How to get rid of mice in the garden and country (private) house

In the fall, mice from the fields begin to migrate to our sites, looking for a hiding place in our country houses, sheds and cellars. They gnaw wood, plastic, paper with enviable tenacity, do not disdain electrical wiring and insulation. The most offensive thing is that our long-awaited harvest is at stake, which takes on a very, very unattractive appearance, and, importantly, our health and our households may also suffer. What can be done to "calm down" the gray robber and protect our garden and vegetable garden, as well as utility rooms from the invasion of harmful rodents?

What rodents are we going to get rid of and why: we recognize the enemy by sight

Rodents that can attack your private home and garden include:

  • House mouse.Not necessarily specialized only in our dwellings (garden houses). In a warm period of time, it can eat the seeds of various plants, feed on insects and their larvae, and when it starts to get colder, it moves to warm rooms, so to speak, closer to a person, where it begins to get dirty, gnawing everything. It multiplies very quickly.
  • Common vole. The field mouse is not really a mouse, as it belongs to the hamster family. It is this rodent that is considered one of the largest garden pests, as it loves to feast on the bulbs and tubers of flowers, as well as gnaw the roots of trees and shrubs.
  • Shrew. Although it also looks like a mouse (it differs in a more elongated muzzle, which looks like a proboscis), but by origin it belongs to the family of shrews. In general, shrews are relatively useful rodents, almost like moles (they destroy harmful insects and their larvae, in other words, are carnivorous), but they can loosen the ground in garden beds, thereby leaving the roots of plants without food.
  • Rats and moles (but the latter will not be discussed).

Important! About, how to get rid of your summer cottage this underground beneficial pest (mole), read here.

Thus, rodents pose the following danger to you, your private home and garden:

  • can gnaw and spoil the crop lying in the cellar or basement of a country house;
  • eat up flower bulbs (especially daffodils, tulips, because of which their leaves turn yellow and they wither), tree roots, can spoil potatoes grown under straw (therefore it is better to grow it under hay);
  • can be carriers of dangerous infections and diseases;
  • rarely, but it happens that they damage the wiring.

Important! If you got started mice and rats in the chicken coopthen in this article detailed all methods of getting rid of rodent attacks on the poultry house.

Prevention of the appearance of mice in a country house or cellar

Of course, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of rodents than to fight them later.

To prevent and protect your home and basement from the invasion of mice and rats, you must:

  • keep the room sealed, in other words, it should not have cracks and holes in the walls and floor;
  • store food in cellars in special containers or protected boxes;
  • keep the garden and cellar clean. Always seal trash cans tightly. Compost pits, firewood storage must be located at a sufficient distance from the house.

The best method of protection against mice and rats

The most effective way to get rid of the summer cottage and the house itself from the presence of mice and rats is to own a mustachioed and tailed pet. A good cat is truly the most versatile rodent control. As a rule, once having seen a domestic predator, the mice quickly leave your dacha, having no desire to risk their lives and offspring. At least, their number is noticeably decreasing.

Idea! To get rid of mice in your garden and vegetable garden, you can spread sawdust from a cat litter box, for example, under fruit trees. The mice sense the danger from the cat smell and leave.

But this living means of fighting mice also has its drawbacks:

  • Not all cats are born predators. A pampered domestic cat can itself be frightened at the sight of a mouse or a rat, or it can even become friends.
  • You can hardly leave your beloved animal to live in the country during the cold season, namely in late autumn, winter and early autumn. But just at this time the mice are especially active.
  • Even if you live in a private house on a permanent basis, it is not a fact that you leave your basement or cellar constantly open for free access.

Interesting! Not only cats catch mice, some hunting dogs are also capable of catching dacha pests, including moles and even serpent.

To get rid of mice in your summer cottage and in a private house forever, in any case, you will have to go through many means and methods of rodent control, because not everyone is right for you, so the most popular of them will be presented below.

How to get rid of mice in the country: ready-made effective ways and means

It all comes down to the fact that by purposefully and quickly destroying pests, one should not discount both folk and traditional means like mousetraps, special glue, and chemicals. In addition, modern types of scarers are very effective.


The most traditional and proven way to deal with mice is to place mousetraps around the house, which are usually wooden, but there are also plastic ones.

However, this method has many disadvantages:

  1. The need to extract and dispose of a caught rodent (not everyone can). If you forget to do this, the smell will be very unpleasant.
  2. If a whole horde of mice attacked your private house, then you will have to furnish all rooms with mousetraps.
  3. Mice do not always go to the intended bait, and very often they manage to avoid the mechanism triggering.

