How beautiful to decorate a house for the New Year

We still have a lot of time with you to get ready for the holiday! And preparation for the New Year 2020 includes decorating an apartment and a house, so you need to think not only of what to cook, what outfit to wear, where to go, choose gifts, but also come up with ideas for decorating. Read the article, stock up on materials, be inspired by interesting ideas and let's create a magically beautiful environment in the house.

Features of home decoration for the New 2020 Year of the White Metal Rat

The coming year according to the eastern calendar is the year of the Rat, to be more precise, the White Metal Rat. This means that in decorating the house for the New 2020 Year of the Rat the main colors will be white, as well as silver, gold, gray, black, metallic shades of any color.

You need to start decorating the house with cleaning the space - sort out all the things, equipment, accessories, decorative elements and throw away unnecessary things or give them to reliable hands... The rat loves wealth, luxury and grace, which means that your home should have a lot of spacious space for fun and festive luxurious surroundings. Therefore, trash should not linger in the house, besides, the spaciousness will help to stylishly decorate the house for the New Year - after all, then nothing will distract from the beautiful decorations.

If you put treethen try to decorate it gold, silver and white balls... By the way, gold will appeal to the symbol of the year and will attract money to the house.

Apartment decoration for the New Year photo

To decorate the whole apartment or some separate room in the style of the main symbol for the New Year, hang it indoorsgarland with white, golden, silver lights.

How to decorate a room with a garland for the New Year

Hang on the door a beautiful wreath of fir branches or twigs, decorated with gifts of nature: cones, acorns, chestnuts. In order to match the symbol, you can partially cover it with white, silver or gold paint. For more details on how to decorate doors, you can here.

Christmas home decoration in the Year of the Yellow Dog

And it is also desirable that in each of the crafts there is a symbol of the year - the Rat. It can be cut out of felt, sewn from denim, velvet or any other material... These can be individual toys on a string or a whole garland.

By the way, it is already known that White Metal Rat prefers metallic, shiny materials... For example, she likes toys and home decorations in metallic colors, metal decorations. At the same time, you do not need to acquire decorative items from this material, you can simply use any jewelry painted in metallic color.

General Tips:

  • If you have small apartment or room, and you want to festively decorate it for the New Year, but at the same time do not clutter up the room, then focus on windows and walls... Thus, you will profitably save space and clean a small room beautifully. For more information on window and wall decoration - here and here.
  • Do accents not only on decor items, but also on goodies! Your family and guests will be delighted when they see original New Year's style snacks and goodies among the festive decorations. Food compositions will help to unusually garnish the house for the New Year!

Christmas food ideas to decorate the room

  • Do not forget to involve children in the design of the house... Firstly, you will provide yourself with peace and quiet for at least half an hour, and secondly, such activities with children unite, bring together, develop imagination and cheer up.

Room decoration for winter holidays with children

  • If you are going to buy home decorations for the New Year, then choose quality products... Avoid suspiciously cheap and foul-smelling products. Helpful tips for choosing an artificial and live Christmas tree are waiting for you here and here!
  • Decorate recommended for New Year not only the hall, but also other rooms in the house... This way, you can avoid sharp contrast and heighten the sense of celebration.

When to decorate

Many people wonder when is the best time to decorate a house for the New Year, so as not to be late or to decorate too early. As such, there are no rules regarding this issue.

When is the best time to decorate a house for the New Year

There are only rough guidelines for when to start decorating a house for the New Year. This is usually done in the second half of December, that is, you can start two weeks before the celebration. The most optimal time is one or one and a half weeks... In general, you yourself can decide what date it is more convenient for you to bring beauty to the house for the New Year.

When to decorate a house for the New Year

How to decorate a house outside (facade) for the New Year

A beautiful decoration for the New Year of a private or country house, as well as a summer residence, can give the feeling of a real fairy tale!

 Decoration for the New Year of a private or country house

The yard is a space for a variety of creative ideas and solutions, so if you live in a private house, then you should not limit yourself to decorating only the interior!

