How to propagate a rose from a bouquet at home: rules for grafting and rooting cuttings

Roses are elite, incredibly beautiful and incredibly loved by many plants. Therefore, when receiving a bouquet of beautiful flowers as a gift for a birthday or for other holidays, it is such a pity to part with them, so I want to extend their life or somehow multiply them, especially since rose seedlings are quite expensive. That is why many flower lovers are interested in whether it is possible to grow a rose from a bouquet at home, in order to subsequently transplant it into their garden.

When is it better to root roses from a bouquet: suitable timing

When cutting roses from a bouquet, it is very important to choose the optimal time for rooting. So, the flowers that were presented to you are best suited for the Middle Lane (Moscow region) in spring and summer, and in first half (June-July)... Although it is possible to root cuttings of roses in autumn-winter period, but it will be much more difficult, because in winter the daylight hours are very short, and the room air is very dry due to central heating, while cuttings need to be provided with high air humidity - 90-100% for successful growth.

Requirements for roses from a bouquet that can be grown at home

In order for the stem of a rose from a bouquet to take root successfully, it is necessary that several mandatory requirements are met:

  • Rose stem it should be completely green and fresh... If the flower has been cut for a long time, then the part that was submerged in water may darken or crack and become unsuitable for planting. Therefore, according to the logic of things, it is advisable to carry out cuttings on the same day when the flowers were presented to you or you bought, maximum - the next morning. One way or another, the fresher the rose is, the higher the likelihood of its successful rooting.
  • It is important to determine if the rose has well-developed kidneys (2-3 kidneys), which are located in the leaf axils (internodes above the leaves). If they are not there, since they have already turned black and died from standing for a long time in the water, there is no doubt that such a naked stalk without buds is not suitable for us.
  • Roses with more thick stems (at least a pencil in diameter).
  • It is desirable that there were leaves on the cut handle (2-3 things, if there are more of them, then the rest should be cut off), because the normal life of the plant assumes the presence of leaves. In any case, if all other requirements are met, then you can do with a good cutting and without leaves.
  • According to gardeners, roses are better suited for rooting with red, orange and pink buds. Also white can still take root normally, but yellow ones take root much worse.

Why roses from a bouquet may not be able to root

It has been said more than once that not all roses are well cut and rooted at home.

There are varieties that have very thick ("fatty") shoots of red color with huge flowers. Here they usually practically do not lend themselves to rooting and simply rot.

As for the features of the reproduction of various varieties of roses, it will not be superfluous to recall that tea-hybrid and park plants are the worst of all cuttings, and best of all - floribunda, ground cover and climbing roses.


As a rule, roses that were brought from abroad and grown in greenhouses specifically for cutting, very often overfed with various growth stimulants and fertilizers, they are also difficult to root due to their delicate nature and difficulties in adapting to more difficult conditions. But flowers grown in local greenhouses are much more suitable.

How to plant a rose stalk from a bouquet: rooting master class

It is extremely thoughtful to approach the choice of containers, soil and methods of rooting cuttings of roses from a bouquet.

Container and soil

The pot must definitely have enough large drainage (drain) holes. If you want to use any dishes in which there are no such holes, then they must be made, and not with a nail or an awl, but with something thicker, otherwise they will quickly clog, and stagnant water has a very bad effect on the rooting of cuttings.

For planting cuttings, it is optimal to purchase special soil for roses or for violets, although you can use and any other for flower crops... It will be even better if you dilute such a soil. with sand in a ratio of 2 to 1. You can also add sphagnum mosswhich is very useful for rooting cuttings because prevents them from decay and provides better air permeability of the earth. Also suitable for these purposes perlite.

Again, you can use the following self-prepared light soil mixture: a mixture of turf and humus (2: 1), and pour a small layer of clean river sand (2-3 cm) on top.

Processing cuttings

For better rooting, cuttings of roses should be kept in one of the solutions or special means for the formation of roots before planting. For example, you can put the cuttings in honey solution (1 teaspoon in 1 glass of water) for 10-12 hours or immerse in Kornevin solution (according to the instructions). Also for best results you can immerse for 12 hours in solution of "Heteroauxin" (50 mg per 1 liter of water) or "Zircon " (0.1 mg per 1 liter of water). Although experienced florists offer this option: just dip the lower part of the cut slightly in Kornevin or Heteroauxin powder.

For soil disinfection can be used "Glyocladin " - a biological preparation that prevents the development of various root rot in the soil. On a small pot (200-300 ml), 1 tablet should be buried 1.5-2 centimeters into the soil.

