How to plant and care for weigela outdoors: growing rules

Weigelu can rightfully be called one of the most luxurious ornamental flowering shrubs. This charming bush evokes a storm of positive emotions with the fantastically abundant flowering of its brightly colored bells, because of which the foliage is often not visible. It is noteworthy that the foliage itself attracts the eye, amazingly changing color depending on the season.

Even for a novice gardener, this beautiful plant can become a favorite due to its ease of planting and ease of growing and care in the open field.

Weigela: description of the shrub, the period of its flowering

It belongs to the genus of shrubs of the honeysuckle family. There are compact sizes up to 1 meter, there are also quite tall varieties up to 2-3 meters.

By the beauty of flowering, this magnificent shrub will definitely not yield to anyone. Weigela has large funnel-shaped or tubular-bell-shaped flowers (sometimes reaching 5 centimeters in length), which can be single or collected in a brush. Depending on the variety, the exquisite color range of flowers varies greatly: it can be red, pink, cream, white or even yellow. The main feature of the flowering of this amazing ornamental shrub is the variation in the color of the flowers: from pale to rich.

Weigela leaves also attract attention: green, soft, velvety with white, purple or red edging. Their intricate varietal color also fancifully changes depending on the season - at first, for example, green with a pale pinkish shade of edging, and in the fall - already a deep red.

Late May - early June - this is the time when weigels bloom. Summer bloom usually lasts for about a month. They can bloom again (naturally, less abundantly) in September-October, if the weather is warm.

Video: flowering weigela shrub

Popular types and varieties of weigela

There are more than 10 species of weigela of various varieties, but the most popular varieties of this shrub that are grown by gardeners are the following:

  • Blossoming (Weigela florida) (The most popular varieties are the dwarf "Monet", "Nana Variegata", "Nana Purpuria", "Alexandra" and others);

    Nana Purpuria
  • Abundantly flowering (Weigela Floribunda);
  • Early (Weigela praecox);
  • Middendorf (Weigela middendorffiana);

By the way! Weigela Middendorf, characterized by high frost resistance and excellentshade tolerance.

  • Maximovich (Weigela maximowiczii);
  • Pleasant (Weigela suavis);
  • Korean (Weigela coraeensis);
  • Japanese (Weigela japonica);

Video: flowering and types of weigela

Recently, it has become very popular, including due to its winter hardiness, weigela Bristol Ruby.

Weigela breeding methods

Weigela is generally best propagated cuttings... The optimal time is early spring before bud break. The stalk must be cut so that it has 3-4 buds and a length of 10-12 centimeters. Next, it must be treated with one of the root formation stimulants, for example, a root. Then put it in a cool and dark place for 12 hours. During this time, the cut will dry out and absorb the root stimulant. That's it, the stalk can be planted (to a depth of 0.5-1 centimeter) and covered with a film (mini-greenhouse). It can take about a month or more to root. As early as next spring, the cutting can be planted in a permanent place in open ground.

Seminal the method is also considered suitable, but one must understand that this is a very long process and it will take a very long time to wait for flowering.

Weigela can be propagated and layering, in other words, by dropping a twig, but the method is very ineffective.

Video: reproduction of weigela by cuttings and seeds

Planting weigela in open ground

Landing dates

Optimally plant weigela in open ground in the spring. The main thing is to meet the deadlines before the kidneys swell. Thus, weigela can be planted from the end of March to May: in March-April - in the south, in April-May - in the Middle zone and the Moscow region.

Autumn planting of bush seedlings is not recommended, because they may not have time to take root and, accordingly, will freeze out in winter.

Place on the site

As for the place for planting weigelas, it should be open and sunny, only in this case the shrub will bloom profusely.If you plant it in light partial shade, then it can also take root well, but the flowering will not be so violent, although very beautiful. It is also very important to choose a place where the shrub is well protected from drafts, otherwise its leaves and flowers may be damaged during strong northerly winds. The south side of the house is perfect for these purposes.

As for the use of weigela in garden design, low-growing shrub varieties are ideal for rocky areas of the garden, tall ones look good in a flowering hedge. Also, this very attractive shrub can be planted in mixborders, on alpine slides, not far from reservoirs and artificial ponds.

Beautifully planting weigela next to ferns, hosts, lilies of the valley, juniper and also astilbe.

The shrub will look interesting in joint plantings with spiraea, cotoneaster and barberry.

It is effective to plant single bushes near the entrance to your home or next to the gate.

Landing pit and soil

To plant a weigela seedling, you will need to prepare a planting pit about 30-40 cm deep and wide (diameter). there was stagnant water.

The shrub requires loose and fertile soil, so the planting holes should be filled with organic matter (humus, compost).

Weigela seedlings should be planted at a distance of 2-3 meters, because the shrub grows strongly.

Direct planting of a seedling

Advice! It is ideal to purchase weigela seedlings 3-4 years old. It will also be just fine if, before planting in open ground, you dip the roots of the seedling into a solution of a root formation stimulator (Kornevin).

Step-by-step instructions for planting weigels in open ground:

  1. Buy a seedling and wait for the optimal planting time.
  2. Prepare the planting pit, make drainage.
  3. Fill the hole with fertile soil.
  4. Plant the seedling and cover with the remaining nutrient soil, without deepening the root collar.
  5. Water abundantly.
  6. Tie to a peg so that the wind does not tilt it.
  7. Cover the tree trunk circle with mulch, for example, with peat, sawdust or tree bark.

Video: when to plant weigela in open ground

Outdoor care for weigela

The agrotechnics of growing weigela is not so difficult, the rules for care are quite simple.

Weigela is one of those shrubs that love moisture, but cannot tolerate waterlogging. Therefore, after each watering it is necessary loosen the soil in the trunk circle, or else mulch it beforehand (near the trunk circle), which will enable the plant to constantly receive oxygen, and the earth will not sour after watering.

As for the frequency watering weigels, then on hot summer days, weekly watering will be enough for the shrubs. And in the spring, you can do without watering at all if the soil has remained wet since winter or it rains. In general, you just need to make sure that the earth does not dry out too much.

It is enough to feed the shrub 2 times per season. First time it is recommended to feed the weigela nitrogen fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate) in early spring. The second and last time the plant should be fed when it begins to form buds, in other words, before flowering. At this stage, the shrub requires phosphorus-potassium fertilization. In this case, for example, you can use superphosphate and potassium sulfate, as well as, optionally, potassium monophosphate.

The shrub lends itself well formative pruning, so you can control its size and shape if you want.

In the spring, it is prudent to spend sanitary pruning of all dry, frozen, broken and diseased branches. It may also be required after each flowering.

Note! On our website you can read in detail about caring for a weigela in the fall and preparing it for winter (shelter).

Thus, if you plant weigela in the spring at your summer cottage, and then grow it correctly, observing all the conditions for caring for the plant, then this flowering deciduous shrub will delight you with its incredibly bright and lush flowering for several decades.

Video: planting weigela, care and description of the shrub

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