How to decorate house doors for New Year

There has always been a special attitude towards the door. After all, the owner or guest, when he comes to the house, first sees the door. Therefore, all over the world attached great importance to it. So why not decorate the door in a beautiful and original way for the New Year to please yourself, your family, your friends? Read on how to do this!

How to decorate the door for the New 2018

How and what to decorate

You can decorate not only the front door leading from the entrance and the street (if you have a private house), but also interior doors. Thanks to this, the entire home for the New Year will shine with colorful and festive decor!

Do-it-yourself traditional door decoration for New Year and Christmas for many countries is a wreath. It can be wreaths made of twigs, spruce branches, rain, even candy! How to do it will be described below.

Wreath for decorating the door for the New Year 2018

How else can you to decorate the front and interior doors for the New Year? Several options:

  • themed stickers (for example, snowman, cartoon character, tree, Santa Claus, holiday Rat);
  • a poster with drawings, wishes (it is especially interesting to involve children in drawing);
  • decor from artificial / natural tree branches;
  • traditional shiny rain, tinsel;
  • New Year's sock / boot;
  • Christmas decorations, balls;
  • rain of snowflakes;
  • snowflakes;
  • garland.

To beautifully decorate such an element of the home for the New Year, you can use purchased decorative items, or you can do it yourself! It all depends on your desire and free time.

DIY door decorations for the New Year

Of course, the options do not end with the above list. You can always come up with something of your own to surprise your loved ones with originality. It is worth noting that snowflakes and stickers are perfect for decorating for the New Year balcony door... There are also other specific guidelines for the decor of this part of the house.

Christmas door decoration

Tips and tricks for decorating a door with your own hands for the New Year:

  • Start decorating this part in two weeks, because unlike a living tree, you can hang various decorations in advance. This will help heighten the anticipation of the holiday.
  • Use the main symbol of 2020 - the White Metal Rat... It is very relevant and beautiful.
  • Avoid using sharp details when making DIY jewelry... Also, do not buy such items in the store. This is necessary in order to protect yourself, children, pets from accidental wounds.
  • When attaching a decorative element be careful not to scratch the doors.

And don't forget that 2020 is the year of the White Rat! Choose it to decorate the door for the New Year. She will guard your home, give joyful emotions!

How to make a wreath to decorate a door

A wreath is a wonderful decoration not only because of its festive look, but also because it can be made from a wide variety of materials! For example, from cones, artificial, living branches of a Christmas tree, branches, dried flowers, acorns, chestnuts, dried leaves, Christmas tree decorations ... There are many materials! Let's look at classic and original ideas for decorating a door for the New Year 2020.

Classic wreath

Traditionally it is made from spruce branches and candles. Now there are other "classic" options, for example, a wreath of cones.

By the way! You can put a toy White Rat inside the wreath! Children will love it!

You yourself can choose wreath festivity level:

  • if you wantmodest but stylish wreath, then use several monochromatic materials, for example, cones, branches.
  • if you want to solemn Christmas wreath, you can use bright colored ribbons, beads, artificial berries.

How beautiful to decorate the door for the New Year

Candy wreath

Sweet jewelry is always in trend, because they are not only original, but also delicious. And making them is not difficult at all!

To make a wreath of jelly (marmalade) candies you will need:

  • bagel-shaped foam base;
  • toothpicks;
  • jelly candies;
  • satin ribbon.

You need to buy colorful, pretty candies, string each on a toothpick, then decorate with a foam wreath.

Christmas wreath of sweets

Christmas wreath of sweets

You can use a variety of wrapped candies.

For your ideas, inspiration, you can see photos of door decorations for the New Year from candy wreaths:

New Year's wreath of candies to decorate the door

New Year's wreath of candies for the door

Candy wreath

Candy wreath for door decoration

Wreath of twigs

A wreath of twigs is perfect for decorating a street door for the New Year. It is made from natural materials, so you don't have to spend money. And he looks great - stylish, elegant.

A wreath of twigs to decorate the door for the New Year

What you need for a wreath of twigs:

  • thin twigs of shrubs, trees (willow twigs can be used);
  • glue gun;
  • twine;
  • ribbons, beads, chestnuts, acorns, cones, other decor.

If the rods are dry, do not bend well, then they are initially needed soak in water... Then take enough twigs, connect them in an oval, wrap the stringth. Now the workpiece can be decorate with improvised means, paint with paint and decorate doors before the New Year.


