How to plant petunias in peat tablets: step-by-step instructions with a photo

As practice shows, growing petunia seedlings from seeds is not so easy, since the process is quite long.

If you have already tried sowing petunia in the standard way and the result did not please you, then you should try to plant it in peat tablets. The fact is that peat tablets are ideal for small-seeded plants, which, in addition to petunias, also include eustoma, lobelia, Snapdragon and many others others (root celery).

Next, you will learn how to properly plant petunia seeds in peat tablets, what you need to take into account, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this method (unfortunately, they really are).

Benefits of planting and growing petunia seedlings in peat tablets

  • High seed germination (which is especially important for pelleted petunia seeds, which are not cheap).
  • The pills are usually filled nutritious peat soil, which means that the seedlings will be provided with all the necessary nutrition for good growth and development. Additional feeding is not required.
  • Peat soil is completely ready for sowing; it does not need to be additionally disinfected.
  • Can be grown without picks (if you take tablets of a suitable size right away).
  • At the same time, it is quite convenient to transplant (transshipment of seedlings in peat tablets into cups).

Interesting! Some gardeners say that peat tablets are enough retain moisture well, others, on the contrary, complain that they quickly dry up... Most likely, the matter is in poor quality peat, in other words, in the quality of the tablets themselves.


Of course, the use of peat tablets also has its drawbacks:

  • Quite high price (taking into account that it is advisable to grow only 1 plant);
  • It is recommended to sow 1 seed in each tablet.
  • If the seedlings have grown into tablets (the roots have sprouted into a protective shell), then they will have to be transplanted into new containers without fail, while you can simply add soil to the planting containers.
  • Unfortunately, a huge number of low-quality peat tablets are now on sale.

In any case, to use peat tablets you have to get used to (adjust).

How to sow petunia seeds in peat tablets for seedlings

What seeds are better to sow in peat tablets

Most summer residents believe that for planting in peat tablets it is better to use pelleted (granular) petunia seeds, and for standard sowing in ordinary planting containers with soil - the simplest (small) ones.

Selection of peat tablets

Peat tablets are sold in different sizes (diameters). For growing petunias, it is advisable to stop at the following: 27, 36 and 42 mm.

As the saying goes, the pill is different. Indeed, the quality of most peat tablets today is poor. Many gardeners recommend Jeffy tablets, but among them there are not very good specimens.

Note! It is highly discouraged to use similar, as in the picture below, "budget" seedling kits (cassettes with peat tablets).

The fact is that these are not exactly the "peat tablets", which are discussed in the article, they do not even have a corny shell.

Preparing peat tablets for planting

Before sowing petunia seeds in tablets, you must prepare them, namely, pour water so that they swelled to the appropriate size.

Advice! As a rule, the packaging with peat tablets contains instructions for their use.

In general, the process is as follows:

  • Arrange the tablets in a container grooves up (if they are).
  • Fill warm water. Moreover, it is advisable to add water gradually, in small portions - so you are guaranteed not to overmoisten the tablets.

If you pour pills boiling waterthen they swell almost instantly.

If you bought peat tablets in special cells, then you will need to fill each one with water separately.

  • Wait a few minutes for the moisture to be absorbed and the tablets increase in size (swell).

If water remains in the container after the tablets swell, then it must be drained.

  • The tablets are almost ready for sowing seeds.

Important! Further it is very important squeeze the tablets slightly after soaking or place on a dry napkin (so that excess moisture comes out of them)... The point is that the pills absorb too much moisture and retain it for a long time, which seems to be good ... However, tugovidny seeds, to which petunia can be easily attributed, can mold or rot in such an extremely humid environment.

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

Step-by-step instructions for planting petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets:

  • We prepare peat tablets.
  • Place one granulated seed in each peat tablet in the center (in the depression). Seeds (pills) are very convenient to lay out with the help of a moistened tip of a toothpick, to which they will stick well.

