How to save horseradish root for the winter

Everyone grows horseradish in the country, but not everyone knows that you can make a very tasty "horseradish" out of it. But the spicy seasoning of horseradish sauce will be to the taste of every real gourmet and will make dishes with meat and fish (the same dumplings, jellied meat) unique and tasty in a special way.

Read below how to properly cook and store horseradish root in winter at home!

How to store horseradish for the winter at home

Winter horseradish storage methods

Owners of a private house can store a root crop in the winter in a cellar or basement in boxes with sand, sawdust, and earth. In the apartment - in the refrigerator, freezer. Of course, the most versatile method is preservation and / or pickling. Let's consider each storage option separately.

Please note! In the air, horseradish root dries out very quickly and loses its beneficial properties.

How to store horseradish at home in winter

Fresh in the basement or cellar

What is the best way to store horseradish in a private house in winter:

  • In boxes, or even better, buckets of sawdust... The sequence of actions is as follows: they dug it out, dried it a little (the main thing - do not wash it in any case), then one by one the spine was wrapped with cling film and put in a box, pouring sawdust... In this form, horseradish will remain quite fresh and juicy for 4-5 months, i.e. until about midwinter.

Advice! Some recommend sprinkling them not with dry sawdust, but moisten them first by spilling them with water. Thus, horseradish will be in a humid environment and cold, which will prevent it from drying out. Naturally, in this case, you do not need to wrap with any film.

  • Similarly, you can store by pouring sand or simply ground (preferably peat).

However, it should be understood that over time, the horseradish root will dry out and lose its properties.

Optimum storage temperature in a cellar or basement:

  • temperature - not lower than zero and not higher than +4 degrees;
  • humidity should be kept within 80-90%.

How to store fresh horseradish in a cellar

In a refrigerator

In an apartment or house, you can store fresh horseradish roots in the refrigerator in plastic bags or containers, of course, before washing them well, peeling and drying them.

By the way, it is better to use vacuum bags, like containers (lids).

Fresh horseradish will be stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for a month or a little more.

In the freezer

Can horseradish be stored in the freezer? Sure you may. Perhaps this is the best way to keep horseradish relatively fresh for a long time.

However! It should be understood that the taste of horseradish, namely, its severity, will decrease over time. It will not disappear completely, but it will change.

Therefore it is very important pack roots as tightly as possible, then their taste will not change for a long time.

To keep the root crop in the freezer for the winter, you must do the following: first wash it thoroughly, peel it, dry it. Next, cut the roots into pieces (you can even grind them very finely, for example) and place them whole in vacuum bags or containers for freezing, and then in the freezer.

Advice! Pack immediately in portions (for example, 50-100 grams) to defrost only the amount you use quickly.

How to keep horseradish fresh in the refrigerator

Dried ground (powder)

Surprisingly, horseradish can be stored in a ground form.

So, here's how to do it:

  • You can dry horseradish roots in an electric dryer or oven (or on a cabinet). But first you need to rinse it thoroughly, peel it (with a vegetable peeler), cut it into pieces.
  • And actually grind in a coffee grinder or similar device.

Interesting! The author of the following video, before grinding in a coffee grinder, recommends crushing dry roots in a mortar (mortar).

  • Pour into a jar and close the lid.
  • Store in a dry and dark place.

How to use? Dilute with warm water and, of course, add beet juice, salt, sugar if desired.

Video: how to make horseradish powder

Homemade horseradish for the winter - canning and pickling

Horseradish and various horseradish sauces are especially popular in Russian cuisine.

Consider some of the most popular recipes for preserving horseradish for the winter using canning.

Horseradish, pureed in a jar, can stand in the refrigerator for up to a year or more. However, it is believed that useful substances disappear after 2-3 months.

