How to collect seeds from a petunia flower: timing and collection method

The end of summer is on the nose, and as it follows, based on the realities of flower life, many novice florists have problems collecting completely microscopic petunia seeds. Without cunning, we can say that this is a rather tricky business, since there are several factors, the importance of which cannot be underestimated.

So what should you do if you like the most beautiful petunia with a particularly pleasant smell (its variety), and you are betting on collecting its seeds?

What petunias can you collect seeds from?

Only all are suitable for collection simple one-color varieties petunias. If you sow, harvest and sow them regularly, they will repeat the same color every year.

By the way! The seed box of terry petunia cannot be found (it simply does not exist, there is an empty space), because it does not form seeds. However, the successful experience of amateur flower growers suggests that you can propagate by cuttings.

The same applies to hybrid varieties and varieties. Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule, therefore, it is still worth checking for the presence of a box with the cherished seeds, but the color of the flowers will most likely change.

When to collect petunia seeds: timing

When the flower of the plant itself completely withers, it naturally becomes dry, its seed pod will ripen (at first it is green), acquiring a yellowish tint, and then it opens (or does not open, this is not scary), you can start collecting seeds.

Advice! The main thing is not to miss the right moment, otherwise all the seed material will simply scatter around the yard.

As a rule, the date for collecting petunia seeds begins in June and lasts until September (in other words, during the entire flowering). From this it directly follows that they need to be collected as they mature.

Naturally, the procedure is best performed on a dry sunny day.

How to collect petunia seeds

Many people mistakenly think that small, barely noticeable seeds are somewhere in the dried leaves, and this is partly true.

This is how the opened seed box of petunia looks like:

By the way! If you do not want petunia to waste energy on the formation of seeds (or you do not need them, although this is very strange, because you are reading this material because, on the contrary, you want to collect them), then you can simply cut off the buds as they bloom , then you can prolong the lush bloom of your beauty.

Step-by-step instructions for collecting petunia seeds:

  1. Wait for the flower to wither and dry.
  2. Tear off the dry flower carefully.
  3. Next, you will see a green tubercle - the future seed capsule.
  4. When this seed pod ripens, dries up (turns brown) and begins to open, then you will see small dark brown or black grains, which are much smaller than poppy (0.5 mm in diameter, weight - 0.05 g). This usually takes up to 3 weeks. If the box does not open, although it has already dried up, then it can be torn off and opened at home by yourself.
  5. Now you will need to cut off these heads (seed pods with sepals) and bring home.
  6. Already at home, carefully place the cut heads with boxes on a paper towel (or napkin), which then place in some not very deep dish.
  7. Now all that remains is to carefully pour out all the seeds from each box.
  8. And then collect in bags, sign and put in storage.

Important! Some growers advise not to pluck flowers, that is skip step # 2.

How to store petunia seeds

When the seed material is all collected and dried, all that remains is to pour it into paper envelopes or bags, which must be signed with the name of the variety or color.

Advice! It is convenient to collect seeds in a special small plastic flask and store in it.

Petunia seed should be stored at home at room temperature in a fairly dry place.

And next year you can already grow simply magnificent petunias from your own seeds.

By the way! About, how to plant petunia on seedlings with your own or purchased seeds, read in this material.

As is well known, petunias give a lot of seeds, you just need to collect them correctly and save them until sowing next year. And this is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The vector of the procedure is given, now you know about the required collection time, about the correct methods for collecting and storing high-quality seed material worked out for years. So good luck!

Video: how to collect seeds from petunias

  1. Olga :

    This is all clear, thanks. But I somehow planted my own seeds and purchased ones: my weak seedlings turned out, and the store ones were strong. Why?

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Hello! Interesting experience ... As a rule, everything is the other way around, their own ones sprout perfectly, but there are always some problems with the store ones.

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