How to choose an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year

The process of choosing and decorating a Christmas tree is a magical act. Colored balls and garlands, shiny tinsel create a festive mood, turn a coniferous tree into a fabulous one. However, if needles fall from the "forest guest" or an unpleasant smell emanates, it will not work to hide it with tinsel.

In such a situation, an artificial spruce will help out, especially since its appearance is as close as possible to a "live" analogue. It has a lot of advantages, you just need to choose the right artificial Christmas tree for your home and holiday.

How to choose the right artificial Christmas tree for the New Year

Arguments in favor of buying a fake beauty

Before the New Year, many people ask themselves the question: "Which is better - a living tree or an artificial one?" Of course, a living tree for the New Year is the most beautiful decoration that can give a good mood and beauty to your home. What are the advantages of the artificial option? Let's figure it out!

The advantages of an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year

Advantages of an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year:

  • Hypoallergenic... When there is a small child or a person with allergies in the house, artificial spruce becomes the only possible option for a festive coniferous tree. The pungent smell of real wood can cause an allergic reaction and ruin the holiday mood.
  • The convenience of use... The artificial tree does not turn yellow and does not crumble, does not require daily cleaning, there are no problems with disposal after the holidays. The duration of the standing of the artificial product is determined by you.
  • Easy to install and disassemble is also a significant advantage of the artificial tree.
  • Aesthetic appearance... A quality tree fully replaces a living analog. Evenly spaced branches, fluffy crown allow you to beautifully distribute garlands and toys.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree for your home

  • Sustainability... The artificial tree differs from the real one in its stability and protection against falls.
  • Enviroment protection... By giving preference to artificial beauty, you prevent deforestation on a human whim. After all, real unsold Christmas trees, thrown into the trash bin or on the side of the road, look very sad.
  • Easy to clean... Before installing, it is enough to wipe the dust and dry the branches well. And you can store an artificial Christmas tree in a dry, dark place without access to the sun and moisture.
  • Availability... You can buy an artificial Christmas tree at any time of the year without haste and fuss, without waiting for December.

Which is better - a live tree or an artificial one

Types of artificial trees

For the first time, artificial spruce began to be used in the 19th century in Germany. The material for them was goose feathers or animal hair dyed green. And what are modern artificial beauties made of? Artificial Christmas tree is a design in the shape of a festive tree. Manufactured in a variety of ways from a variety of materials. Modern technologies allow you to recreate the appearance of natural wood.

These are the types of artificial Christmas trees:

  • Cast structures - they allow you to recreate the natural look of wood. For manufacturing, jellies are used for each branch. The technology is expensive and is used in German products. Such a spruce will become a complete replacement for a real tree.

Cast artificial Christmas tree for New Year

  • Fiber optic structures look very impressive, thanks to the LED strip built into the branches, and can be decorated with snow spraying. Such an artificial tree does not need additional decor and garlands. It is connected to the mains. Low power consumption, fireproof. The service life of such a product reaches 10 years.

Fiber Artificial Christmas Tree for New Year

  • Christmas tree made of PVC film similar to the real one, has needles soft to the touch. It is affordable and with proper care will last for years. Due to the peculiarities of the PVC material, the electric garland can be left on for a long time.

Artificial PVC tree

  • Line structures - this technology is outdated today, it is used only in Chinese products. Thick fishing line serves as the material for the manufacture. The unnaturalness of the product is noticeable even from afar, the advantage is the low price and long service life.

Artificial tree line

Important! An artificial Christmas tree made of low-quality material can be harmful to health! Avoid buying suspicious and too cheap items.

Now you know exactly what they are made of and you can choose exactly the option that suits you the most.

What are artificial Christmas trees made of?

Criterias of choice

To choose the right artificial Christmas tree for your home, you should be aware of some of the characteristics of this product.Typical design features and methods of fastening branches significantly affect the price and quality of the product:

  • Collapsible spruce constructor - stand, trunk, branches are disassembled into separate components.
  • Solid Spruce Umbrella - non-separable trunk, folded by bending branches to the trunk.
  • Collapsible spruce umbrellak - only the barrel of the product is disassembled.

