We plant grapes in the spring correctly: when and how to plant a seedling in the ground - instructions for beginners

You have decided to start your vineyard, choosing the spring period for this. Obviously, you want the grape bush to quickly take root, start actively growing and developing, so that in 3 years to give the first decent harvest. What is needed for this? Of course, initially to plant according to all the rules.

Below you will find all the necessary information about when and how to properly plant a grape seedling in the spring, what preparatory measures need to be taken before direct planting into the ground, what care will be required after planting.

Important! If you you bought grape cuttings, you want to germinate and plant them in springthen it will be more useful for you this material.

When to plant grapes in spring: optimal timing

The timing of planting grapes in spring depends on the climate of the region and the current weather conditions, as well as the type of seedling (open or closed root system).

So, closed root seedlings (in containers) it is recommended to plant only when the weather is stable (+10 .. + 15 degrees) and the ground warms up well (up to + 8..10 degrees), of course, after the threat of return spring frosts has passed, i.e. late spring.

If you plant a vegetative (green) seedling in an insufficiently heated soil, then it will experience severe stress and "freeze" in development, which will significantly delay its growth.

And here seedlings with open root system can be planted much earlier, even in early spring, as soon as the soil allows (it will freeze and you can simply dig a hole). The fact is that such seedlings must be planted at rest (while the buds have not yet opened).

Thus, the approximate dates for spring planting of grapes in different regions are as follows:

  • In the South of Russia, planting can be done in March-April.
  • In the Central lane (Moscow region), grape seedlings are planted from May, more often from the second half.

By the way! In general, you can plant earlier (at the end of April-first half of May), if you plant the seedlings under a shelter (in a greenhouse), in which they can survive the recurrent night frosts.

  • In the Urals and Siberia, they are waiting for at least the second half of May or even the end of the month.

Around the same time, grapes are planted in the North-West (in the Leningrad region).

According to the lunar calendar for 2020

Choose the optimal date for planting seedlings can help you Moon calendar.

So, favorable days for spring planting of grape seedlings in 2020, according to the lunar calendar, are:

  • in March - 26-29;
  • in April - 11-15, 24, 25;
  • in May - 2-10.

Of course, it is not always possible to get to the dacha on favorable days, so the main thing is not to land on unfavorable dates (the days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as during the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign - italicized).

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2020, the following dates are for planting grapes in spring:

  • in March - 9,19-21, 24;
  • in April - 8,15-17, 23;
  • in May - 7,13-14, 22;
  • in June - 5,9-11, 21.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

When is it better to plant - in spring or autumn

There is no consensus on this issue among winegrowers, which means that everything is at your discretion. Convenient in spring - plant in spring.

The fact is that both spring and autumn plantings have their pros and cons.

The site already has a detailed article about when and how to plant grapes in autumn.

How to plant grapes in spring

Timely landing, performed in accordance with all the rules, is the key to high survival rate. Next, you will receive a complete step-by-step guide for planting grapes in the spring, namely: recommendations for choosing a place, for preparing a planting pit and direct planting of seedlings in the ground.

By the way! More about boarding grape cuttings read in this article.

How to pick a good grape variety

Note! The site already has a number of detailed materials about the most popular and best grape varieties:

Choosing a quality seedling

If you are a beginner winegrower, then your first priority is to find conscientious sellerwho will tell you everything, show and not deceive.

In general, a high-quality grape seedling must meet the following requirements:

  • The variety should be zoned, i.e. local, suitable for growing in your climatic conditions (for example, southern seedlings in the conditions of the Middle Lane are likely to die in the first winter).
  • Have good developed root system.

Ideal parameters for a 1 year old seedling:

  • The length (height) of the aerial part (growth) is 10-20 cm (3-5 buds), and its thickness (vines) is 5-12 mm (on average, 1 cm at the base).
  • The rootstock (stem) is 20-40 cm (the distance between the growth and the heel roots).
  • Calcaneal (main) roots - at least 10-20 cm long (as a rule, they are even 30-40).

Relevant for a grafted seedling.

  • If you buy a seedling with an open root system (it has bare roots), then on its the aerial part should not have any leaves (i.e. the kidneys must be dormant).

An exception is containerized seedlings. The leaves should already be on them.

  • Of course, when buying, you should carefully examine the seedling. for damage to the bark, cracks, wounds, growths, mold.

It is believed that it is even more desirable to plant 2-year-old seedlings.

How to prepare a seedling with an open root system for planting

Before proceeding with the direct planting of seedlings in the ground, it is advisable to carry out their pre-planting preparation and processing a couple of days before that, which will be aimed at checking their condition, improving survival rate and reducing post-plant stress.

Pre-planting preparation of grape seedlings may include the following activities:

  • First of all, it is recommended to check the general condition of the seedling, namely a little trim the top (top) In the cut area, the seedling should be light green. This will clearly indicate that the seedling is healthy (alive) and can be planted.
  • Further, in the same way, check the condition of the roots of the seedling, i.e. slightly refresh-cut (1-2 cm) their lower part. If the color light coffee (whitish yellow), then everything is in order - the roots are alive.

