How to grow grapes from seed at home

As you know, you can plant grapes in the country or in the city with the help of cuttings or seedlings. Undoubtedly, these classic methods are very convenient. Have you ever thought that you can grow fruit-bearing grapes from the seed at home? How to do this, read the article below.

Why do we need this?

This method of growing grapes from seeds is used very rarely for two reasons: a long wait for fruiting, the inability to predict what a plant from a seed will be in the end. It would seem, why waste a lot of time and resources if there are more accessible and convenient ways. Nevertheless, the method is very interesting, especially for gambling gardeners who love experiments. And that's why:

  • Thirst for new summer cottage experiments... For example, you can experiment and plant grapes with seeds of different varieties and see what happens, how they differ.
  • Desire to make a new variety... Very often they try to create a new variety with the help of growing seeds.
  • The desire to make a stock... The method of planting grapes with seeds is relevant when the gardener plans to make a stock (a grape bush on which another grape will be grafted).

By the way! How plant grapes in spring, read in this material.

Note!Seed grapes begin to bear fruit in about 4-5 years. In some cases, it is possible to achieve fruiting after two or three years, but this is more the exception than the rule.

What seeds should be used inchoosing the right variety

If you plant seeds of any kind in the ground at home or in the country, then you may fail, since there is no guarantee that the seed will sprout, and the cultivation and fruiting of grapes will be successful. Therefore, you should carefully consider the choice of variety, so that it is easier to grow a plant from seeds at home.

Ideal for this business is grape seeds of some new hybrid variety., having improved parameters, excellent resistance to diseases and adverse external factors. Thanks to these qualities, the grape seed has more chances to root successfully, grow normally and bear fruit well in the future.

Also when choosing a variety it is very important to focus on the climatic conditions of the region... After all, not every variety will be comfortable in a particular region. Therefore, you need to find out in advance which variety is optimal to grow in your climatic conditions.

In addition, you can also choose an option depending on the ultimate goal, for example, you just want to consume it or make juice, jam, wine, etc.

Important!In order for the cultivation of grapes from seed at home to be successful, it is necessary to take seeds for planting from well-ripe grapes. It is also desirable that they are sweet and large, and the seeds themselves should be brown with a dense shell.

Seed preparation

The first step is to extract the seeds from the grapes. You can do this both with the help of a cut with a knife, or simply by removing the skin and squeezing out the bones with your hands. They should be free of any damage. Then you should rinse the seeds with running cool water and remove the remaining pulp.


After extracting and washing the material, it is time to proceed to the direct preparation of the seeds, that is, to stratification. Such an event will help increase similarity. To stratify, you need to do the following:

  • put the seeds in a damp cotton bag, then the bag itself in a plastic bag;
  • place the bag in the refrigerator (while it is in the refrigerator, t should be from +1 to +5 degrees);
  • it is very important to periodically remove them from the refrigerator and rinse them;
  • when the seeds begin to crack, it will mean that they are ready to germinate (as a rule, it takes several months in the refrigerator).

Note!If you find mold on the bones, then they should be placed on a plate of 3% hydrogen peroxide for about ten minutes. Then soak a paper napkin with peroxide, put seeds on it, put everything in a plastic bag and put it back in the refrigerator.

Video: preparing grape seeds for planting.

After that, put the bones on a damp cloth (it is advisable to use thawed or settled water) and place them in a warm place until the roots begin to appear (you must make sure that they do not dry out, so moisten them periodically).

Video: a variant of seed germination after stratification.

Transfer to soil

You must first plant a grape seed in a pot at home. The appropriate time for the event is February, March.It is optimal to use fertile soil, you can either buy it or cook it yourself: clean calcined sand is mixed with humus and garden soil in equal proportions. It is also advisable to pre-make holes at the bottom of the pot and pour drainage material on the bottom. After you have poured the soil into the pot, deepen the grape sprout to a depth of about 1-1.5 centimeters.

It is recommended to plant grape seeds in individual containers. It is recommended to place the pot next to a window so that the sprout can receive sufficient sunlight and heat. The place should also be protected from drafts and cold.

Video: planting sprouted grape seeds.

After deepening, it is important to carry out the following care: water, loosen, fertilize (you can read about how to properly care for seedlings just below). You can also cover the pot with foil before germination. If all requirements are met, the seedlings will sprout in about two weeks.

Advice! To prevent the development of blackleg, it is recommended to mulch the topsoil with perlite.

At the end of spring, the seedlings should be transplanted into larger pots (3-4 liter pots are optimal). These pots must be placed on the balcony or in the open area of ​​a private house: the first time outdoors should be no more than 10-15 minutes, the time must be increased every day, and then left completely outside.

And in the fall, grapes from seeds can be planted in open ground. You can read about how to land in this detailed material... During the first year after transplanting into open ground, it is imperative to shade the plant.

Note! You can also plant a plant in open ground in early June, but before planting, you should harden the plant: leave the pot outside for several days for one hour, then for two hours, and so on.

Care of seedlings and seedlings after transplanting into open ground

Seed grapes require complex care, the successful cultivation of a young plant depends on it. Care includes watering, loosening the soil, feeding, shelter in order to protect from the cold. Let's take a closer look at what kind of plant care you need to take.

Seedling care

After planting the seeds in the pot and after the seedlings have emerged, it is important to regularly to water plant to maintain optimal moisture, without which the plant cannot cope. But despite the fact that watering should be carried out regularly, it cannot be abused either. Also, after each watering, it is necessary to loosen the topsoil.

After the appearance of two or four real leaves, the first top dressing a young plant from a seed. Experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. After the seedling gets stronger, hardening should be carried out in the open air.

It is also important to monitor the plant so that exclude the emergence and development of diseases and pests... Most often, a young plant is attacked spider and / or felt mite... High humidity is unpleasant for spider mites, therefore, it is required to regularly irrigate the leaves from a spray bottle.

Outdoor seedling care

Watering plays a critical role in rooting and growing and should be done regularly. It is necessary to loosen and remove weeds. For winter, the vine should not be cut, it can be carefully twisted into a ring and put on the ground. Pruning should be carried out no earlier than the 3rd year.

Also, before the onset of autumn and winter cold weather, it is necessary to protect the plant transplanted into open ground with the help of hilling and shelter. It is necessary to huddle the root collar of the plant with earth. You can cover with spruce branches or fallen coniferous needles. You should also cover the top with a film or burlap, lutrasil.

Subsequently, the grapes should be tied up (how to do this, read in this article), pruning, feeding.

During the first year, grapes grown from seeds must be loosened and watered, and weeds underneath must be regularly weeded.

Note! You can find detailed information on caring for grapes in the following articles: features of spring carespring plantingtop dressing in spring, treatment against diseases and pests in springfight with mildew, powdery mildew control, spring pruningfeatures of autumn care.

An alternative method of breeding and growing grapes with seeds will allow you to enjoy the delicious berries of juicy grapes. But it is necessary to take into account the sequence of all steps, from stratification to leaving after planting in open ground. And then the grapes grown from the seed will bear fruit and delight you with their stunning bunches.

Video:how to grow grapes from seed at home.

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