When to sow eggplants for seedlings in 2021: favorable days according to the lunar calendar, based on the climate of the region and the age of the seedlings

To get a decent harvest of eggplants, as well as peppers, like other vegetable crops, in most regions they must first be sown for seedlings. At the same time, it is very important to choose the most suitable planting dates for your climatic zone.

Next, we will try to reasonably answer the most exciting question of all novice summer residents: "When to sow eggplants for seedlings?" (instead of eggplant, you can substitute tomatoes, peppers). We will dwell in more detail on the approximate dates for different regions, and also provide you with favorable days for planting eggplant according to the lunar calendar in 2021.

When to sow eggplants for seedlings: optimal planting dates

By the way! Eggplants are considered an even more heat-loving crop than peppers, and they also have one of the longest growing seasons.

Therefore, in order to correctly determine the time for sowing eggplants for seedlings, it is imperative to take into account some important points:

  • climatic features your region of residence, namely when it becomes possible to plant seedlings in the ground;
  • method or place of cultivation, namely where to plant seedlings - in open ground or greenhouse.

By the way! It is clear that can be planted indoors earlier (1-3 weeks) than outdoorssince the soil in the greenhouse warms up faster.

  • duration of the seedling period, or rather the necessary seedling age by the time of her landings.

Also, many gardeners pay attention to Moon phases, choosing according to the lunar calendar the most specific favorable days for sowing.

Important! Always look for the middle ground! If you plant seeds too late, then eggplants will start bearing fruit late and you can banal not have time to harvest a full harvest. On the other hand, if you hurry with planting seeds, then the seedlings will simply outgrow your containers, whichwill lead to depletion of plants due to lack of food and light.

Self-calculation of sowing dates, based on the necessary age of the seedlings

So, according to the duration of ripening (from germination to technical ripeness), eggplant varieties are divided into:

  • early - 90-120 days;
  • average - 120-140 days;
  • late maturing - 140 and more days.

Accordingly, depending on the ripening time of a certain variety, eggplant seedlings are recommended to be planted in a permanent place in open ground at a certain age:

  • early maturing - 60-65 days;
  • average - 65-70 days;
  • late - 70-80 days.

Now, using a simple arithmetic addition action, you can calculate how long it will take to grow seedlings at home:

  • seed treatment, germination (0-3 days);

By the way! The technology for preparing and processing eggplant seeds is similar to peppers, so you can get all the information you need in this detailed materialabout the pre-sowing preparation of pepper seeds.

  • the duration of the emergence of seedlings (4-10 days);
  • recovery after picks (7-10 days);
  • the required age of the seedlings (60-70 days).

Total: 74-90 days, i.e. the approximate period of growing eggplant seedlings is somewhere in the region of just over 2.5 months.

As for the approximate approximate sowing dates, they can also be calculated depending on the characteristics of your climatic zone, namely when in your region there is an opportunity for planting eggplant seedlings on a garden bed (in open ground or a greenhouse) - you need to subtract the resulting above from this date amount (74-90 days). Let's consider in more detail.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations and depending on the variety

By the way! Each package of seeds, or rather on its reverse side, contains brief information about the cultivation, where, as a rule, general recommendations are given on the timing of sowing for seedlings of this variety (hybrid) of eggplant.

Approximate sowing dates depending on the climate of the region

Obviously, when choosing the timing of planting for seedlings, one should take into account the climatic features of the region, since eggplant is a very thermophilic culture, which means that the plants can hardly survive spring return frosts normally.

The timing of planting seeds in different regions

Thus, the approximate timing of sowing tomato seeds for seedlings, depending on the region (climate):

  • IN Southern regions sowing eggplant seeds for seedlings can be done already since February, and then it will be possible to plant seedlings in open ground mid to late April.
  • But inMiddle lane (Moscow region) planting eggplants for seedlings should be carried out only from the 3rd decade of February, then the seedlings will be ready for planting in the beds by 2-3 decade of May, which is very acceptable for this region.

Folk wisdom! In Central Russia peppers and eggplants (masculine) it is customary to plant seedlingsFebruary 23 (men's holiday), a tomatoes - March 8 (women's day).

According to the rules of the Russian language, "tomato" is a male vegetable, but among the people its seeds are conventionally called female names ("tomato", "tomato") just to make it easier to remember when to sow, timing the sowing to the international women's day.

  • IN Leningrad region sowing dates are shifting from Moscow region for 1-2 weeks in advance, those. landing - in early March, landing in the ground - in early June.

Advice! In the Central lane and more northern regions, only early or maximum - mid-season eggplant varieties (like peppers) should be grown, because the late ones may simply not have time to give a full harvest.

  • On Urals and Siberia plant eggplants for seedlings should alsoin early March, then the seedlings can be planted on the beds in 1st decade of June.

Video: when to sow eggplants for seedlings

According to the lunar calendar in 2021 year

Many experienced vegetable growers try to adhere to the data indicated in the lunar calendar, because the influence of a heavenly body on plant growth has long been proven.

So, the optimal (favorable) days for planting eggplants for seedlings are considered the period of the growing moon, since at this time the sap flows upward in the plants, which guarantees a high percentage of germination and productivity (while for root crops, on the contrary, the reverse process is required).

Lunar landing

So, auspicious days for sowing eggplants for seedlings, according to the lunar calendar, in 2021 are:

  • in February - 1-3, 14-20, 28, 29;
  • in March - 4-6, 8, 11, 12-14, 21-23;
  • in April - 1, 2, 9-11, 17-20;
  • in May - 2-4, 6, 9-12, 15-22, 29-31;
  • in June - 2-4, 7-9.

Important! Soaking eggplant seeds before sowing is already considered the beginning of growth, so the procedure should be carried out on the indicated favorable days.

But there are also extremely unfavorable, according to the lunar calendar, periods in which it is not recommended to plant eggplants (days of the Full Moon and New moons, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign -italicized). In 2021 these are:

  • in February - 10-11, 27;
  • in March - 9-10, 13, 28;
  • in April - 5-6, 12, 27;
  • in May - 2-4, 11, 26, 30-31;
  • in June - 10, 24, 26-27.

How to plant eggplants for seedlings: a selection of useful materials

And now the time has come for sowing. How to sow eggplant seeds correctly?

Note! About, how to sow eggplants and grow seedlings at home, already described and shown in detailin this material.

Seed preparation for sowing seedlings

Generally, all seed treatment methods are similarso you can read this detailed article about the pre-sowing preparation of pepper seeds and apply the appropriate methods for eggplant.


By the way!The site already has a detailed article aboutpicking eggplant seedlings.

Growing rules in a greenhouse and open field

Are you looking for a decent eggplant crop? So you need take care of them properly.

Harvesting and storage

Determine that eggplants are ready for harvest, as well as how to store them at home detailedin this article.

Thus, we really hope that thanks to our recommendations, now you know exactly when you are better off sowing eggplant seeds for seedlings. Of course, in addition to choosing the timing of sowing, it is also important to properly plant the planting itself, and first prepare the seeds, soil, containers. In the future, it is necessary to correctly perform a pick and follow the basic rules for growing and caring for eggplant seedlings at home.

Video: when and how to sow eggplants for seedlings

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