Choosing, installing and extending the life of a lively New Year's beauty

What will help to improve the New Year's mood? Of course, a live Christmas tree that will give you a joyful holiday feeling, warm memories and expectation of a miracle! Every adult is in a hurry to please his children.

For a festive tree to bring a lot of joy, you need to know how to choose the right living tree for the holiday. And then it will remain fresh during all the New Year's festivities. How to choose, put, keep fresh living beauty at home, read on!

How to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year

What you need to know when choosing a live tree

Choosing a beautiful live Christmas tree for the New Year is not so difficult there, but you need to try a little and be attentive. There are certain criteria for choosing a New Year's beauty, read about all this below.

How to choose, install and keep a living tree for a long time

First of all, shortly before you go to a store or market to purchase a tree and choose a live Christmas tree, decide exactly where it will stand:

  • in the middle of the room it would be preferable to choose spruce symmetrical and gorgeous from all sides;
  • but if you put it in angle, then it will do one-sided.

Choosing a Christmas tree for the New Year

We advise you first of all to determine the distance from the floor to the ceiling in your house in order to choose a living tree of the appropriate height. Usually buy spruce with a length of 1.5-2 meters... The height of the festive thorny attribute is measured not from the very top, but from the beginning of the first branches... Also, think beforehand how you will put it: in a pot of sand, a bucket of water or a cross.

Interesting to know! The very first Christmas tree was set up in the French countryside of Alsace in 1600 and was decorated with roses made from brightly colored paper.

Choosing a live Christmas tree for the New Year

Useful tips and tricks on how to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year:

  • We advise you to purchase it during the day in order to notice all the flaws in the tree.
  • Arriving at the store, you should find out - when the tree was cut down, carefully examine the branches - the needles should not fall out. Shake the trunk to see the number of needles that have fallen off. Several needles, of course, will fall to the ground (if more fall out, this should alert).
  • Fresh spruce has bright green, shiny needles. The spruce needles should be odorous and oily (feel them to check).
  • Dry needles without the characteristic smell of pine needles will tell you that the tree is damaged, frostbitten.

How to choose a lively Christmas tree

  • You can check the freshness of the spruce by bending the twig. Flexible, resilient branches will indicate the good condition of the tree, and vice versa, hard, dry branches will indicate that the tree is old and will not last long.
  • It is not uncommon for sellers to process live fir trees for longer storage. How to avoid falling for the trick? Just smell it if you smell a strange smell (perhaps acrid and disgusting) - of course, such a spruce is not worth taking.
  • There is an opinion that it is more correct to choose a living tree with a thicker trunk, because this indicates its condition. A thick trunk is considered to be 7-8 centimeters in girth.
  • Examine the cut of the tree, do not choose the option with dark stripes on the cut or with mold. Mold and mildew can make its way into your apartment, so it's especially important to focus on this. The presence of resin on the cut is mandatory, a large amount of resin indicates a recent cut of the tree. At the same time, at home, you need to make a new cut of the holiday tree, the excess resin will interfere with water absorption.
  • Look closely at the spruce - the lower branches should stick up.

The best time and place to buy

Live Christmas tree for New Years celebration better to buy 5-7 days before the holiday, since the spruce can be kept fresh for 2-4 weeks.

It is advisable to buy a Christmas tree in a tree nursery or on the market - they are grown especially for the New Year, and therefore you, for sure, will not be an accomplice of illegal felling of young conifers.

How to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year

You need to use a special mesh or fabric to wrap the Christmas tree after purchase... To do this, gently bend the branches from top to bottom, wrap them with a net and fasten it all with a rope so as not to break the branches on the way.

It is advisable to drag the New Year's miracle with the barrel forward to avoid damage. But to bring it into the house, on the contrary - forward with the top.

How to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year

How to bring a beauty home

So you've chosen the perfect Christmas tree for the New Year! But how to bring her home so that she does not “lose” all her beauty on the way?

The most convenient way of transportation after purchase is by car. You can bring a Christmas tree by car like this:

  • In the trunk... But trunk space is quite limited, so this option is only suitable if the tree is very small.

How to transport a live Christmas tree by car in the trunk

  • In the cabin... If the Christmas tree does not fit in the trunk, then you just need to fold the rear seats and place it neatly.
  • In a trailer - the easiest and most convenient way to transport a holiday tree, but not everyone has a trailer.
  • On the roof... The best option for transportation, especially if a trunk is installed on the roof of the car - you only need to fix the winter beauty and that's it.

How to transport a live tree by car

If there is no trunk, then you need to put a dense fabric on the roof, if there are roof rails, tie to them, if not, then you can pass the ropes through the slightly lowered rear doors.

