Planting petunia seedlings in open ground (on a flower bed) in the spring: terms, rules, tips for care

The last spring month is approaching, which means that most gardeners are puzzled by the choice of timing for planting seedlings in the ground. Florists are no exception, it is in May that flower seedlings can be transplanted both in pots and taken out into the garden, and into open ground, on a flower bed.

Next, you will learn when to plant petunia seedlings in open ground and pots (flowerpots), how to properly carry out the procedure (including preparing the soil, arranging a flower bed) so that the plant quickly takes root in a new place and enters the active flowering phase

When to plant petunia seedlings in open ground: optimal timing

When installed consistently warm weather, priming enough warms up (up to + 10-12 degrees at a depth of 10-12 cm) and the threat of recurrent spring frosts has passed, it will be possible to start planting petunia seedlings in open ground or in flowerpots, pots, which will also stand outside or in the garden (personal plot).

Naturally, by this time the seedlings themselves should grow up and look appropriate. As a rule, by this time, petunias are already beginning to bloom (at least to lay buds) and form lateral shoots, and their roots should occupy the entire volume of the earthen coma of the pot.

As for the age of the seedlings, then from the moment of sowing to landing in the ground, about 3 months should pass... For example, sowed seeds at the end of February - the seedlings were planted at the end of May.

But by the time of planting, ampelous varieties can already form rather long side shoots - up to 25 cm.

Terms for regions

Of course, depending on the climatic characteristics of your region of residence and the current weather conditions, the timing of planting petunia seedlings in open ground can vary:

  • So, in the Middle lane (Moscow region), as a rule, they are planted in the second half of May.
  • In the Urals and Siberia - not earlier than late May or early June. Around the same time, they are planted in the North-West (in the Leningrad region).
  • And in the southern regions, of course, much earlier - in the second half of April and early May.

According to the lunar calendar for 2021

It can help you choose a specific date for planting seedlings in open ground on a flower bed Moon calendar.

Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar for 2021, for planting petunia seedlings in the ground are:

  • in April - 1, 2, 5-7, 9, 17-20, 24, 25;
  • in May - 2-6, 15-17, 20, 21, 25-31;
  • in June - 2-4, 7-9, 11-14, 16-19.

Note! If for some reason you cannot plant seedlings on one of the favorable days, then at least take into account the unfavorable dates. Namely New Moon days and Full Moon, when planting any crops (flower, vegetable, berry, fruit) is highly undesirable. And also the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign -in italics.

So, unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar for 2021, the following dates are for planting petunia seedlings:

  • in April - 5-6, 12, 27;
  • in May - 2-4, 11, 26, 30-31;
  • in June - 10, 24, 26-27;

Choosing a place and preparing a flower bed for petunias

Petunia loves the sun: it is in an open place that it blooms beautifully and magnificently.

However, petunia does not tolerate extreme heat very well - it can stretch out, flowering will not be so abundant.

Therefore, it is better to plant petunia in a place where in the very heat (at lunchtime) it will be somewhat shaded, and in the morning and after lunch it will not be deprived of the sun.

As for the soil, it should be loose (light) and fertile. Close to neutral (5.5-6 pH) or neutral acidity (6-7 pH).

How can you fill a garden bed (additionally fertilize), allocated for a flower garden, in which petunias will grow?

  • From organic matter: humus, compost, peat and wood ash.

No fresh manure, just rotted.

  • Mineral fertilizers: nitroammophos (complex; nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - 16% each).

Thus, in order to prepare a flower bed for petunias, you need to dig up the soil on a half-bayonet of a shovel (10-15 cm), or loosen it well and add organic matter and mineral fertilizers for digging.

If the soil is too clayey, then add more sand.

Advice! You can act more rationally (economically) and pour organic matter into each planting hole.

What can you plant petunia with?

Large-flowered petunia is beautifully planted together with lobelia, viola (pansies), verbena, begonia, marigolds, asters. There are many combinations, you just need to experiment.

Petunia, lobelia and aster

Of course, in flowerpots and garter pots it looks even more beautiful.

Petunia, lobelia and verbena

Where is it better to plant petunias - in open ground or in pots

Obviously, ampelous varieties with long shoots will look much more spectacular in hanging pots or balcony boxes, although they can also be used as ground cover plants.