Some growers only prune roots if they are too long or spoiled (blackened). If the roots are normal (white) and fit well into the hole, then they are not pruned at all.

  • Then you need shorten the main roots to 15-20 cm (some leave even less - 10 cm). The fact is that if you leave too long roots, then when planting you will definitely bend them up and the seedling will not take root. And also this procedure stimulates better branching of roots.

By the way! There is one rather radical method, when the roots are taken into a fist and everything that remains below is removed.

  • The following procedure is - soaking... To do this, you need to place the roots of the seedling in water at room temperature for 12-24 hours (for example, overnight).
  • Some summer residents additionally (i.e., first in water, and then in a growth stimulator) soak the seedlings in water with the addition of one of the root growth stimulants, for example, in a solution of "Kornevin", "Heteroauxin", honey (1 tablespoon of honey in a bucket of water).
  • And already directly just before landing in the ground seedling roots desirable dip in a clay mug.

Video: preparing grape seedlings for planting

Preparing a container seedling for planting - growing it

Seedlings with a closed root system (in a pot), as a rule, are not subjected to any preparation procedures, but are simply planted in the ground along with an earthen clod.

Another thing is that even in early spring you can transfer the seedlings together with the earthen clod into more spacious containers, so to speak, for growing, in order to plant already well-developed plants in a sufficiently warmed soil (in the second half of May).

By the way! The same can be done with open-root seedlings.For more details, see the video below.

Video: container method of planting grapes in spring

Suitable place and soil

In order for the grapes to develop well, not get sick, winter well (not freeze) and delight you with regular and abundant harvests, you need to first plant the grapes in the right place. Namely, you need to choose the sunniest, warmest and driest place in the garden.

It will be just fine if the grapes are in the shade of a tree at lunchtime, but before and after lunch it should be as well lit as possible.

When choosing a suitable place for grapes, you should also consider the following recommendations:

  • It is desirable that on the north side the grape bushes are protected from cold winds, for example, by some kind of structure (i.e. the grapes were covered by a house, barn, bathhouse or fence).

In this case, you need to retreat from the building by 0.5-1 meters.

  • Planting is recommended on hills (hills) either on level ground, but in no way in the lowlands.

If you have no choice and have to plant grapes in a lowland, then it is advisable to plant them on a small hillock (high bed).

  • Ground water should not be closer than 1.5-2 meters to the root system of the bush.

Of course, there are quite unpretentious and hardy varieties that can adapt to shady, damp and windy areas, but they certainly will not differ in sweetness and large-fruited.

The grapes will grow well if the soil is fertile and relatively loose, well permeable to moisture and air, in other words, moisture and breathable.

If your soil is not entirely suitable, then it does not matter: you only need to prepare and fill the landing pit in a certain way.

Video: the perfect place to plant grapes

Idea! Grapes can be planted and grown in the greenhouse... There the harvest will ripen 2-3 weeks earlier, and the berries will be larger.

Preparing the planting pit: what (what fertilizers) is better to fill

The optimal size of the planting pit for grapes is about 60 by 60 cm, i.e .:

  • 50-60 cm wide (or diameter);
  • 60-80 cm deep.

If you have very clayey soil, then the depth of the pit should preferably be 10-15 cm below the clay level.

A logical question: “Why dig such a deep and large hole

  • First of all, the point is that grape roots have poor frost resistance, and when the temperature in the root layer drops to -6 ..- 10 degrees, they can freeze, which can lead to the death of the entire bush. It is for this that the root system is buried.
  • It is also worth understanding that if you have barren land, the same sand or, as they say, "reinforced concrete" (stones / clay / sandstone), then what kind of grapes can we talk about at all? Therefore, for the successful cultivation of grapes, you must create a kind of pantry of nutrient soil and fertilizers, which should be enough for the next few years (on average for 3-4 years).

Advice! And about that how and what to feed adult grapes in spring, summer and autumn, You can find out from this article.

After you have dug the planting hole, it should be filled with fertile soil, organic matter and fertilizers, which should preferably be laid out in layers:

Remember! When digging a hole fold the fertile soil layer (top 20-40 cm) nearbysince you still need it.

  • Drainage layer (if necessary).
  • If your soil is loamy or even more so clayeythen drainage (from broken brick, expanded clay, pebbles) obligatory.
  • If the soil sandy (sandy loam), then you can get by and without drainage.
  • 1 layer (20-40 cm) - thoroughly mix organic matter and garden soil - humus and / or compost (2-3 buckets), deoxidized peat, sand (if the soil is clay), the top layer of fertile soil, add mineral fertilizers - superphosphate (200-400 grams) and potassium sulfate (100-200 grams) or wood ash (up to 1 kg).