Christmas wreath of twigs

Wreath of twigs to decorate the door

Christmas wreath of twigs

And also from the rods it turns out whole snowmanthat is attached to the surface. Use spray paint to paint over the twigs. The parts are connected to each other with a thin wire.

Snowman made of twigs

Original ideas

As mentioned above, such a decoration craft can be made from almost any material. This provides an opportunity to perform interesting, original options that can surprise even a person who has seen a lot in life.

Photos of how you can decorate the entrance to the house for the New Year with wreaths:

Original wreaths to decorate the door for the New Year

Original Christmas wreaths to decorate the door

An original wreath to decorate the door for the New Year

Beautiful wreaths to decorate the door for the New Year

Christmas wreaths to decorate the door

Original wreaths

Original wreath to decorate the door

Other door decorations

The wreath will always look interesting on any door - from the entrance to the interior. But there are other, no less wonderful and beautiful decorations for the door for the New Year. They also deserve attention!


You can cut out many different snowflakes, attach them to absolutely any door. With snowflakes you can decorate a glass door for the New Year, it will look stylish and graceful!

Snowflakes to decorate the door

Use white, blue, red, green, shiny, mother-of-pearl paper to make snowflakes. Your interior will sparkle with new colors!

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations are beautiful not only on a green, fragrant tree. They can decorate any doors for the New Year! These can be both traditional balls and original figures.

Christmas decorations can be used to craft:

1) a wreath;

Christmas ball wreath

2) frames;

Christmas decorations to decorate the door for the New Year

3) Christmas trees.

Christmas tree made of Christmas tree decorations for door decoration

Note! Secure toys well so that they do not accidentally fall or break.


The New Year's sock can be used not only to decorate the house and fireplace, but also the door. It is the best way to attach it to a wreath or hang it separately and decorate with Christmas tree decorations, beads, ribbons.

Christmas sock to decorate the door


Garlands can decorate not only the doors themselves, but also the doorway for the New Year. Usually, garlands are used as an addition to wreaths, Christmas trees made of Christmas tree decorations, compositions of fir branches.

Important! When decorating doors and doorways, remember to be safe during operation: use only high-quality garlands, do not leave appliances unattended, and for decorating a street door, use only those garlands that are intended for the street!

Garlands to decorate the door for the New Year

Garlands to decorate the door

Garlands for New Year's door decoration

Decoration in kindergarten, school, work

We spend a lot of time not only in our home, but also in kindergarten, educational institutions, at work. This means that they also need to be decorated in order to create a good mood!


Little children love bright, funny details, so they will be delighted with decorating the kindergarten doors for the New Year 2020. You can place drawings that were drawn by the kindergarteners themselves, paste colorful New Year stickers with cartoons, Santa Claus.

By the way! In addition to the door in the kindergarten, lockers can be decorated for the New Year.

Door decoration for the New Year in kindergarten


It is possible to decorate the premises with such elements for the New Year at school not only for primary school students, but also for middle and senior students. After all, the holiday has no age restrictions! It's just that younger kids are advised to make simpler jewelry, and high school students - something more complicated.

How to decorate the door for the New Year at school

The original door decoration for the New Year at school - school wreath:

School supplies wreath to decorate the door for the New Year

School supplies wreath for door decoration

Also decorate the school door for the New Year just right with bright tinsel, large snowflakes, colorful themed postersdrawn by the students themselves and even balloons!

Door decoration for New Year at school


Of course, decorating the door for the New Year at work should be chosen more moderately and more modestly than at your home or at school. But this does not mean that everything should be dull! On the contrary, use stylish decorations, posters with wishes. It will be great if you hang a poster on which your colleagues will write congratulations.

Or you can decorate the door in a very original way for the New Year at work! For example, do a wreath of office supplies - stapler, pens, pencils, office paper, markers.

To decorate the office door for the New Year, it is not a sin to make a very original Christmas tree made of stickers:

Christmas tree made of stickers to decorate the door

Christmas tree made of stickers to decorate the door for the New Year

If your field of activity takes a different direction, then you can use materials characteristic of your profession in the manufacture. For example, if you are sewing, it is not forbidden to use fabric, threads, buttons, zippers.

New year wreath

New Year is a wonderful holiday that inspires and inspires for original interior solutions. You can afford to make absolutely any decor, and then admire it during all the holidays. We wish you all the best in the New Year 2020!

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