When and how to properly cover roses for the winter: terms and methods

Most gardeners lovingly and skillfully look after the queen rose. However, the natural and climatic conditions are not always and not everywhere favorable for the cultivation of this wonderful flower. The arrival of winter causes especially great concern for novice summer residents.

About what roses are recommended to be covered for the winter, the features of the shelter of various varieties and varieties, the optimal timing, the subtleties of preparing roses for shelter, as well as the most rational methods, will be covered in our article.

When to cover roses for the winter

It is very difficult to name certain dates when you can cover roses for the winter, because it primarily depends on the weather conditions of your region and its climatic features.

It is necessary to shelter roses for the winter only when stable subzero temperatures come, and these should not be single frosts, but it is desirable that the weather "settles", in other words, it is best to do this already on the frozen ground. As for a certain temperature, at night (and it is better to take even an average daily) it should stabilize at around -5 ..- 7 degrees. Thus, you need to constantly monitor the weather forecast.

Note! If, along with a drop in temperature, snow fell, then you can cover directly in the snow.

But the approximate timing of shelter in the regions can still be called. So, in the middle lane (Moscow region), roses are harvested around the end of October and the first half of November, as well as in the Leningrad region and in the Volga region. In the northern regions (in the Urals and Siberia) - at the end of September-October (sometimes even November). In the South of Russia - in the late autumn, that is, not earlier than November.

Important! Roses should not be covered too early. Plants will simply suffer under cover if it is warm and raining.

Video: when to cover roses for the winter

What roses need to be covered for the winter

Park roses, as a rule, are very rarely covered for the winter, because they possess high enough winter hardiness.


And here floribunda, bush, ground cover, hybrid tea, climbing and standard roses be sure to cover... Moreover, the latter are difficult to cover.

Important! Hybrid tea roses do not have good winter hardiness, and often in the spring they have to be cut "to zero", but if hilling was sufficient, then the chance of finding living branches under it is high enough.

Hybrid tea

Video: shelter of hybrid tea roses

The specifics of the shelter of climbing roses

Obviously hard enough to cover climbing roses due to their great height.

The technique for covering climbing roses is as follows:

  • remove from the supports (arch);
  • bend it to the ground and pin it with arcs (metal brackets);
  • cover with a non-woven material (if you need additional waterproofing, then on top with a film, but it is imperative that there are holes on the sides - air vents, otherwise the rose will not be able to breathe and vytryat).

Advice! Before laying the roses, you can tie them with twine (twine) so that you get a long sheaf (bunch) and the branches do not stick out in different directions. After that, already under its weight, the sheaf (bunch) of roses easily tilts to the ground.

Video: shelter of climbing roses for the winter

Features of the shelter of standard roses

It is not so easy to cover standard roses.

The specificity of the shelter of this variety is as follows: you dig in your rose from one side and carefully lay it down, pressing in arcs. You fill up (sprinkle) the base with earth or sand, and then everything is as usual - spruce branches (or other branches) and spunbond (or other covering material). At the same time, do not forget to wrap the stem itself.

By the way! Some particularly scrupulous flower growers, in addition to wrapping the entire rose with a covering material, also put a frame on top, which is also covered.

Video: how to cover a standard rose for the winter

But it is best not to bend the bushes (especially adults, but it is quite possible to be very young), but simply install a frame around it, or wrap it directly with covering material, including a stem.

Preparing roses for shelter for the winter

Before covering the roses, it is necessary to carry out the following measures to prepare the "queen of flowers" for winter:

  • Feed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Advice! The site already has a separate material about how and what to feed roses in autumn.

  • Conduct autumn pruning -cut the stems to the height of the shelter (so that they fit under it), that is, leave about 40-50 cm, and also cut off all the leaves (if possible).

By the way! The site already has a detailed article about autumn pruning roses for the winter.

  • Cover the sections with garden pitch or even better with Rannet paste.
  • Pick up all the trash gathered during the warm season (after pruning and breaking off the leaves), since it is a source of infections.
  • Treat against diseases and pests... For example, you can spray copper-containing preparations (copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture), especially if there were black spots on the leaves. Or with specialized fungicides: Skor, Topaz, Hom, Oxykhom. and etc.