How to transport a live Christmas tree by car

To bring a live Christmas tree home and not harm either the car itself or the tree, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • Before loading the tree onto or into the car, it is necessary to carefully tie it with a rope (so that the branches do not break off, and it becomes more compact).
  • It is advisable to wrap the tree in a bag / polyethylene / cloth. This is necessary in order not to scratch the car or stain the interior.
  • When transporting, handle the Christmas tree very carefully for the New Year.

How to bring a live Christmas tree by car

There is another interesting transportation option - sledging... It is suitable for those who live close to the points of sale.

How to transport a live Christmas tree on a sled

What to do after you bring her home

It is not recommended to bring a live Christmas tree into the house immediately after purchase, it does not tolerate a large temperature difference, a large number of needles may even fall off, which will make it seem rare and ugly.

Leave the Christmas tree in the entrance or in the hallway of a private house for 30-40 minutesduring this time the tree will adapt to your temperature regime.

Live tree for New Year

How to properly install a Christmas tree

It is considered the most correct and optimal option -fix a living tree at home in a bucket of sand... Many people simply put it on the cross and wrap it with a damp cloth. Better, of course, to choose the option with a bucket of sand, it will be more reliable, and the tree will stand longer.

How to fix a live Christmas tree at home

To install a living tree in a bucket of sand, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Just peel the branches off the bottom of the trunk (about 15-20 cm) and shave off the bark. The safest way to do this is with a special knife or hatchet.
  2. The trunk is dipped deep into the bucket, the sand is tamped and the tree is aligned vertically, simultaneously placing stones or bricks in the bucket with sand. This will help to secure it efficiently at home.
  3. The stand can be decorated with beautiful fabric or bright paper.
  4. Further, to beautifully install a live Christmas tree in the apartment, need to cover the space on which it will stand, with bright wrapping paper, cloth. Now crumbling needles will not fall to the floor and clog in the cracks, similarly, the needles will be carried around the house to a lesser extent.
  5. And if you have a small child, then at the end you need to cut off the lower branches so that the child does not manage to get hurt with needles.

Such a simple option will help you to install a live Christmas tree at home without a stand and keep it for a longer period. Convenient for both a private house and an apartment.

How to keep a living tree for a long time

Even after the New Year holidays, it is pleasant to admire a live Christmas tree in the room of an apartment or a private house. She perfectly decorates and revives any interior. But how long does a live tree stand at home? It can stand in excellent condition for about 2-3 weeks. To extend the "life" of a festive tree and stitch off yellowing and shedding of needles, you can use some tricks.

How to keep a live Christmas tree at home longer

By following these recommendations, you can keep a live Christmas tree at home longer:

  • In order for the tree to stand longer and the needles do not crumble, sand is poured with cold water with a spoonful of sugar and a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it... Experienced people advise add a tablet of ordinary aspirin to the water either use warm water and a few drops of acetic or citric acid... This will help keep the living tree in excellent condition until the New Year and until the end of the holidays.
  • If you use sand, sometimes sand needs to be watered several times.
  • She does not like dry air, for this reason, the room should be provided humidifier or every day spray the branches water from a spray bottle. They will help you properly care for a live Christmas tree for the New Year.
  • It is also possible to place a living tree using a simple wet cloth. Simply wrap the barrel with it and fix it in the cross. The only thing,do not forget to wet the rag sometimes, otherwise it will begin to crumble.
  • You can help prolong the freshness of a live tree if you put it away from heating devices and ovens.
  • Do not use to decorate it candles and homemade electric garlands.

How to choose the right Christmas tree for the New Year

By following these simple recommendations, you can easily keep a living beauty at home.

How to dispose of after the holidays

Unfortunately, the New Year tree will sooner or later begin to dry out and crumble. Remember to dispose of it properly.

You need to prepare for the release in advance, because most often, when disassembling and disposing of a tree, it is impossible not to litter with crumbling dried needles. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully remove the dried tree so that you do not have to pick up needles throughout the house and in the entrance.

How to properly dispose of a Christmas tree

Here's how to properly dispose of your Christmas tree:

  1. wear mittens and long-sleeved outerwear;
  2. cut the branches as close to the trunk as possible and carefully fold them into large bags;
  3. now you have only a bare trunk left, it can be thrown into the trash can without worrying that you litter the apartment or entrance.

By the way! Elements of the Christmas tree do not have to be thrown away. Various crafts and decorations can be made from wood.

Observing all of the above recommendations, you can easily choose and install a live fragrant beauty both in the apartment and in the house. It remains only to decorate it beautifully and festively. By the way, with regard to decorating the main symbol of the holiday, here you can bring to life the most daring ideas and ideas. We wish you to choose the most beautiful live Christmas tree for the New Year!

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