How to decorate the ceiling for the New Year

The upper part of the room is undeservedly deprived of attention when decorating a house before the New Year. But in vain! Decorating the ceiling for the New Year with your own hands will make the room even more solemn, beautiful, stylish, give a pleasant feeling of joy and will delight your eyes all the holidays.

Tips, recommendations on how to decorate and decorate the ceiling for the New Year, as well as photos are waiting for you below!

How to decorate and decorate the ceiling for the New Year

Tips and tricks for decorating

Before embarking on the decorating process, ask yourself what exactly you want: bright, solemn decorations or graceful and discreet, in one color scheme or many colors. And already based on your desires, you can decide how best to decorate the ceiling for the New Year.

Ceiling decoration for New Year 2018

Tips to help you decorate the room beautifully:

  • If you have children, then it is worth using cute, funny elements to keep the children also interesting and funny.
  • Get the kids involved to decorate the ceiling for the New Year with your own hands. Spending time together for such an exciting activity will give a lot of positive emotions to adults and children.
  • If you can't reach the ceiling with your hands to place decorations, use a sturdy stool. Do everything without sudden movements so as not to accidentally fall and not get injured.
  • If you have difficulty choosing color preferences, then use the colors of the White Metal Rat - white, silver, golden, gray.
  • If you do not have the time and desire to make decorative elements with your own hands, you can buy New Year decorations for the ceiling. They are sold in many stores.

Ceiling decoration for the New 2018

Here's how you can beautifully decorate the ceiling for the New Year 2020:

  • a rain of snowflakes;
  • balloons;
  • ribbons;
  • snowflakes;
  • Christmas tree decorations;
  • garlands;
  • beads;
  • tinsel.

You can use these decorations for the New Year for a stretch ceiling and a regular one. You can also choose one of this list or combine several options.

Decorating ideas for the New Year are not limited to the listed options. If you have even the most fantastic ideas, you can bring them to life. After all, when, if not in this winter celebration, experiment and dilute life with bright colors?

How to decorate the ceiling for the new year

Almost all decorations for the New Year for the ceiling can be called suspended, because they decorate the room in a suspended state. Although snowflakes or other paper-cut figures (for example, Christmas trees, animals) can be simply attached.

Hanging decorations for the New Year on the ceiling

If you want to decorate the ceiling for the New Year 2020 in an original way, you can draw cute pictures with wishes and then attach them. If you have a child, he will surely enjoy this idea! Remember that the main symbol is the White Rat.

So, now it's worth talking about each type of jewelry in more detail.

Christmas decorations

Christmas decorations for decorating the ceiling for the New Year are a great and not trivial idea. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised to look up and see the colorful variety.

Christmas decorations for decorating the ceiling for the New Year

You can not be limited in your ideas, show your imagination and use Christmas tree decorations of various shapes and colors, attaching them, for example, in a chaotic manner, in the form of numbers - 2020.

Photos of ceiling decorations for the New Year using Christmas tree decorations:

Photo of ceiling decorations for the New Year using Christmas tree decorations

Ceiling decoration for the New Year

Photo ceiling decoration for the New Year

Decorating the ceiling with Christmas tree decorations

Ceiling decoration for the New Year

Christmas balls to decorate the ceiling

Snowflake rain

Snowflakes do not give up their positions and remain one of the main symbols of the celebration. Decorating the ceiling for the New Year with a "rain" of snowflakes will look very beautiful in any room, home and interior.

Ceiling decoration for the New Year with a rain of snowflakes

This is how you can make snowflakes rain:

  • You need to involve all family members to cut a lot of different snowflakes.
  • Then they need to be tied to thin threads (use fishing line).
  • After that, such threads must be attached to the top, tied to the chandelier.

The photographs illustrate how varied you can decorate the ceiling for the New Year with rain from all the snowflakes familiar from childhood:

Snowflake rain to decorate the ceiling for the New Year

Snowflake rain for New Year

Photo rain of snowflakes

Snowflake rain to decorate the ceiling

A rain of snowflakes on the ceiling

Snow rain for the ceiling

Rain of snowflakes to decorate the ceiling for the New Year

Snowflake rain


You don't have to collect rain, snowflakes look amazing if you just attach them individually. They will be appropriate at home, work, in an educational institution - after all, they are graceful, stylish and invariable attributes of a celebration.