Branches are attached to the trunk in two ways:

  • The cheapest is fastening with hookslocated at the base of the branches.When assembling, the branches are attached to the desired level, indicated by color.
  • Swivel mount more convenient to use, the branches do not separate from the trunk, but bend over to it. Articulated products are more expensive.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree

Here are the criteria you should pay attention to in order to choose the right artificial tree for the New Year celebration:

1) There should be a distance between the top of the tree and the ceiling of your house.... The spruce, rested against the ceiling, looks ugly.

2) Soft needles after mechanical impact by hand should return to original position.

3) Branches with stiff needles must be properly secured. If they remain in your hands with a slight pull, you should not choose this option.

4) The material of the product must be environmentally friendly and safe for health... Confirmation of this must be in the relevant documents, sanitary and hygienic certificates, on the box for the product. Otherwise, the product may be dangerous.

5) The assortment of Christmas tree products is widely presented to the buyer... You can choose not only an artificial tree, but also, in addition to the classic green spruce, - pine, cedar, fir. For their manufacture, fishing line is usually used. The branches of such a tree are lush, with long needles. The artificial tree can be decorated with imitation snow, pine cones.

How to choose a good artificial Christmas tree

The color design of the product can be any. You can find silvery, blue, gold, various shades of green. For a small space, a wall tree that does not have branches on one side is suitable.

Artificial Christmas tree for New Year

6) The stand is usually in the shape of a cross and can be made of metal, wood or plastic. For families with small children or pets, a metal cruciform structure is better..

7) Perhaps one of the most important criteria is fire resistance... Only if this criterion is met can be hung on a garland. Tinsel products are highly flammable. PVC material emits corrosive smoke when burning. Molded plastic Christmas trees do not burn, but melt.

8) To choose a good artificial Christmas tree, it is better to give preference to a product with a frame made of durable and lightweight aluminum... Cheap plastic counterparts can crack from mechanical stress. To ensure the quality and safety of materials, you need to ask the seller for a certificate for the product.

9) You should not choose a product with a pungent chemical odor., give preference only to high-quality products... The fact is that in the end it will be very difficult to get rid of the smell of a low-quality product.

Note! Reviews of real people will also help you choose a good artificial Christmas tree! Before buying, read the reviews for certain products and make the right choice.

Knowing these features and criteria, you will be able to choose a top-notch artificial tree that will decorate your home and give joy for many years.

Where and when to buy a tree

It will not be possible to buy such a product, unlike a living tree, at the Christmas tree markets. For many, this fact is a disadvantage. But a significant plus is that an artificial Christmas tree can be bought throughout the year at any time. And there are much more places to buy.

Buying an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year

Here's where you can buy an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year:

  • A great variety of New Year beauties and holiday souvenirs are presented in shopping centers and shops specializing in the sale of Christmas decorations. However, the price is significantly overpriced and the purchase of a gorgeous forest beauty on the eve of the winter holiday will cost more.

Where to buy an artificial Christmas tree

  • You can order an artificial Christmas tree through the online store and save a lot, but one should not forget the time-tested wisdom - "a miser pays twice." The seller of an online store must be reliable and the product must be of high quality.

Where to buy an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year

It is profitable to buy a Christmas tree a month after the winter holidays... Prices are down 2-3 times, and sellers are in a hurry to quickly sell the remaining goods.You can also buy the product in the middle of the year at a low price in a specialized store or online.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree for the New Year

How to install a Christmas tree for the New Year

For an artificial tree to please the eye throughout the holidays, it is necessary install correctly... Of course, there is nothing complicated and incomprehensible in this matter, but nevertheless it must be done carefully.

How to assemble an artificial Christmas tree

You can install an artificial Christmas tree as follows:

  • Step one... It is necessary to assemble the barrel of the product. As a rule, it consists of several parts. The barrel is assembled from the bottom up starting from the stand.
  • Step two... Pinning branches. This step is relevant if the branches are included separately from the trunk. They are attached to special holds, latches, hooks. At the bottom of the tree are the largest branches, and at the top, respectively, the smallest. This will help her look as natural as possible.
  • Step three... Branches decoration. As a rule, artificial products are stored in packaging, and due to such storage, the branches wrinkle and lose their attractive appearance. Therefore, at home, you need to straighten and fluff the branches of an artificial tree. More detailed information on how to do this is waiting for you below.
  • Step four... Optionally, you can fix your tree to the wall or floor. Doing so will help keep her from accidentally falling. For this, you can use a thin wire.
  • Step five... Now you can start decorating the main symbol of the winter holiday!