If the soil is sandy, then it is better to add more nutritious soil and fertilizers (pour a layer of 30-40 cm).

  • 2 layer (5-10 cm) - make a pillow from the top fertile layer of garden soil left after digging a hole.

If you plant right away, then this layer is simply necessary, otherwise the root system can get severe burns.

  • Now you need to compact the soil well to speed up the shrinkage, and then pour 2-3 buckets of water into the pit.
  • After the water has been absorbed, the seedling can be planted.

However! It is still better to prepare (fill) the landing pit in a month or at least a couple of weeks before the scheduled landing date. This is required in order for the entire fertile mixture to settle, and fertilizers to saturate the earth and in the future do not burn young roots.

Video: preparing a planting pit and soil for planting grapes


Planting scheme: at what distance to plant

As for the distance between the grape bushes, it should be about 2-3 meters, and between the rows - at least 2.5-3 m.

If you plant grape seedlings at too close a distance, then they will corny begin to shade each other, because of thickening, the bushes will be poorly blown. As a result yields will fall, and the risk of infection with fungal diseases will increase.

Advice! The best is the direction of the trellis N-S

Important! In no case, do not plant two seedlings at once in one hole: they will oppress each other, and you will not get a double increase in the yield, on the contrary.

Direct planting of a seedling

Step-by-step instructions for planting grapes in spring:

  • A small mound of fertile garden soil is poured at the bottom of a pre-prepared and filled planting pit (important for seedlings with an open root system).
  • A pre-prepared seedling (soaked and with cut roots) is installed on it (on a mound), while all the roots are neatly straightened down so that they in no case are bent and do not look up.

The heel roots should be located at a depth of 30-50 from the soil surface (on average, exactly 30 cm).

In other words, the planting depth depends on the heating of the soil in the spring. If you live in the Middle Lane, then no deeper than 30 cm, if in the South of Russia, then up to 50 cm is possible.

Advice! If the soil is sand, then you need to plant deeper. If the clay is smaller.

  • Next, you need to cover the roots of the seedling with fertile garden soil without any fertilizers.

Note! If you plant grafted seedling, in no case should the place of his vaccination be buried. Otherwise, the roots of the scion will appear, and it will move to them.

  • At the end, the hole is filled with 1-2 buckets of water (so that the earth covers the roots, and there are no voids). After absorption, if the soil has shrunk, then it will be necessary to additionally fill up more fertile soil.

After you fill in the roots, you should have a relatively deep hole (about 10-20 cm to the ground surface).

  • Further, if you wish, so that moisture does not evaporate quickly and weeds do not grow, you can mulch the seedling (for example, peat, humus, dry cut grass, rotted sawdust).

Video: planting grape seedlings in spring with an open and closed root system

An alternative method of planting a seedling

Some gardeners recommend filling the grapes almost completely, leaving no 10-20 centimeter holes.

However! It is worth warning right away that it is much easier to cover a bush with sleeves below ground level, as it is more convenient to water a young bush in the hole.

In general, this is usually done when autumn planting.

The nuances of planting a container seedling with a closed root system (in a pot)

  • Plant such seedlings exclusively on a flat surface, i.e. no no need to make mounds.
  • If upon landing container seedling you violated his earthy lumpthen you need tear off all the leaves, otherwise the seedling may not take root. If the clod of earth is completely preserved, then nothing needs to be cut off.
  • Grape seedlings with ZKS (closed root system) must be planted in such a way that the upper level of the coma coincided with the lower level of the hole, that is, the same 10-20 cm should remain to the surface of the earth.

Landing with a snorkel

Some growers additionally insert a tube into the landing hole (so to speak, they organize an irrigation system)so that nutrient moisture (including liquid dressings) can immediately reach the roots. However, this method of planting has recently been practiced less and less.

Advice! You can read more about this in our material. about the rules and methods of watering grapes.

Video: planting a grape seedling in the spring in a planting pit with a tube

How to care for grapes after planting

The essence of post-plant grape care is reduced to timely maintenance of the optimal moisture level, which contributes to the early survival of the seedling.

So, watering young grape bushes should be done every 10-14 days, pouring out about 1-2 buckets of water.

If the weather is rainy, then you do not need to additionally moisten: you just need to loosen the root zone so that an earthen crust does not form (unless you have previously mulched the bushes).

It is also highly recommended to shade young seedlings with something, so that bright sunlight does not fall on them, which can burn their young leaves (if any). Alternatively, a white spanbond (15-30 md) is suitable for this.

By the way! In theory, such a shelter will be able to protect the seedlings from recurrent spring night frosts.

In the future, the main activities for the care of grapes will include the following:

Well, you are now familiar with the terms and rules for the spring planting of grapes, it remains only to plant the seedling correctly, and then make some efforts to grow it further (namely, to correctly shape-cut, water, fertilize, cover for the winter), so that in the end your the bush brought you a good harvest.

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