Ripping tomatoes at home: when to remove and where to put

Often due to weather or other unfavorable conditions, especially if you are a resident of a zone of risky agriculture or live in a region with a fairly short summer, in the same Central Lane (Moscow region) or even in the Urals and Siberia, then you often cannot achieve full ripening of tomato fruits on tomato bushes, because of which they have to be picked while still green.

Well, then we will take a closer look at how to properly ripen tomatoes at home, why and in what cases it is necessary.

Worth knowing! Not “ripening”, but “ripening”.

What is tomato ripening, when is it necessary and why is it needed

Ripening tomatoes is a technique of bringing unripe tomatoes to their ripe state outside the bush (plant).

As a rule, the main reason why the fruits of tomatoes have to be ripened at home is that they do not ripen on the bush due to the onset of cool and rainy weather.

By the way! The site has a separate article about how to accelerate the ripening of tomato fruits on a bush.

The ripening of tomatoes is used to achieve the following goals:

  • increase in yield due to ripening of unripe green fruits and faster reddening of the fruits remaining on the bush;
  • saving the harvest from being affected by such a dangerous fungal disease as late blight;

Cool and rainy weather, which comes in late August-September, is the most favorable environment for development phytophthora.

  • prolongation of the consumption of fresh tomatoes, in other words, it fruit storage method.

Advice! To extend the shelf life, tomatoes are stored at a low temperature and in the complete absence of light.

Interesting! It was found that in tomatoes, which were removed even before redness, there are even more vitamins. Therefore, you can not be afraid to remove the fruits before they ripen on the bush, and not keep the tomatoes until the last in the garden, losing both in the harvest and in vitamins.

Video: three reasons to remove blange (milk) ripeness tomatoes for ripening

When and how to harvest tomatoes for ripening

When picking tomato fruits for ripening, the following rules should be followed:

  • pluck the fruits only in milk (or blange) maturity;

How to determine this? Is there such a signal? Yes, when the fruits become not dull, but shine, this will be a sure sign of their milky (blanche) ripeness.

  • it is advisable not to pluck the fruits, but to cut off with scissors, leaving the stalk.

The fact is that by tearing off the stalk, you can damage the fruit and in this place it can begin to rot.

However, it is worth understanding that this very tail can simply damage your tomatoes during transportation (pierce the neighboring fruits lying in the bucket), which will cause them to rot again. That is why it should be laid out very carefully in a box, and not in a bucket, and preferably in 1 layer (maximum 2 layers).

  • for ripening lay only whole and healthy fruits.

One rotten tomato can rot all nearby tomatoes. Therefore, carefully discard such specimens.

Folk methods of ripening at home

The standard way to ripen unripe fruits at home

The simplest and most traditional way of ripening tomatoes, as well as any other unripe vegetables and fruits, is put the already ripe red among the green fruits (yellow) tomatoes, which will be release ethylene gas and accelerate maturation (redness) of green fruits.

Recommended ripening conditions:

  • wellventilated premises,
  • bright natural or artificial lighting (ideally - put on the windowsill),
  • Where temperature on average keeps around + 18-20 degrees, but not higher than +25.

Important! The higher the temperature and more light, the faster they will blush your tomatoes. So, at a temperature of about +5 degrees, green and blange tomatoes ripen in 40-60 days, and at 20 degrees - in 6-14 days.

However! Temperature +25 .. + 28 promotes too rapid ripening of tomatoes, but in the end they become too soft and tasteless.

Advice! You can additionally from above cover the fruitso that the gas (ethylene) does not evaporate.

Better yet, if you put tomatoes in a plastic bag with ripe vegetables or fruits, and then tie it.

By the way! As you may have guessed, red ripe tomatoes can be replace with apples, bananas, potato tuberswhich release even more ethylene.

Advice! So that the tomatoes do not accidentally rot and spoil when ripening, it is better to fold them in boxes or boxes in 1 layer and regularly (after 2-3 days) check, gradually selecting those that are already ripe and discarding the rotten ones.

Hanging tomato bushes with fruits

A much more non-standard way of ripening tomatoes at home is to hang tomato bushes together with the fruits with their roots up.

There is still a lot of juice for feeding tomatoes in the trunk, which means that the tomatoes will gradually absorb it and ripen perfectly (it may even increase in size and be sweeter than with normal ripening).

Advice! Generally, no roots required (although you can leave them, clearing them from the ground): you only need to completely cut the bush at the root, and then hang it upside down. In this case, it is advisable to hang the bushes over something soft, eg, above mattress.

In a drawer with cheap tea

Another interesting way to ripen, found in the depths of the Internet. As the author advises, you need to put green tomatoes in a cardboard box, sprinkle them with the cheapest tea and so leave overnight. In this case, it is recommended to close the box. You will notice the effect in the morning of the next day.

Thus, now you know when to pick tomatoes for ripening and how to do it correctly. You just have to test all the methods and choose one - the most effective and convenient for you.

Video: ripening tomatoes

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