Important! During installation, follow the instructions. There should be clear and detailed description of all steps.

If you have not yet come across such a product and are wondering what to put an artificial Christmas tree on, then do not worry. A quality product comes with a stand that will help you fix and securely fix it.

How to fix and install an artificial Christmas tree

To properly fix and install an artificial Christmas tree, you need to avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Do not straighten the branches of the product parallel to each other and the floor.... It will look unnatural and not very pretty. And if you properly spread the artificial Christmas tree, you can get an almost "live" tree.
  2. It is not recommended to place the Christmas tree in the middle of the room.... Such an arrangement is dangerous because in the event of an unexpected fall, both the tree itself and the holiday toys can be damaged.
  3. Try not to put the tree too close to the wall.... There should be a small space between them to protect the walls and wallpaper from damage.
  4. You can not have the main New Year's attribute near heating appliances.... Heating can adversely affect the product and damage it.

How to fluff up an artificial Christmas tree

To make the artificial tree for the New Year look really festive and luxurious, it is necessary to fluff up its branches during installation. The fact is that such products are most often in a box and are stored in this form for a long time. It is not surprising that after assembly, the Christmas tree looks wrinkled, crumpled and peeled.

There are several ways to fluff up an artificial Christmas tree at home:

  • Steam iron... After you have assembled the Christmas tree, connect and heat the iron. Gently aim the iron over the tree and let off steam for a couple of seconds. Set the iron aside and start straightening the needles.

How to spread an artificial Christmas tree

  • Ferry... Put a pot of water on the fire, after the water boils, reduce the gas to a minimum (this will help to avoid overheating and damage to the needles). Now bring the product to the steam and gently try to straighten the artificial tree.

How to steam an artificial Christmas tree

  • Hairdryer... It is necessary to turn on the hair dryer on medium mode. Direct the air flow onto the needles against their "growth", simultaneously straightening the wrinkled areas with your hand.

How to fluff up an artificial Christmas tree

  • With hot water... Get some hot water (temperature about 55-60 degrees). With a small Christmas tree, you can draw water into the bath. Then lower the product into water (whole or separate branches) for half a minute, pull it out and start straightening the needles. After that, let it dry thoroughly.

How to spread an artificial Christmas tree with hot water

Note! If you cannot straighten the artificial tree, then make the air temperature of the hair dryer or steam slightly higher. But do not overdo it so as not to spoil the product.

Thanks to such simple manipulations, you can make the artificial tree more magnificent. It will be more beautiful and harmonious, and Christmas tree decorations and other decorations will be much easier and easier to hang on the branches.

Important!To successfully fluff up an artificial Christmas tree at home, you need to do the procedure very carefully. Since the products are mainly made of PVC, the needles made of this material, if heated, can twist and irreparably deteriorate. Therefore, control the temperature - it should be within 70-80 degrees!

How to fluff up an artificial Christmas tree

How to care

In order for the artificial beauty to decorate the holiday for many years, you need to properly care for and store the artificial tree.

Artificial Christmas tree care tips:

  • Before installing the tree, you need to carefully study the instructions, and if the manufacturer allows washing with water, you can wash the artificial tree at home under the shower.
  • If the product cannot be wetted, use a vacuum cleaner and a damp rag to clean the artificial tree... At the same time, you need to handle the branches with care, trying not to damage the needles.
  • Keep you need it in dry, cool placewithout access sun rays.
  • When packing the product,a plastic bag should be put on each branch, pressing the needles to the base... Bend all packed branches to the trunk and wrap with cling film.

Such a tree is an indispensable attribute of the winter holiday, and what it will be - artificial or "alive" everyone decides for himself. But know, a correctly chosen artificial tree can be as alive! Some celebrate the New Year in a quiet family circle with a small modest Christmas tree, while others arrange an enchanting carnival with a gorgeous coniferous beauty. In any case, a Christmas tree, gifts, toys are companions of a fabulous New Year, faith in a real miracle! And you just need to choose the right tree.

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