Decorating the ceiling with snowflakes for the New Year

To beautifully decorate the ceiling for the New Year with snowflakes, you just need to cut them out of paper, cardboard, and even buy products made with other materials in the store, and then attach them to the right place. Such a beautiful decoration with your own hands is very easy to do, takes little time, but it looks impressive!

Do not underestimate the most ordinary snowflakes, with them you have the opportunity to make very delicate, elegant and stunningly beautiful decorations!

Snowflakes on the ceiling


Beads are a decorative element that will be appropriate for almost any holiday, so decorating the ceiling with beads for the New Year is a great idea, especially since stores offer a wide range of beads in different colors and sizes.

Beading decoration for New Year

Ceiling decoration with beads

Ceiling decoration with beads for the New Year


Glowing, blinking and colored lights have fascinated us since childhood. To this day, the garland is the main decoration of the tree and the whole house, including the upper part.

Garlands for the New Year

There are many varieties of garlands that vary in length, shape, color, price, brightness and power. So do not hesitate, you can find the perfect option and beautifully decorate the ceiling with a garland for the New Year, however you want!

Important! Remember safety: do not use homemade garlands, do not leave operating devices unattended.

Elegant garlands that can be hung from the ceiling are obtained from paper, newspaper. Draw round logs, Christmas trees, stars, you can just sew the details in a straight line.

Photos of how you can decorate the ceiling with garlands for the New Year:

Decorating the ceiling with a garland for the New Year

Garlands for decorating the room for the New Year

How to decorate the ceiling with garlands for the New Year

Photo decoration of the ceiling with garlands

A great option for using paper garlands to decorate the house where children live, for kindergarten and school:

Decorating the ceiling for the New Year with garlands


Tinsel is ideal for those people who do not want to spend a lot of money and time decorating their home, but want a dazzling result. You can decorate the entire ceiling and even a chandelier with tinsel for the New Year. It all depends only on your desire and mood! 

Ceiling decoration with tinsel for the New Year

the cloth

With the help of fabric decoration, you can change the color of the ceiling for the New Year without repairs and unnecessary costs. It is advisable to use both complex compositions and simple decoration.

By the way! The fabric is perfect for decorating high ceilings for the New Year.

Ceiling decoration with fabric for the New Year

Ceiling decoration with fabric for the New Year

Ceiling decoration with fabric


The year of the White Metal Rat is approaching, so white, silver, golden, gray, black colors, metallic shades of any color are especially relevant. Use them to decorate the ceiling with balloons for the New Year.

The ceiling "strewn" with balloons with beautiful ribbons will look absolutely fabulous. Thus, it will turn out to arrange a nursery and make a surprise for the little ones.

To decorate the ceiling with balloons for the New Year, it is reasonable to take both individual balloons, simply launched upwards, and complex compositions. For example, the balls that form the numbers 2020, the holiday tree. Imagine how cute a Christmas tree made with balls and stretched to the entire ceiling will look!

If you are planning to invite guests, then it is a pleasure to entertain them as follows: to the strings of the balls with which you decorated the ceiling for the New Year, tie rolled up pieces of paper with original wishes and congratulations. Have each guest pick one balloon and remove a note from it. Guests will be pleased with warm wishes in such an original "wrapper".

Photo of ceiling decorations with balls for the New Year:

How to decorate the ceiling with balloons for the New Year

Ceiling decoration with balloons for the New Year

Photo decoration of the ceiling with balls for the New Year

Ceiling decoration with balls


Ribbons are a wonderful decoration for the ceiling for the New Year. They are inexpensive and easy to pull on.

A wreath of ribbons and Christmas tree branches is an original decoration of the ceiling for the New Year.

Original ceiling decoration for the New Year

Ceiling decoration with ribbons for the New Year

Ceiling decoration with ribbons

Ceiling decoration for the New Year is appropriate not only in your personal dwelling, but also at school, in a kindergarten, at a college, university, in an office, in a workplace, in a store, etc. The festive decor will cheer up in December, stir up the thirst for celebration and magic!

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