. Alternatively, store for several weeks before planting.

Advice! What is the best way to process the cloves of garlic is decided by each gardener independently. For fun, you can try soaking multiple batches of cloves in different solutions and planting them in separate rows to experiment.

Do's and don'ts after etching

Is it possible to plant the cloves immediately after soaking - wet or is it better to dry?

  • In general, it's up to you. As a rule, it is more convenient to work with dried cloves, but it is quite possible to plant wet ones.

Do teeth need to be washed with clean water after soaking in a dressing agent?

  • No, it doesn't make any sense.

By the way! In addition to the pre-planting preparation of garlic, you also need properly prepare the bed by adding the necessary fertilizers to the soil.

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