Horseradish with vinegar - a classic recipe

  • Ingredients - 400-600 grams of horseradish roots.
  • Marinade (brine) - 400-600 ml of water, 40-60 ml (3-4 tablespoons) 9% table vinegar or 60-90 ml 6% (5-6 tablespoons), 20-30 grams of salt (2 -3 teaspoons with a slide), 20-30 grams of sugar (3-4 teaspoons with a slide).

By the way! You can use 6% apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar.

And to keep the grated horseradish more acute, can reduce the amount of added sugar or don't put it down at all.

The sequence of actions for preparing harvesting horseradish with vinegar for the winter:

  • Rinse the horseradish roots and peel them (it is convenient to use a regular vegetable peeler).

Advice! If the horseradish roots are dry, it is recommended to put them unpeeled in cold water for 30-60 minutes.

  • Prepare the marinade: dissolve sugar and salt in water, add vinegar + other ingredients and mix.

Advice! Heat treatment (using boiling water) reduces the amount of nutrients in vegetables, so it is recommended to use boiled water cooled to room temperature.

  • Sterilize the horseradish jars (boil with the lids).

Think! It is believed that horseradish cannot ferment, which means there is no point in sterilizing jars.

  • Grate the horseradish roots on a fine grater, pass through a meat grinder or grind in a mixer.

Important! When passing horseradish through a meat grinder, be sure to immediately put a plastic bag on it so that the “horseradish vapor” does not cut your eyes. And in general, it's not worth joking with horseradish - burns eyes stronger than onions.

How to keep pureed horseradish at home

  • Pour the marinade into chopped horseradish and mix thoroughly until smooth (in a separate container).
  • Fill sterilized jars with horseradish and close the lids.

How to store horseradish root at home using conservation

If you wish, you can pasteurize the finished product in jars for 15-20 minutes and only then screw the lids.

With citric acid or juice

Everything is similar to the previous recipe, you only need to replace vinegar with citric acid (20 grams).

In general, you can use the same as a more natural preservative. lemon juice (20-30 ml).

With honey

If you do not use sugar, you can replace it with honey (in the same amount).

With beets

Alternatively, you can use beet juice instead of water, or simply add twisted beets to the other ingredients.

With sunflower oil

You can use sunflower oil as an additional preservative by adding it on top before closing the jar.

Horseradish with garlic and tomatoes ("horseradish jam") - recipe without vinegar

Required ingredients: 1 kg of tomatoes, 100 grams of garlic, 100 grams of horseradish, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. If you wish, you can add sweet bell peppers (also twist it) and increase the amount of horseradish if you want the horseradish to be thicker.


  • we clean and wash the horseradish, we do the same with garlic and tomatoes;
  • then first grind horseradish and garlic in a blender or meat grinder (after putting a bag on it), and then scroll the tomatoes into a separate container;
  • add salt and sugar to separately scrolled tomatoes (1 tablespoon each);
  • then add horseradish and garlic and mix thoroughly;
  • let it brew for 30-40 minutes under a closed lid;
  • pour the horseradish into sterilized jars and close the lids;
  • put it in the refrigerator.

Advice! For better preservation (longer shelf life), you can add vinegar or citric acid (juice).

However, as practice shows, horseradish can be stored for a long time (up to a year) without additional preservatives.

With mayonnaise

You can mix just grated horseradish (or powder + water) with mayonnaise in any proportion (to taste). Such horseradish will be much softer and tastier.

However, mayonnaise sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, so this preparation cannot be called "winter": it is prepared to be added and eaten right away.

Well, now you know how to keep horseradish fresh, frozen, ground and canned for the winter. Dare, but know, it will be sharp!

  1. Alexei :

    Thank you, everything is simple and clear. I'll try to dry it. Now we are using a different recipe with honey.
    100 g Horseradish,
    100 g Luke,
    100 g Garlic and
    300 gr. Honey.
    Pass everything through a meat grinder and mix with honey.

    1. Nadezhda Chirkova :

      Thanks for the personal recipe!

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