Raspberry-strawberry weevil: measures to combat the pest of strawberries

So, you are tired of the fact that from year to year your strawberries (even at the budding stage) are damaged by some black horned beetles, because of which you are left without part of the first harvest.

Well, then you will learn what measures need to be taken to protect strawberries from weevils, when, how and how to process strawberry bushes in order to save your berries.

Strawberry-raspberry weevil: what is dangerous, when and how it harms strawberries

Raspberry and strawberry weevil Is a very annoying and dangerous pest of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and other plants of the Rosaceae family.

The beetle begins its activity at temperatures above +13 (the most favorable temperature conditions for reproduction are + 18-20 degrees) and goes into hibernation when the temperature drops below +12 .. + 10 degrees, hibernating in the upper layer of soil or mulch.

The strawberry-raspberry weevil causes the maximum harm to plants during oviposition, the beginning of which is to the budding phase of strawberries (eggs are laid directly in the buds) and ends with the formation of ovaries on raspberries.

Therefore, it is more correct to call the beetle exactly "Strawberry-raspberry" weevil, because the first it damages the strawberry buds, and then it flies over to the raspberry (it blooms later).

So what is its harmfulness?

Weevil beetles damage leaves (usually only slightly), females lay eggs in buds, while gnawing the pedicels, after which the larvae eat up their contents (destroy flower buds), causing the buds to break, wither and fall off.

Mass reproduction of the pestusually occurs due to close proximity of raspberries and strawberries.

Accordingly, with a strong infestation of the pest, you can simply lose a significant part of the strawberry crop, as well as raspberries and blackberries.

Interesting! Because only develops in a year one pest generation (imago-egg-larva-pupa-imago), then just one careful processing will be enough.

When to process strawberries from weevils

In general, you can process strawberry bushes even before the appearance of peduncles, sprinkling only the leaves that the beetles feed on (of course, if they have already crawled out, i.e. at an average daily temperature above +13).

But, as a rule, the main and only spraying is carried out as soon as flower stalks will appearso to speak at the stage of bud extension (budding).

In this way, the main thing is to be in time before flowering, otherwise the weevil will do its "dastardly" deeds and subsequent treatments will not help you much.

Although! If strawberries has already bloomed and you just come to your senses, then, in principle, you can still carry out processing with biological products.

Chemicals should not be used, they can harm pollinators (bees).

How to process strawberries from weevils

If weevils annually cause serious harm to your strawberry plantations, then the real result in the fight against weevils will bring you the use of chemical preparations (especially based on Malathion (Karbofos). If the damage is only fragmentary (few), then biological insecticides, as well as folk means.


To combat weevils on strawberries, you can use the following insecticides (pest control agents):

  • Actellic. Active ingredient - Pyrimiphos-methyl (Actellic), systemic insectoacaricide of contact-intestinal action.

Actellik KE

  • Alatar. Active ingredients - Malathion and Cypermethrin, enteric insecticide.

  • Fufanon-Nova. Active substance -Malathion (Karbofos), enteric insecticide.

Fufanon Expert = it's complete analogue of Fufanon-Nova, Iskra-M (since all have an active substance - Malathion (Karbofos).

  • Ram. Active substance - Zeta-cypermethrin, enteric contact insectoacaricide.

You can also try Inta-Vir (active ingredient - Cypermethrin).


You can also get rid of the weevil on strawberries with the help of biological insecticides:

  • Fitoverm (Aversectin C, enteric insectoacaricide).


Aktofit and Fitoverm are complete analogues (active ingredient - Aversectin C).

  • Bitoxibacillin (Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis, intestinal insectoacaricide).

Bitoxibacillin for processing peaches in spring

The main presenter of the channel Procvetok recommends processing with a tank mixture of the two above-mentioned biological products: Fitoverm (or Aktofit) + Bitoxibacillin.

Video: the best way to protect against weevil on strawberries

  • Micorad (Metarizin, intestinal insecticide).

The agent is used to fight against insects hibernating or going through one of the stages of their development in the soil or under dry leaves (mulch) on the soil surface.

It is recommended to apply the drug (according to the instructions) to moist soil before digging in spring and autumn.


Agrotechnical preventive measures and folk control measures

  • Placing strawberries and raspberries at a sufficient distance from each other (along the edges of the plot).
  • Autumn and spring loosening and cleaning the trunk circle under the bushes of strawberries and raspberries.
  • The folk (biological) method of pest control is planting strong-smelling plants on the sides of strawberry beds, eg, garlic, marigolds, nasturtium, basilica, calendula, which with their strong smell will scare off beetles.
  • Or you can just pick tansy, yarrow and place between strawberry plants.

Similarly used mustard cake (sprinkle under the bush and sprinkle with earth on top)

It is believed that wood ash can also protect strawberries from weevil.

Thus, now you know how to protect your strawberry garden from the attack of weevils, while the main thing is on time (Before flowering!) And carefully treat the strawberry bushes with an appropriate insecticidal preparation (one of your choice).

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