Street home decoration for New Year


Of course, it is more interesting to decorate a private house or even a small house in the country. A traditional outdoor home decoration for the New Year is considered to be a street garland or fiber optic garland. They are used to decorate a home, yard, fence, trees. For example, you can “outline” the contours of a house, decorate a window or an entrance with a garland.

Decorating a house outside for New Year with a garland

To decorate your house for the New Year with garlands, use products designed for outdoor use. They are reliable and resistant to weather changes.

Street home decoration for the New Year

Illuminated home decoration for the New Year is one of the most festive and elegant! 

Decorating the house outside with a garland

In addition, you can use laser projector for home decoration. If you turn it on for the New Year, it will turn the house into a fairytale castle. The downside of such a device is that it is relatively expensive.

Projector for home decoration for New Year


If you do not plan to decorate the house on such a large scale for the New Year, but want everything to look festive and beautiful, then decorate the front door and the area near it with the help of snowmen. Place a homemade snowman, attach a wreath to the street door, create a composition from branches.

Other ideas for decorating doors read here.

Snowmen from branches for home decoration for the New Year 2018

The snowman who will guard the house can be completed from ordinary disposable cups... Connect them with a stapler, and make additional decor using colored cardboard, material or paints.

Or you can decorate a private or country house for the New Year with the most ordinary snowman made of snow... Blind one or more snowmen in the yard, decorate them with bright details, for example, tinsel, beads, a colorful scarf, a hat. You can read how to make a snowman in this article.

Decorate a private house for New Year with a snowman

Garlands from improvised means and natural materials can be used to decorate the front door or street gate. To create interesting home decoration options for the New Year, use cones, clothespins, pasta, felt toys, ice cream sticks, acorns.

Photo: examples of decorating the facade and courtyard of a house with snowmen for the New Year
Decorating the facade of the house with snowmen for the New Year 2018

Decorating the facade of the house with snowmen for the New Year

House facade decoration with snowmen


A traditional wreath is attached to the window and door. But if you have a desire, it would be great to attach it to those parts of the house where you especially want.

Home decoration wreath

Home decoration for New Year wreath

How to decorate a house for the New Year with a wreath

Wood decor

Different wooden toys and crafts from this material look very good in the street decoration of the house and yard for the New Year. Moreover, the tree is one of the attributes of the coming year. You can use wooden rods to create adorable deer.

New Year's street home decoration deer

Snowmen made of wood to decorate the yard for the New Year

Christmas tree made of wood to decorate the yard

More ideas

There are other beautiful and stylish ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year 2020. photos for inspiration:

Original ideas for decorating the house and yard for the New Year 2018

Original decoration of the house and yard for the New Year 2018

Beautiful home and yard decoration for the New Year 2018

How to decorate your house and yard for the New Year 2018

Street home decoration for New Year 2018

How to decorate a house inside for the New Year

You can find many ideas and options on how to decorate an apartment and a private house from the inside for the New Year. Each of them has its own charming features. So, you can choose one style or combine several.

How beautiful to decorate a house for the New 2018

Interior items(wardrobe, table, fireplace)

The furniture in the house also deserves attention, and it can also be beautifully decorated with your own hands for the New Year. Wardrobe mirrors can be painted paints, glue the walls beautiful applications, on a chest of drawers or fireplace is worth putting New Year's compositions with candles and natural materials.

Decorating the room with candles for the New Year

Even household appliances will not be superfluous to give a picturesque look using sticky paper.

Refrigerator snowman

They always look beautiful in a New Year's composition candelabra and various candlesticks.

New Year's candelabrum for home decoration

Interesting and original ideas (crafts, candles, tinsel, goodies)

It is not necessary to create something large-scale, grandiose, because even the smallest, but original crafts fill the house with a fabulous atmosphere. There are many interesting and unexpected ideas for decorating your home for the New Year, for example:

Ideas for beautiful home decoration for the New Year


Let's say you can create small New Year's bonsai. You will need:

  • small pot;
  • thick wooden stick;
  • foam base in the form of a ball;
  • glue gun;
  • decor.

Such crafts will help you decorate your apartment in a stylish and unusual way for the New Year!