Important! If you cover roses with leaves, or the plant is sick, then treatment is required.

  • Spud - cover the base of the bush with dry earth or sand.

Attention! The need for hilling is quite controversial, because everyone has a different land, climate (weather). For example, some flower growers believe that a hillock in the middle lane (Moscow region) is a boon for roses, because they vomit out much more often than freeze out.

But, in general, hilling can be harmful, since it is with it that roses are often pushed.

  • Bend to the ground and secure (eg using a metal scraper).

Advice! If the weather is still uncertain - then it rains, then thaws, it is better to put arcs, throw a spunbond on top, and leave air vents on the sides. As soon as the cold strikes, the vents should be closed.

  • Shelter.

Important! Shoots must be bent very carefully so as not to break at sub-zero temperatures.

How to cover roses for the winter: methods and step-by-step guides

Advice! It is much more convenient and practical to cover many roses at once, and not one at a time. Therefore, it is recommended to grow them in rose gardens.

Covering the ground or hilling

The most "ancient" way to cover roses is to cover them with earth.

However, its significant disadvantage is that during the thaw (for example, even in late autumn) roses under a layer of earth undermine.

But if there are no such thaws in your region, then try can.

At first, you just slightly cover the base of the bush with earth, and already with the onset of stable frosts, you cover the bush itself (but preferably with dry soil), making a mound about 30 cm high.

Advice! If you live in a private house and decide to cover the roses with earth, then, if possible, sketch in snow as well when you clear the paths. So your favorite flowers will definitely not freeze.

No arcs (air-dry)

To create the frame and provide air under the shelter, it is optimal to use spruce branches... Moreover, they can even be sheltered again, that is, it is not necessary to always use fresh branches, last year's semi-dry ones are also suitable.

Important! Optional and unnecessary pruning spruce branches directly from the trees, you can pick up broken branches that lie on the ground, for example, after a strong wind.

If it is not possible to collect spruce branches in the forest, then instead of it you can use branches from pruning shrubs (just not sick), or even better branches from the forest - again broken from birch or cut elderberry branches.

Please note! Hay will not work because it fades and mice start under it. As well as sawdust, because they get wet during thaws, and when frost strikes, they freeze and spoil the root collar, it turns black - it warms up in an ice cocoon.

Step-by-step instructions for sheltering a rose for the winter without arcs (on the branches):

  1. To avoid pricks, be sure to wear rubberized gloves.
  2. Evaluate which side the bush fits best, and then bend it to the ground.
  3. Further, on top of the bush, you can put, for example, spruce branches or something similar, which will provide air under the shelter and act as a frame.
  4. The next stage is covering with a 2nd layer of spunbond or any other suitable covering material.
  5. On the sides on all sides, fix the covering material with stones or boards.

On arches (air-dry)

Step-by-step instructions for sheltering a rose for the winter on arcs (air-dry method):

  1. Cut the roses to the height at which the frame (arcs) will be located.
  2. Make a hut out of any pegs or low arcs (for example, a chain-link netting or similar wire frame). You can use special stands for bushes (metal semicircles with legs).
  3. Cover with spunbond or any other suitable covering material.
  4. Along the edges on all sides, fix the covering material with stones or boards, you can also pour just earth. If you find special stands, then they can be easily fixed with metal clips for the legs of the frame.

Video: how to cover roses for the winter (air-dry methods)

How to cover roses for the winter: methods and best covering materials

Interesting! Covering material is necessary to protect against icy wind in the winter and sunburn in spring.

Its installation on a frame (arches or branches) acts as a canopy so that the roses are not crushed by snow, and there is still air under it.

At all, The best covering material for roses is snow. If you have a lot of snow, then the wintering will be excellent.

Covering with a film

Many people use film for cover. However, you can cover roses with foil only if you have the opportunity to come to the country until winter, as well as in the earliest spring (or you live in a private house), so that open shelter and air roses during the onset of thaws. Otherwise, it is very likely that the plants under the film will simply rot. In addition, frozen film is very difficult to remove in spring (it can be torn).

By the way! If you live in a rainy region, then over spunbondit is recommended to cover roses with foil on arcs, but at the same time it is important not to close the ends (leave vents). Or you can make a film tunnel cover on arcs.