Special glue

The essence of this trap is as follows: you need to find some kind of substrate, for example, take a small piece of wood or cardboard, on which you apply special glue from mice, and optimally in the form of a circle, in the center of which you should definitely put a bait. Naturally, this mousetrap should be placed in the place of the most frequent congestion of rodents. When our pest comes running to feast on the bait, it will simply stick to the adhesive surface, where you will later find it.

To catch rats as a substrate, it is optimal to use plastic wrap, sticking to which the rodent will eventually completely wrap itself up and will no longer be able to get out.

By the way! Recently, manufacturers have begun to produce ready-made glue traps for mice, in which you only need to put bait.

Video: how to catch a mouse with glue

Poison (chemicals)

There are many different types of chemical poisons with which you can physically get rid of mice in your private house or in your garden:

  • grain baits;
  • granular preparations;
  • dough-cheese briquettes (sweets), whose main advantage is that mice can happily carry such “sweets” into their burrows, thereby you can get rid of a whole mouse colony;
  • paraffin briquettes (cookies) are excellent for protecting plants from rodents in winter (when they are sheltered), because this drug dissolves very slowly. Also, the funds work very effectively in damp rooms, for example, in basements.

As a rule, the baits are treated with special pesticides that do not cause panic and anxiety in rodents, so they calmly consume them, and can also transfer them to their houses, where they treat their relatives, and then they all die together.

There are also drugs withmummifying effect, which additionally allow you to get rid of the mouse smell, for example, if, after poisoning, the rodents managed to run to their crevices, where you cannot get anywhere, and died already inside them.

Important! It is necessary to follow all precautions exactly and carefully study the instructions for the use of pesticides, because they can poison your pets, as well as small children.

Mouse baits

  • toasted bread in unrefined sunflower oil;
  • piece of cheese;
  • nut.


It is most humane to use such remedies for mice that do not kill them, but scare them away, because of which they leave your home forever or for a sufficiently long time.

Ultrasonic Repeller

The easiest way to get rid of rats and mice in your country house and in a private house is to use an ultrasonic repeller.

The main advantages of using scarers are that:

  1. All you need to do is turn it on and forget. There is no need to add new portions of the poison or set new traps.
  2. You do not need to pull anyone out of the mousetraps, or remove the rodents that have died from the poison.

Note! There are special models for rooms (houses), as well as for use in the garden, for example, in a vegetable garden or greenhouse.

The only problem that can arise is the negative effects of ultrasonic waves on dogs, so carefully study the specifications of the device before buying.

Video: how to get rid of mice using ultrasonic scarers

Repeller drugs

If for some reason you cannot use poisonous drugs against mice and rats (for example, if you have small children or you do not want to physically destroy pests), then there are products containing a repellent that, with its smell, will help rid your home or outbuilding from rodents, just scaring them away with its "scent".

For example, such a remedy is the drug "Rubit Kysh ".

Folk remedies for mice in the garden and a private house

Almost all folk remedies for mice are based on the use of herbs, vegetables and other plants, namely, on their scaring off sharp and pungent odors, which will cause rodents to look for a new place of residence.

These plant repelling mice and rats include:

  • onion (cut onion);
  • pharmacy chamomile, elderberry, wormwood, tansy, burdock, medicinal black root (dogs), walnut and wild rosemary leaves.

Just spread the twigs or leaves of these plants in areas where rodents live or where you store your crops.

Video: how to save potatoes from mice in the basement using dry wormwood

By the way! You can protect your garden from mice by planting around the perimeter of the site mouse bow,or the sameblack root (people sometimes call him dogs).

It is not necessary to use only fresh or dried plants as repelling odors. For example, it can be tincture or oilpeppermint, with which you can moisten pieces of cotton wool or a cloth and put next to the mouse holes, or use a syringe to process the entire perimeter of the house.

Video: an eco-friendly way to combat mice with peppermint tincture

Again you can use wool... Take a tin can, set it on fire, and then put natural wool in it (it can be old knitted things, felt boots or recently sheared sheep wool). Mice are guaranteed to go far away.

Video: how to quickly get rid of mice using burnt wool

If the mice are wound up in your basement or cellar, then you can get rid of (more precisely, smoke) them in the following way. Take big dry hot pepper pod, wrap the newspaper in several layers and put in a metal bowl (or bucket). Set it on fire and do not open the room for 2-3 days. After the expiration of the period, be sure to ventilate the room.

In general, similarly you can use sulfur checker.

Deadly poison for rats and mice can be prepared with your own hands:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of peeled and crushed sunflower seeds and 2 tbsp. construction spoons alabaster or gypsum... Place a plate of water next to the dry mixture. As a result, alabaster or gypsum gets wet and hardens in the stomach, and the rodents die.
  • Take foam rubber, cut it into small pieces and soak fragrant sunflower oil. The effect will be very similar.

You can get rid of mice in the country once and for all only if you use the whole set of folk and traditional remedies, as well as popular modern methods.

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