When is it better to plant seedlings of fruit trees in the fall: choosing the best time for planting

Most likely, you bought a seedling at an autumn sale and do not know when you can plant your fruit tree in the ground, so to speak, you cannot choose the optimal time for this responsible procedure. Well, in many respects it will depend on where exactly your personal plot is located, the current weather conditions, as well as on the condition of the seedling itself.

Next, you will learn about when it is better to plant fruit trees in the fall, at what time it should be done so that the seedlings have time to take root.

Many experienced summer residents believe that the autumn planting is a real blessing for the seedling, because during this period the young tree will take root - the seedling will actively grow the root system, and not the green mass (which occurs during spring planting).

As for the timing of the autumn planting of fruit trees, they will differ depending on climatic features of the region and weather conditions this year.

Fruit trees can be planted in the European part of Russia until the end of October (and in some cases even later), and in the South, on the contrary, from the end of October.

Sapling condition

Fruit tree seedlings need to be planted only during their dormant period, and this applies to both spring and autumn planting. In other words, a seedling with ACS (open root system) already there should be no leaves (after leaf fall)... If you plant a seedling that has not yet completed its growing season (with leaves), then it can freeze out in winter.

If a couple of yellow leaves are still hanging on the seedling, then there is nothing to worry about: you can cut them off at will. Although you will need to spend anyway post-plant pruning.

Apple tree care after planting in the fall

But in a seedling with ZKS (closed root system), leaves can still hang in large quantities. The main thing is not to break the earthen lump when transplanting from a container into open ground.


When choosing the optimal dates for the autumn planting of a fruit tree, it is very important to calculate when they will come persistent frosts and the ground will freeze, and land 3-4 weeks before them, i.e. you should have a little less than a month in stock.

Concerning temperature, then, as a rule, they begin to plant when the temperature drops to +10 .. + 5 degrees (during the day).

Note! In general, the temperature can even be below zero (especially at night). The main thing is that the ground is still soft, not frozen. Actually, if the soil turns to stone, then you simply cannot dig the landing hole.

The point is that the seedlings should successfully prepare for winter, or rather take root well before the onset of cold weather and freezing of the soil, but it takes time.

Important! If you are late and severe frosts are expected within 7-10 days, and after them a stable subzero temperature even during the day, then it is better to play it safe and postpone planting until spring (you can save the seedling in winter by digging it in the garden and covering it. Or plant it in a container and put it in basement, where the temperature is kept no higher than +3 .. + 4 degrees).

If the seedling does not have time to take root (and this is very unlikely in frozen ground), then it will freeze out in winter.

By the way! The best time to plant seedlings is cloudy and calm weather: early morning or late evening.

Indicative time frames for regions

Of course, it is very difficult to name specific dates for planting, especially when the climate is literally changing before our eyes and global warming occurs (remember the warm winter and early spring 2020). And yet, the approximate dates for the autumn planting of fruit trees, depending on the region, are usually as follows:

  • In the southern regions, planting begins only in late October and early November.
  • In the Middle Strip (Moscow region) seedlings of fruit trees are planted at the end of September-October (if the autumn is warm, then it is quite possible to wait for the end of October-early November).
  • In the Urals and Siberia autumn planting is carried out in September and early October.

Around the same time, fruit trees are planted in the North-West (in the Leningrad region).

According to the lunar calendar for 2021

If you want to choose a specific date for planting a seedling, then this can help you moon calendar.

Trust the lunar calendar or not to trust is your business, but it certainly won't be worse if you plant on an auspicious day.

Lunar landing calendar

So, most auspicious days for the autumn planting of seedlings of fruit crops in 2021, according to the lunar calendar, are:

  • in September - 19-26;
  • in October - 3-13, 18-21.

Of course, it is not always possible to plant a seedling on an auspicious day. However, the main thing is not to do this on an unfavorable one (and these are the days of the Full Moon and New moons, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign - italicized).

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar for 2021, for planting seedlings of fruit trees in the fall, the following dates are:

  • in August - 8, 20-21, 22;
  • in September - 7, 16-17, 21;
  • in October - 6, 13-15, 20;
  • In November - 5, 10-11, 19.

When is it better - in spring or autumn

And yet, many gardeners are inclined to planting fruit trees early in the spring. The fact is that by planting a seedling in the spring, you get the opportunity to control its development until late autumn.

In addition, any fruit crops can be planted in the spring, while the most frost-resistant crops are usually left in the fall. Of course, if you live in the South, then this is completely unprincipled, it's a different matter if you are a resident of the Urals or Siberia.

In cooler northern regions, it is most advisable to plant seedlings in the spring.

However, the autumn planting of seedlings of fruit trees has its rather significant advantages:

  • You simply have more time than in spring, when you need to deal with seedlings.
  • There are more seedlings on sale than in the spring.
  • The dormant period, when it is possible and necessary to plant seedlings, is much shorter in spring (before the buds swell) than in autumn (after leaf fall).
  • After planting, the seedling no longer needs any care, except for watering - only if the autumn is not rich in precipitation, which, you see, is quite rare.
  • As mentioned at the beginning of the article, rooting occurs quite quickly and very effectively in the fall.

Seedlings planted in the fall start growing much faster than their counterparts planted in the spring. Moreover, during the winter the seedlings become hardened and better adapt to various unfavorable conditions (spring return frosts and temperature extremes).

Of course, the main disadvantage of autumn planting is the possibility of a seedling freezing in the event of a harsh winter, as well as its serious damage by rodents (in the absence of trunk protection, which must be done).

Advice! And about that what trees are best to plant in autumn, read in this material.

Video: when to plant seedlings in the fall - the timing of autumn planting

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