New Year's bonsai for room decoration


Candles are a traditional subject of festive decor - they have long been used to decorate rooms and wreaths. Why don't you use such a decoration for your apartment for the New Year? In addition, you can buy them and make them yourself.

Candles for home decoration for the New Year

Important! Be careful when using candles! Do not leave them burning unattended or place them next to flammable items.

Not a trivial idea: prepare small candles for each guest as a gift. It will be both a table decoration and a useful souvenir. Here's what you need:

  • a jar of cream or baby food;
  • paraffin;
  • wick;
  • aroma oils.

New year candles for home decoration

Room decoration with candles

Tinsel, rain

Tinsel and shiny rain are used not only to decorate a Christmas tree, but also to decorate a private house or apartment for the New Year. Fortunately, the variety of such products allows you to choose the ideal option for each individual case.

How to decorate a room with tinsel for the New Year

Here's how to decorate a room with tinsel and rain for the New Year:

  • hang on a chandelier;
  • arrange windows;
  • make an impromptu tinsel drawing on the wall (for example, a Christmas tree, a snowman);
  • you can decorate the window of the room with rain by creating an impromptu curtain;
  • decorate the ceiling (by the way, you can study interesting and detailed information on decorating the ceiling in this article).

How to decorate a room with tinsel for the New Year 2018


Outlandishly decorated trays of food on a table or on a windowsill compete perfectly with even the finest decor items. Create stylish food compositions just before the holiday or before the arrival of guests.

Photos for inspiration for creating room decorations for the New Year with food:

How to stylishly decorate an apartment for the New Year with food

Decorating a room for the New Year with food

Christmas compositions with food

Christmas compositions with food to decorate the room

Holiday crafts, accessories, souvenirs

The New Year's table and the interior of the house also do not hurt to decorate for the New Year with cute crafts and souvenirs. For decoration, lay them out in prominent places to please the eye. And also put them near each guest (if you are going to invite) so that you can take the souvenir home.

How to decorate a house for the New Year with crafts and souvenirs

It is important that the table decoration does not stand out from the general style of decoration of the whole house.... In particular, if you use natural materials everywhere, then create all crafts from natural objects.

You can decorate your house for the New Year 2020 with pictures, photographs, postcards, drawings... Just put the thematic image in a prominent place and admire to cheer you up.Pictures for decorating a room for the New Year

Drawings for decorating a room for the New Year

And in order for your family New Year's photos to turn out bright and unforgettable, you need to take care of accessories that will cheer up households and guests, and create the right atmosphere.

Funny and cute crafts for home decoration for New Year

As always, felt toys for the New Year in high esteem. Use them to decorate your home in a variety of fun ways. For example, you can make a Rat, a snowman, Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, a New Year's sock. If you have your own ideas, it is advisable to bring them to life with felt.

Felt toys for the New Year

Felt toys for home decoration

Felt toys for home decoration for the New Year

From improvised means (and this can be ice cream sticks, clothespins, corks), very cute and touching New Years are obtained souvenirs. From traffic jams can be madeherringbone, from ice cream sticks - small Christmas decorations... Use a glue gun and paints to create beauty in just 20-30 minutes.

Christmas tree made of corks

And from cardboard body and simple materials make original Christmas trees... A great option for decorating a room for the New Year for those who protect nature, do not buy natural Christmas trees, but prefer to give a second life to old objects.

Christmas tree made of cardboard for room decoration

Christmas tree made of cardboard

Christmas toys from ordinary electric bulbs you will be helped to create paints and a little imagination.

Crafts for the New Year from light bulbs

You can make such simple and beautiful decorations with your own hands to decorate a house and an apartment for the New Year 2020. All you need is ordinary disposable plates, paints, cotton wool, colored paper, glue. And try to make fragrant Christmas tree crafts from dried citrus fruits. With such crafts, you can decorate your house in an original way for the New Year.