Note! In all other cases, it is impossible to cover roses with foil, it does not breathe!

Shelter with nonwoven fabric (spunbond, agrofibre, lutrasil, burlap, geotextile)

The advantage of a nonwoven shelter is the fact that despite the fact that, for example, spunbond allows moisture to pass through, it still practically does not accumulate under such a shelter, most of it rolls down. Thus, under agrofibre, the most optimal mode of humidity and air is maintained.

If you find spunbond brand 30, 40 microns, then it is better to lay in 2-3 layers. If you have 60 microns, then it is possible in 1 layer, but it is still better in 2 (moisture will definitely not leak into 2 layers).

Advice! You only need to use light (white) spunbond... Black - heats up much more during a thaw. Inside, the ground will begin to thaw earlier, there will be more moisture. Black Spunbond is usually used in garden beds (strawberry) or flower beds to keep weeds from growing.

Video: sheltering roses for the winter using spruce branches and spunbond

Shelter with cardboard

Cardboard is a very good covering material that protects from the wind (this is also a frame), but, unfortunately, it gets wet, so it is imperative to lay another layer on top of it, for example, the same spunbond (in 2 layers) or a film.

And some, like the gardener from the next video, first wrap the roses in spunbond, then cover with cardboard, on top there are 2 more layers of spunbond and a final layer of film (but only on top, not on the sides, so that the shelter breathes).

Video: how to cover roses for the winter - a method with cardboard, spunbond and film

Conclusion! Thus, when choosing a covering material, the following rules should be followed.

  • Between shelter and rose shoots should be space - air gap, it will protect flowers from the cold.
  • Shelter must be breathable, i.e. covering material it should be breathableso that there is no high humidity inside.

Important! Plastic basins and buckets are not suitable for shelter.

Video: how and what to cover roses - tips on how to properly cover the rose garden

Features of the shelter of roses in different regions

Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region where the "queen of flowers" is grown, there are some small nuances for sheltering roses for the winter.

In the south of Russia

If you live in a warm southern region, then for the winter it is enough to spud the roses, for example, by closing the base (neck) with dry sawdust or just the ground. Indeed, in general, even if the shoots freeze, new ones will grow from the neck.

In the middle zone (Moscow region), in the Urals and in Siberia, everything is different.

In the middle lane (Moscow region)

The middle lane is a zone of risky farming, and there are both snowy and completely snowless winters. Therefore, the best shelter for roses in the middle lane (Moscow region) is air-dry. In other words, there must be air under the shelter, and it must be protected from precipitation.

In the Urals and Siberia

In principle, the shelter of roses in the Urals and Siberia is similar to the shelter in the middle lane, but amateur flower growers advise to do without hilling, using spruce branches (rather controversial), and just make an air-dry shelter on arcs, pulling on top, for example, geotextiles in 1 layer (density 150).

Video: shelter of roses in the Urals and Siberia

How to keep roses in winter in very cold northern regions

Very often, gardeners are completely unable to grow roses in frosty northern regions (for example, in Tyumen), where in winter it is up to -50 and below.

Under these climatic conditions, it is better plant roses in a pot and for the winter, lower it to the cellar or basement.

For normal storage in the cellar, a very low temperature should be maintained throughout the winter - not higher than + 4-5 degrees, optimally about 0. At a higher temperature, roses will begin to grow and stretch from a lack of light.

Winter care for roses in pots in the cellar is as follows: first of all, it is necessary to ensure that the earthen lump does not dry out "to death", which means that periodically it should be watered in a dry way, putting snow in the pot.

In the spring, gradually begin to take out into the light, especially if the plants begin to grow. And when the temperature begins to keep in a positive range (in April-May), then you can already take it out into the garden.

So that even for novice gardeners, flowers of tenderness and beauty can easily endure the winter and delight in the spring with a magical riot of colors, it is necessary not to make mistakes in their shelter for the winter. And for this, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of various types and varieties of roses, the optimal time for shelter, as well as the natural and climatic conditions in different regions and the most suitable methods of protection during thaws and frosts.

Video: how to properly cover roses for the winter

Important! If you you do not wantso that under the shelter of a rose gnawed by mice, then it is necessary to put special sent baits or, alternatively, rags soaked in birch tar (small pieces).

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