How to save pumpkin for the winter: ways of long winter storage

Pumpkin is a real treasure trove of vitamins (especially vitamin A - carotene) and microelements that the body needs so much in winter. However, the question arises: how to store pumpkin at home?

Next, let's talk about the best ways and conditions for storing pumpkin for a long time in winter.

Pumpkin is a wonderful and healthy vegetable. Proper storage will help maintain beneficial properties throughout the winter.

Pumpkin varieties suitable for long-term storage

Not all pumpkin varieties are suitable for long-term storage (it is obvious that late-ripening varieties are better stored):

  • Muscat pumpkins, which are especially appreciated for their excellent taste, are stored for no more than 2-3 months.
  • If you want to pamper yourself with a healthy vegetable in winter and spring, it is better to plant winter (late-ripening) varieties large-fruited or hard bark pumpkins, although they are not so fluffy and soft in taste.

To start storing a vegetable, you need to correctly collect and select pumpkins.

By the way! There are two completely opposite opinions: some believe that large pumpkins are better stored, while others, on the contrary, are of small size.

Video: varieties and secrets of storing pumpkin

When to harvest pumpkin for storage: timing, external signs and collection rules

Everyone knows that pumpkin begins to ripen actively from September, but they often resort to harvesting it only in October. Accordingly, it is very important to be able to determine by its appearance that the pumpkin is ripe and ready for storage, as well as to have time to harvest before frost.

Note! The site already has an article about how to determine when it is time to harvest pumpkins and properly prepare them for long-term storage.

How to properly keep fresh pumpkin: rules and methods for long-term storage

Save pumpkin at home in several ways:

  • Entirely fresh... Ideally put in a cellar or basement, but can be stored in an apartment as well.
  • Cut into pieces... It can be kept in the refrigerator for a short time, but it is better to put it in the freezer (freeze).
  • Make jam.

You can save a pumpkin at home in several simple forms.

Video: pumpkin, apricot and lemon (or orange) jam

  • process into juice.

Video: pumpkin juice with pulp for the winter

Optimal storage conditions

To keep the pumpkin fresh, you need to follow a few simple rules, or rather the conditions:

  • the storage location should be cool, shaded, relatively dry and well ventilated.
  • the ideal temperature for storage is + 2-4 degrees (in the apartment - +15 .. + 22 degrees).
  • humidity should not exceed 75-80%.

If the humidity is high, then the pumpkin can simply rot.

In other words, the most ideal conditions for storing pumpkin, thanks to which the vegetable will definitely retain its useful and taste qualities, can be created in a basement or cellar.

In the cellar or basement it is possible to store the pumpkin more than 6-9 months, i.e. all winter, spring and even part of summer (until the new harvest).

As for the container for storage, it will not be required: in the cellar or basement it will be enough put pumpkins on wooden shelving, that they did not touch each other, and preferably stalk up or sideways.

Advice! If during storage you notice that the stalk of the pumpkin began to rot, then first of all you need cut to healthy tissue, and then fill the cut with brilliant green or powder with wood ash.

Of course, you can store the pumpkin and at home, under the bed, but it is quite obvious that the shelf life will be noticeably shorter (up to 3-6 months). Moreover, if on your floor linoleumthen it is better to put wooden planks under the pumpkin, so it will definitely not rot.

Interesting! It is believed that thicker pumpkins may well be stored in an apartment, but nutmeg ones are better stored only in the basement or cellar.

Storing a pumpkin in an apartment is not that difficult!

By the way! Pumpkin also keeps well on the balcony in wooden boxes... The bottom of the box should be covered with paper, and the fruits themselves should be covered with a fleece blanket on top.

Video: pumpkin storage

How to store cut pumpkin at home: in the refrigerator and freezer

Naturally, most city dwellers have a summer residence, but no cellar or basement. That is why a logical question arises: how to keep the pumpkin in the apartment for the longest time?

To preserve the cut pumpkin, you can put it in the refrigerator, however, in this case, you will have to quickly eat or process it.

Cut pumpkin can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7-10 days.

To extend the shelf life of the cut pumpkin, it is best to put it in the freezer, i.e. to freeze.

You can store not only whole, but also cut pumpkin. This should be done in the freezer of the refrigerator.

Freezing pumpkin for the winter

Not all varieties are good at home (unless you have a basement or cellar) and lose vitamins over time. But with deep freezing, vitamins last much longer, like the pumpkin itself.

You can store pumpkin in the freezer for up to a year.

Moreover, the pumpkin can be frozen cut into slices or cubes (conveniently for cooking porridge, soups, casseroles), as well as making mashed potatoes (this way you can achieve the maximum useful volume).

Advantage of storing pumpkin puree that you do not need a glass of puree every time you need a prescription (for example, for making a pie), cook it - just defrost it and that's it.

So, in order to keep the cut pumpkin in the freezer longer, you need:

  • cut into 2 halves;
  • clean from seeds;

Do not throw out the seeds under any circumstances! They can be dried, and then clicked with pleasure and benefit.

  • cut off the top crust;

  • cut into small pieces so that in the future it is more convenient to work with them;
  • and then cut into smaller pieces of pumpkin: cubes or slices;

Or make mashed potatoes pre-cooked in an oven or double boiler until soft and then chopped in a food processor or blender.

  • put the pieces in plastic bags or, better yet, in special containers for freezing;

Pour the cooled puree into portioned containers.

  • put in the freezer;
  • take out and defrost as needed.

Video: how to freeze a pumpkin for the winter

Thus, now you know that there are no special difficulties in storing pumpkin at home: you just need to follow simple rules in order to enjoy a tasty and healthy product all winter.

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