Important! In no case no need to bury or sprinkle the seeds on top with soil. We sow only superficially. The seeds are small, they simply do not have enough strength to break through the thickness of the soil.

  • Further, it is highly recommended to slightly moisten the pelleted seeds from a spray bottle so that they become soaked faster and begin to germinate (the pellets should be soaked to a mushy state).
  • We cover the container with peat tablets with a lid or cover with foil to create greenhouse conditions that will promote better seed germination.
  • We remove the containers with tablets in a warm place, where the average temperature is about +25 degrees (up to 30).

By the way! The place does not have to be light, it is quite possible to remove it on the kitchen cabinet (before germination).

The opinion that petunia seeds germinate only in the light is wrong.

  • Periodically (once a day) we ventilate our greenhouse with seeds by opening the lid (so that condensation does not accumulate on it).

Video: sowing petunia seeds in peat tablets

Care of seedlings of petunia in peatpills

As soon as the first shoots appear (it is advisable to wait for all the seeds to sprout), remove the cover or film and urgently move it to a sunny windowsill or under phytolamps. If you oversleep, then in the absence of light, the seedlings will inevitably stretch out.

For the normal development of petunia seedlings, enough long daylight hours - at least 12 hours (or better 14)... Therefore, in March, you will most likely have to use special lamps for additional illumination of seedlings.

If you do not have the opportunity to light up the seedlings, you will need to lower the temperature to at least +18 .. + 20 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch out.

In general, the optimum temperature for further growing petunia seedlings is +20 .. +22 degrees.

The most important thing when growing petunia seedlings, especially if you planted it in peat tablets, is to carefully control substrate moisture (peat soil) and moisten it as needed (after the top layer has dried). In no case should waterlogging be allowed!

Young seedlings are very convenient to water via syringe or pear (syringe).

And here no need to feed, all the necessary nutrients are already in the tablets.

If the plants suddenly outgrow their tablets (for example, due to the fact that you initially choose tablets that are too small), then they will need dive into more spacious containers.

When the seedlings of petunia grow up, you will need to transplant it into the soil on the flowerbed along with the tablet (after removing the protective shell).

Petunia seedlings picks into peat tablets

Some growers use peat tablets as, so to speak, a transfer point.

So, initially they carry out a standard surface sowing of seeds in common containers, and then, when the seedlings have 2 cotyledonous leaves (and / or the first real leaves have already begun to form), they dive into peat tablets.

How to dive into peat tablets?

  • First, they need to be prepared - filled with water so that they swell (for more details, see the section “preparing tablets for sowing).
  • Then make a depression in the center.
  • Dive young seedlings along the holes made.

It is highly desirable to drag a plant with a clod of earth on its roots.

  • To deepen the seedlings almost to the cotyledons.
  • Gently tamp (compact) the soil around the seedlings so that there are no voids.
  • Watering.

Further, when the seedlings outgrow peat tablets, they are transplanted into individual cups or immediately planted in the ground.

Important! Many gardeners recommend first (before transplanting or planting in the ground) to remove the shell from the tablets.

Leave or remove the protective grid (shell) of the tablet when transplanting or planting in the ground

Very often you can find a recommendation not to delete the outer mesh (shell), because she will gradually dissolve in the soil.

However, experience has shown that it is highly desirable not to leave the coating on the tablet. The fact is that, as a rule, it does not decompose in the soil (at least for the season) and sometimes interferes freely develop the root system of the plant, becoming a kind of obstacle to the growth of roots.

Well, now you know how to use peat tablets to plant petunia seeds. Try it! It's very convenient, you just have to get used to it. Good luck!

Note! The author of the next video suggests sowing 2 pills (seeds) in each tablet, which is why he has to plant (dive) the plants prematurely.

Video: growing petunia seedlings in peat tablets

1 Comment
  1. Liza :

    Where were you before, we planted, and they probably rotted, stood in the water

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