When to sow cucumbers for seedlings in 2021: favorable days according to the lunar calendar, terms for regions

As a rule, cucumbers are most often grown by direct seeding into the ground. However, some vegetable growers, or rather, representatives of regions with relatively short summers, prefer to grow them through seedlings.

February is the beginning, and some summer residents are already in the midst of preparations for the new summer cottage season, namely the purchase of seeds. Naturally, after the seeds are purchased, many amateur gardeners begin to ask themselves the question: "When will it be possible to sow cucumbers for seedlings?" We will answer right away that there is no need to rush.

Further, we will consider in detail and graphically calculate the approximate timing of planting cucumbers for seedlings, be sure to take into account all the main factors that can affect the duration of the seedling period. Among other things, we will focus on favorable days for sowing in 2021 according to the lunar calendar. And then you can plan your sowing calendar in advance for this spring.

When to sow cucumbers for seedlings: optimal planting dates

There are several important points (factors) that must be taken into account when choosing the timing of sowing cucumbers for seedlings:

  • First of all, you need to consider climate features of your region, because this culture is very thermophilic, which means that you should not rush to plant early in the ground, since the slightest frost can destroy young seedlings.

It is possible to plant seedlings at an average daily ambient temperature above +15 degrees. In this case, the soil temperature should be above +12, and even better + 15-16 degrees.

  • Method or place for further growing seedlings, in other words, where do you plan to plant seedlings - in open ground or in a greenhouse.

By the way! There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is possible to plant indoors earlier (by 1-3 weeks) than outdoors, because the soil in the greenhouse warms up much faster.

  • Recommended duration of the seedling period, or rather, the required age of the seedlings by the time they are planted in the ground.

And, of course, you can sow cucumbers in accordance with the phases of the moon, namely focus on favorable and unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar.

Let's take a closer look at each factor.

Advice! The main thing is not to rush to plant cucumbers for seedlings, because this period is quite short, which means that if you rush to sow seeds, the seedlings will simply outgrow your containers, which will lead to its rapid depletion, stretching and withering due to lack of nutrition and light.

Video: when to plant cucumbers - the optimal timing

Self-calculation of sowing dates based on the duration of the seedling period

With the help of simple arithmetic operations, we can easily calculate how long it will take to grow cucumber seedlings at home. To do this, you just need to add the following components:

Total: 20-30 days, i.e. the approximate growing period for cucumber seedlings is about 1 month (3-4 weeks). It takes so many days to sow cucumbers before planting in a permanent place.

As for the specific approximate sowing dates, they can also be calculated depending on the characteristics of your climatic zone, namely, when in your area there is an opportunity for planting cucumber seedlings in a garden bed (in open ground or a greenhouse). Next, you need to subtract the amount obtained above (20-30 days) from the estimated date.

Thus, each grower must independently calculate the estimated timing, depending on his personal circumstances.

According to the manufacturer's recommendations and depending on the variety (type)

When buying seed, you should carefully examine the packaging on the back which, as a rule, gives advice from the manufacturer on the timing of sowing a given variety or hybrid, as well as recommendations for growing.

Ignoring this information can lead not only to incorrect sowing dates for seedlings, but also to errors in the cultivation of a certain variety, for example, with bundle ovary.

Approximate landing dates depending on the climate of the region

Cucumbers are a very thermophilic culture, which means that they cannot be planted in unheated (cold) soil. Therefore, it is recommended to plant seedlings when the temperature is firmly established at a level not lower than +15 degrees during the whole time of the day (not lower than 8 degrees at night), while the soil warms up above +12, and even better up to + 15-16 degrees.

Accordingly, in order to correctly calculate the sowing time, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of your region of residence.

Sowing dates in different regions

Thus, the approximate timing of sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings, depending on the region and its climate:

On South of Russia you can start planting cucumbers for seedlings already from the 2nd decade to mid-March, in order to plant them in a permanent place in April.

In the Central lane (in the suburbs) they begin to plant cucumbers for seedlings not earlier than mid-April, because suitable conditions for planting in the ground are created only in the second half of May.

Sowing dates for cucumbers in the Leningrad region are shifted 7-14 days ahead (in comparison with those near Moscow), i.e. you need to sow in early May, to plant in late May-early June.

IN Siberia and the Urals also, you should not rush into sowing cucumbers, since the very likely late frosts can negate all the efforts spent. Therefore, planting is also recommended only in early May, in order to land in the last days of May or early June.

By the way! Cucumbers are very common planted directly in open ground without preliminary sowing for seedlings, even in regions with a relatively short summer (in the Middle lane, including in the Moscow region, in the North-West, i.e. in the Leningrad region).

According to the lunar calendar in 2021

Many gardeners, when choosing specific dates for sowing, try to adhere to the lunar calendar.

Easy to remember: "Tops" - on a growing moon, "roots" - on a waning one.

In other words, what grows up above the ground (tomatoes, peppers) is planted when the moon rises. On the contrary, what grows downward, underground (root crops), is sown on the waning moon.

Thus, sowing seeds of cucumbers for seedlings should be carried out during the growing phase of the moon, closer to the days of the new moon... During this period, all growth processes are activated (the juices go up), which has a positive effect not only on the germination of seeds and plants, but also on the formation of ovaries = future harvest.

therefore favorable days according to the lunar calendar in 2021 for planting cucumbers are:

  • in March - 2-6, 12-14, 26-29;
  • in April - 1, 2, 24, 25, 27-30;
  • in May - 2-4, 6, 15-17, 20, 21 25-31;
  • in June - 2-4, 11-14.

Note! Soaking the seeds is the beginning of their growth, so it should be done on favorable days, according to the lunar calendar.

In view of the busyness of the gardener with spring worries, it is not always possible to plant on favorable days. But there are periods - the phases of the Moon, when it is absolutely impossible to do this, otherwise all efforts can be wasted - these are the days of the New Moon and the Full Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign -italicized.

So, unfavorable days for sowing cucumbers for seedlings in 2021, according to the lunar calendar, are:

  • in March - 9-10, 13, 28;
  • in April - 5-6, 12, 27;
  • in May - 2-4, 11, 26, 30-31;
  • in June - 10, 24, 26-27.

Planting seeds according to the lunar calendar

How to pick a good variety of cucumbers

Note! The site already has several detailed review articles about the most popular and best varieties (hybrids) of cucumbers:

How to properly plant cucumbers for seedlings

So you have purchased high-quality seeds, decided on the timing of their sowing. Well, it's time to plant cucumbers for seedlings.

Note! The site already has detailed material about how to sow cucumbers and care for seedlings at home before planting in open ground or greenhouse.

Thus, now you know when you can and should plant cucumbers for seedlings. You are also aware of how to do this correctly and how to competently care for the plants at home in the future, right up to planting them in the garden. Good luck!

Video: growing cucumber seedlings at home - when and how to sow

1 Comment
  1. Veronica :

    I never grow cucumbers through seedlings. I plant them directly in closed ground in mid-May if it's warm. In the first year of buying a plot, even in early June, I planted them. They grow better than through seedlings.

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