If you have not found Glyocladin, then you can use Fitosporinby spreading it in water and spilling the soil before / after planting the cuttings. Also, before rooting the cuttings, the ground can be shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate (but this is the most ineffective way).

How to root cuttings: a step-by-step guide

Important! In no case should you cut the cuttings with scissors! Seizures can form and the cuttings have very little chance of survival. Use bettera very sharp knife or special pruner.

Step-by-step instructions for rooting roses from a bouquet at home:

  1. Do a close inspection of roses for freshness, and look for those with the greenest stems and well-developed buds.
  2. From the rest, you now need to choose those with the thickest stems.
  3. Now make sure once again that there are 2-3 well-developed buds on the middle part of the stem.
  4. A suitable rose needs a very sharp knife at an angle of 45 degrees (oblique cut) cut off the lower part next to the lower kidney (either immediately below it, or stepping back 1 cm). An oblique cut is made in order to obtain its largest area and, accordingly, the formation of a larger number of roots.
  5. The top can be cut straight (even cut), stepping back about 1-2 centimeters from the upper kidney.
  6. Top cut location need to cover up garden pitch.
  7. Optional, in place of the lower oblique cut should make small cruciform incisionand then its neat split by 5-7 mm.
  8. Place the cut stalk (as a result, its size should be 15-30 cm) in special solution or dip in powder for better rooting.
  9. Now you can plant a rose stalk in a pot of soil.Moreover, it is necessary to plant under a slope and to a depth of about 2-3 cm or 2 kidneys, but so that at least 1 kidney remains on top.
  10. Abundantly pour warm water.
  11. So that a crust does not form, from above throw a little dry earth or sand.
  12. Create a mini greenhouse (greenhouse effect), covering the top of the cutting with a cut plastic bottle (its upper part with a lid),jar or plastic bag. If the cutting is not covered, then it will suffer greatly due to the excessive dryness of the room air.
  13. Place in a bright and warm place, where the air temperature is about + 22-25 degrees, for example, on the eastern windowsill (the main thing is that it is without cracks, a strong draft can destroy the cuttings), and that the light is not direct, but diffused, in other words, it should be light shading.

By the way! If you are going to plant several cuttings at once in one pot, then they should be planted at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from each other.

Video: how to grow a rose from a bouquet at home

There is also a more sophisticated way of rooting rose cuttings - in potatoes. Although not every gardener succeeds in growing flowers with this method, it is probably worth trying once.

Video: how to root rose cuttings in potatoes and grow at home

One of the most famous bloggers-gardeners, Yulia Minyaeva ("Whether in the garden, in the garden") offers another way to grow roses from cuttings from a bouquet in a wet newspaper and bag.

Further care of planted cuttings of roses from a bouquet

After a while (after about 4-5 weeks), when roots are already forming in the cutting (this will be evidenced by the appearance of a new small leaf), you should start gradually ventilate your greenhouse with a shankopening the lid, while increasing the time every day. Then the cover can be completely removed. That is why it is very convenient to use the top of the plastic bottle.

It is also important practically water the ground around the greenhouse daily, and spray the cutting itself with water from a spray bottleremoving the bottle or can completely

Video: how to root roses from a bouquet

When and how to plant rooted cuttings of a rose from a bouquet in open ground

There is no need to rush to transplant into open ground: if you plant a rose in the first year, then in winter it will still die due to the still poorly developed root system.

If you cut roses from a bouquet in spring or summer, then in winter the pots with seedlings can be moved to a cool loggia, balcony or even a basement, where the temperature does not drop below +3 .. + 5 degrees, thereby the flower adapts better to more severe conditions.

When it becomes clear in appearance that the seedling is already strong enough, the time has come for planting in the ground. As a rule, it is optimal to plant roses in the garden in the month of April and May.

By the way! Miniature rose varieties can be transplanted into larger pots and left to grow in the apartment.

By the way! Some particularly lucky gardeners plant cuttings of donated roses in the spring (in April-May) simply in a flower bed, and they take root with them (about 50%). The growing principle in this case is similar - the planted stalk must be covered with a bottle or jar without fail to create a greenhouse effect of high humidity.

It is important to consider that a rose rooted in this way will be less frost-hardy than grafted varieties. Therefore, for the winter she will need more strong cover.

It is always tempting to grow another bush of blazing roses in your area. True, now you can use a not quite familiar handle, but a rose handle from a bouquet. Admit it, it is very practical and budgetary - to grow beautiful saplings of the queen of flowers at home in order to later transplant them into open ground in your garden. Experiment with different ways of rooting rose cuttings from donated bouquets, and you will definitely find the one that works best for you.

Video: how to root roses from bouquets - step by step instructions

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