Domestic palms: types, names, photos and descriptions

The indoor palm tree is, as a rule, a fairly large plant, with the help of which flower growers, and not only them, like to decorate large open spaces, as well as the interiors of apartments, offices and other premises, making them more comfortable and creating a unique atmosphere of warmth. Domestic palms, which can be of modest size, can be divided into 2 groups according to the degree of their undemanding care: very unpretentious and quite capricious. In this article we will talk about the first group of palms (their names and belonging to the species), the cultivation of which at home will not cause much trouble, but nevertheless, some care rules still need to be known and followed.

What is a palm tree and its beneficial properties

To be honest, many people completely incorrectly call palms all plants that have a bare trunk and a lush top. For example, yucca, dracaena, nolina, cicas - this not palm trees and not even their relatives, and even less their varieties.

Plants that do not have a central stem and top - this is what they are palm trees.

Only they look like palm trees:




Tsikas (Cycad)

Useful properties of palm trees or why you need such houseplants:

  • improve the microclimate of the room by filling it with oxygen;
  • like any other greenery in an apartment, the green color of plants has a positive effect on the central nervous system;
  • have a calming, anti-stress effect on the body.

How to care for home palm trees

Despite the fact that palms look different, the basics of caring for them are similar.

All indoor palms love warm and dry feet. Accordingly, they need to be properly looked after and the necessary conditions created:

  • The root system is located at the bottom of the pot, so for the plant to thrive, its roots must always be warm and not waterlogged (water should not stagnate). To achieve this goal, the pot must be present. drainage holes and a good drainage layer (for example, from expanded clay).
  • Placing a palm tree directly on the windowsill and bare floor is not the best idea, because on the windowsill, cold air comes from below, and in winter the floor is almost the coldest place in the apartment. Therefore, if you do not want your indoor pet to die, a pot with a plant should be put on a stand (for example, wooden or use foam). In general, it's pretty shade-tolerant plants, therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to keep them on the windowsill. You can just put them near the window, but a very dark corner does not suit them.
  • Abundant, but rare watering.Drying of the top layer of the earthen lump between waterings is quite acceptable, but the earthen lump itself should not dry out in any case. But to notice that the plantnot enough moisture can according to the condition of the tips of the leaves of the plant:they begin to dry, become dry and very often the leaves turn yellow and die off from lack of watering. Interestingly, excess moisture affects the plant in exactly the same way... In other words, watering a room palm tree must be approached with special care. For example, when you have irrigated and the water has poured into the sump, you do not need to immediately drain it. It is necessary to let the plant stand in this way for 1 hour, and then drain the rest of the water. An important detail: in winter palm plants become very sensitive to air humidity, therefore, it is strictly forbidden to place them next to radiators or other heating devices.

Important! Water for irrigation should be warm - + 28-30 degrees.

  • None of the varieties of domesticated palmsdoes not tolerate an abrupt change in growing conditions. For example, you can't just pick up and move the pot from the windowsill to the corner of the room. It is necessary to gradually move the plant to a new location so that it can adapt to changes in light and humidity.

Note! Palm trees grow very slowly, so it is optimal to immediately buy a plant of the right size.

Pests and diseases

The most dangerous pest of domestic palms is red spider mite... Mealy worms, scale insects and thrips are no less a threat to plant health.

Varieties of indoor palms

By the type of dissection of the leaf plate, palm trees are divided into 2 types:


  • Likuala (Palm-umbrella);
  • Washingtonia;
  • Rapis;
  • Livinston;
  • Trachikarpus;
  • Hamerops is squat.


  • Cariota is soft or tender (Fishtail);
  • Cyperus (Cat's Palm);
  • Chrysalidocarpus;
  • Areca (Bethel);

By the way! Read everything about growing areca at home in this article.

  • Hovea (Kentia);
  • Hamedorea;
  • Date.

The most unpretentious domestic palms: names and types

There is no doubt that the most popular are those types of indoor palms, which are characterized by unpretentious care.If you follow the above rules of care, then the following house plants will delight you with their decorative effect for many years.



Rapis high

Trachikarpus Fortune (Japanese)

Hamerops squat (European)


Hamedorea graceful (Neanta)

Date Robelena

Thus, the house palm has long been one of the most beloved indoor plants used for landscaping areas. And now you have the opportunity to choose exactly the type that you like the most. We hope our tips will help you grow a beautiful and tall plant.

Video: indoor palm trees in pots: varieties and care rules

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