How to cut petunia in spring and summer at home

So, you decided to increase the amount of your planting material, or you simply did not want to bother with growing petunias from seeds, considering that it is too long, tedious and / or laborious process. Indeed, petunias can be grown much faster from cuttings.

Next, you will learn all the basic nuances and rules for cutting petunias.

By the way! Surfinia can only be propagated by cuttings.

Features of cuttings of petunias in spring, summer and autumn

Spring cuttings of petunias begin in April, 5-6 weeks before planting seedlings in open ground.

However, petunia can be cut by cuttings not only in spring, but also in summer and even in autumn.

By the way! Summer cuttings, as a rule, are done in order to enjoy the flowering of petunias already at home on the windowsill. And in the autumn (late summer), in order to thus preserve the petunia for the winter ("overexpose").

Of course, spring, summer and autumn cuttings have some differences.

So, in summer and autumn, you will need to pinch off the shoots from an adult flowering plant, while using exactly young shoots.

Woody cuttings root much worse.

How to grow petunia from a cuttings: a quick guide to cuttings

Let's walk through all the main stages of the process of growing petunias from a cuttings.

Naturally, you should first grow or purchase petunia seedlings. In this case, you need to choose the tallest bushes in order to cut as many cuttings as possible (2-3).

By the way! If you grow petunias from seeds yourself, you can also prepare cuttings when you spend pinching them.

We proceed to direct cuttings (harvesting cuttings).

Cutting cuttings

Ideally, each cutting should have 2-3 internodes (5-7 cm long), however, it is quite possible to use shorter cuttings with one or two internodes (3-5 cm long). In this case, the lower leaves should be removed (it is enough to leave only 3-4 upper leaves), because they cannot be in water or in the ground.

When you cut petunia in summer or autumn, it is advisable to take young shoots without flowers on the cuttings. If there are none, then the flowers must in any case be cut off (do the same with the buds that are being laid, they must also be cut off).

As a result, from one purchased bush of petunia seedlings you will get 2-3 cuttings + the plant itself, i.e. only 3-4 future plants.

Planting cuttings for rooting in water or directly into the ground

Cuttings can be rooted both in water with further transplantation into seedling containers with soil, and immediately in the soil.

For better rooting, first of all, you need to first wet and then powder (dip) the lower part of the cuttings in one of the root growth stimulants (for example, in Kornevin).

Step-by-step instructions for rooting cuttings in water:

  • Fill the containers with water.
  • Put the cuttings in water, while there should be no leaves in the water, only the lower stem (1-1.5 cm).

  • After about 2-3 weeks, when roots grow on the lower part (about a centimeter), the cuttings can be transplanted into seedling cups with soil substrate.

Video: cuttings of petunias - rooting in water

Step-by-step instructions for rooting cuttings in the substrate:

  • Prepare containers (cups 0.2 l or a total container) and a loose soil mixture (based on peat with the obligatory addition of sand or perlite).

By the way! In general, you can root the stalk in a peat tablet.

  • Next, fill the containers with the substrate 4/5.
  • Spill it with water.

Some growers recommend shedding the earth with a solution of one of the growth stimulants, so to speak, to relieve stress in plants (by the same Epin or Energen). You can also use Fitosporin for soil disinfection.

  • Insert the cuttings, slightly deepening (to the leaves).
  • Squeeze the ground lightly around the cuttings.
  • Place in a warm place (+22 .. + 25 degrees). It is advisable to make a greenhouse altogether (cover the container with a bag or bottle).

  • And then keep an eye on the humidity and water regularly.
  • The cuttings will take an average of 5-6 weeks to root, and the seedlings can be planted in open ground in a flower bed.

Video: growing petunias from a cutting


If you don't want to bother at all, then you can do without any root growth stimulants, greenhouses and other things:

  • just pinch off the stalk, put it in the water, as soon as the roots appear - put it in a glass;
  • or immediately stick the cuttings into fertile loose soil and water regularly.

Thus, cuttings of petunias are an excellent and very simple way for the rapid propagation of the planting material (variety) you like, while the plants grow quite quickly and begin to bloom. Good luck!

Video: cuttings ampelous petunia and surfinia

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