Beautiful DIY crafts to decorate the room

Photos of interesting ideas

The interesting ideas do not end there! You have the opportunity to independently come up with something of your own and to color the house in an original way for the New Year. For inspiration, you can look at the photo for unusual ideas for decorating a room:

Original decorations for New Year 2018

Original home decoration ideas for the New Year 2018

Home decoration ideas for the New Year 2018

Unusual ideas for decorating a room for the New Year

How beautiful and original to decorate an apartment for the New Year

How to decorate a room in an original way for the New Year

How beautiful to decorate a room for the New Year 2018

Wooden home decorations

We decorate the nursery

In principle, all of the above tips and ideas for decorating a house and apartment for the New Year 2020 can be applied to a children's room. But still, there are some tricks to which it is recommended to pay attention.

Children's room decoration for the New Year

Tips and tricks to help decorate the nursery for the New Year:

  • Remember safety! If the child is small (up to 6-7 years old), exclude the use of glass toys, breakable, prickly productsso that the baby does not get hurt if the product accidentally breaks.
  • Also do not hang bright decorative elements too high... After all, children are often very curious, and in this case they may have a desire to touch a colorful object. Let everything hang “within reach” so that the child does not try to climb too high.

Children's room decorations for the New Year

  • Do not be afraid of colorful decor, let the room sparkle with bright colors! Children will surely like it if there is a picturesque and bright decor in the nursery. Let the baby feel like in a fairy tale.
  • Be sure to include your baby in the checkout process.! He will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions if he becomes a direct participant in the decoration.

Children's room decoration for the New Year 2018

  • Also, the child will be delighted if you teach him how to make decorations for the room for the New Year with his own hands. Show how to make snowflakes, crafts from natural materials.
  • Children will surely like it if you paint the window with paints or toothpaste (how to do this you can find out in this article).

Photo: options for a beautiful decoration of a children's room for the New Year

Christmas decorations for the children's room

Decorations for the children's room for the New Year

How to decorate a nursery for the New Year

Tips: how to decorate your home on a budget

Decorating a house or apartment for the New Year can be both inexpensive and luxurious, costly. It all depends on your capabilities and desires. In any case, it's nice to once again not only save money, but get an excellent result. Let's figure out how to do this.

How to decorate a room on a budget for the New Year

To decorate a house or apartment for the New Year on a budget, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • Handle decorative items (garlands, toys, etc.) with care. And then you will have the opportunity to use them for the next year and not spend money on new purchases.
  • Often, high-quality, beautiful toys and decorative items have a high price, so we recommend making decorations for your home and apartment for the New Year with your own hands. Remember your skills, show your imagination, create knitted, wooden, rag, paper crafts.

DIY home decoration for the New Year

  • If you do not want to spend money on buying a live Christmas tree, then build an impromptu version of the Christmas tree from books, pillows, sticks, garlands, photographs. With this solution, you can decorate the room in an original way for the New Year (you can read other ideas for creating interesting Christmas trees and tips for decorating trees here).
  • Decorate the room with lots of homemade snowflakes. To create them you only need scissors and paper. They will help to decorate the house for the New Year as cheap as possible. Even if you use them only for decoration, it will still turn out cute, atmospheric and very stylish (nobody canceled the fashion for minimalism!).
  • To decorate the room on a budget for the New Year, hang lots of garlands everywhere, and even with the most modest budget, the house will shine with a solemn and vibrant atmosphere.
  • It would also be nice to place cones, spruce branches, chestnuts, acorns everywhere.


  • For crafts, you do not need to buy materials, but use everything that is in the house, for example, natural materials (cones, twigs, sticks, chestnuts, dried flowers, etc.), fabric, paper, various accessories, plasticine. Use unnecessary fabric - you can make flags, toys, bows from it.

How to decorate an apartment on a budget for the New Year

Photo: ideas on how to inexpensively decorate a room for the New Year

How to inexpensively decorate a house for the New Year

Home decoration with snowflakes

Garland of paper for the New Year

Paper garland

Beautiful crafts for the New Year

Decorating the house is important in a good mood, involving all family members.To create small crafts, you will need a good spacious place with bright lighting. Set aside a few hours for yourself so that no one is distracting, so you can relax and immerse yourself in your work. Get inspired, inspired and create things filled with warmth and positiveness!

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