It is generally believed that petunias grow more luxuriantly in flowerpots than in open ground.

How to make a beautiful petunia flower bed: ideas for flower beds

Note! The site already has a detailed article showing ideas and examples of the design of beautiful vertical flower beds of petunias.

How to properly plant petunia seedlings in the ground or pots

Preparing seedlings for planting (hardening)

Before planting seedlings in open ground, transplanting them into a flowerpot and taking them outside (into the garden), you need to harden them (seedlings) in order to initially adapt the plants to more severe outdoor (external) conditions.

Alternatively, 5-7 days before disembarkation (transplant), you can gradually begin to take out the seedlings in the daytime to the balcony (open loggia), to the greenhouse or to the street.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Step-by-step instructions for planting petunia seedlings in the ground on a flower bed:

A day or at least a couple of hours before planting the seedlings, it is necessary to water abundantly so that the earthy clod does not crumble and the roots of the plant are not damaged.

  • Make holes according to the size of the cups (the volume of the seedling pots)

As for the planting scheme, as a rule, petunias are planted at a distance of 20-30 cm.

  • Spill the wells lightly with water.
  • Gently remove the seedlings from the pots (cups).
  • Place in the previously made recesses, sprinkle with earth and squeeze slightly from the sides (so that the plant is fixed in the soil).

In this case, the root collar should be flush with the soil.

  • If desired, it is beautiful to mulch.
  • Spill abundantly with water.

Video: planting petunia seedlings in open ground in a permanent place

Planting in pots (balcony boxes)

  • First of all, you need to decide on pots, namely with their volume (sizes)... If you have ampel grade, then one plant will require a nutritional area of ​​about 10 liters. For more compact large-flowered and / or double petunias - near 3 liters... In other words, 1 ampelous petunia or 3 large-flowered or terry petunias can be planted in a 10-liter flowerpot.

At the bottom of the flowerpots must be drain holes to drain excess moisture.

  • Further fill pots with nutrient soil... You can use the same one as for growing seedlings - based on peat, with the addition of basic macro- (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) and micronutrient fertilizers.

Further, everything is standard (similar to landing in open ground):

  • Make holes in the pots to match the size of the earthen ball of seedlings (i.e. the pot).
  • Gently remove the seedlings from the cups.
  • Plant in the holes and squeeze slightly from the sides (while the root collar should be at the level of the soil, or you can deepen it a little).
  • Drizzle lightly.
  • Mulch (so that moisture does not evaporate quickly, especially if the planter will stand all day in the open sun). For example one can use sawdust.

Video: planting seedlings of flowers (petunias) in pots

Further care for petunias in the open field and when growing in pots

It is not difficult to care for petunias, the main agrotechnical measures are standard:

  • Watering. Petunia can tolerate slight drying out of the soil (this will even stimulate its development), but not constant waterlogging, due to which the lower leaves die off and the development of fungal diseases. Therefore, watering should be infrequent, but abundant, so that the entire root zone (earthen clod) is saturated with moisture.

Advice! To check if the next watering needs to be done - assess the condition of the soil at a depth of 5-7 cm (i.e. insert your finger):

  • if it is relatively (medium) wet, then you can wait a little with watering
  • rather dry than wet - be sure to water.
  • Top dressing.If you want the plant to bloom longer and more luxuriantly, do not forget to periodically (about 1 time in 2 weeks) carry out liquid fertilizing with fertilizers with a high potassium content (or simply complex, for example, Fertika Lux). However, the first feeding is done only after the plant takes root in a new place, i.e. 1-2 weeks after transplanting.

Advice! The site already has an article about how to feed petunia before and during flowering.

  • Recommended regularly remove faded flowers along with peduncles (conveniently cut with scissors) so that the petunia does not waste energy on setting seeds, but continues to bloom magnificently and beautifully.

It's another matter if you plan to collect and prepare your own petunia seeds (which is relevant only for varieties, not F1 hybrids).

  • If the summer is rainy and humid, there will be a high probability of the plant being affected by fungal diseases, then you will have to use fungicidal agents, as well as insecticides, if the flower is suddenly attacked by pests.

That's all! Agree, everything is much easier than planting the same tomato or peppers... And there is nowhere easier to take care of. Good luck, novice flower growers!

Video: planting petunias in open ground - creating a flower bed of petunias

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