How to transplant roses to a new place in spring and autumn: rules for dividing and transplanting

Many people reasonably consider roses to be rather capricious flowers. However, as for their transplantation and division, in this sense it is difficult to call them such, since, as a rule, the plant shows itself, on the contrary, quite hardy and capable of enduring many adversities (damage during digging).

Thus, further we will consider in detail when and how to properly transplant roses to another place, as well as what must be taken into account so that the procedure is as painless as possible and the flowers quickly take root in their new place of residence.

Why you need to transplant roses: the main reasons

It often happens that roses grow very much, begin to interfere with the passage (for example, if you planted them near a path or a house).At the same time, due to excessive growth, the shrub begins to lack nutrition, as a result, it blooms poorly or even dies.

Of course, there are other, so to speak, external reasons. For example, you urgently need to free up space for a building or you decide to create a beautiful composition in another place.

Well, here are your reasons to transplant roses to a new location.

However, if you want multiply roses in this way (by dividing the bush during transplantation), then they will be much more effectivecuttings in autumn.

Important! In general, almost all perennial plants (flowers) and especially shrubs (including berry ones) periodically need to be transplanted and rejuvenated.

So grafted roses can grow well and bloom profusely in one place up to 15 years, and own-rooted (unvaccinated) - a little less (up to 10 years).

The site already has several detailed materials on this topic:

When is it better to transplant roses: in spring or autumn, is it possible in summer

It is believed that the rose tolerates transplanting quite well at any time (after all, the plant is very tenacious), however, you should always follow the rules.

The most suitable time to transplant roses to another location isearly spring or late autumn.

If you decide to transplant roses in the spring, then it's better to have time to do it, while the bush is sleeping (before bud / leaf bloom), i.e. around April.

However spring transplant there is a significant minus: when the kidneys begin to wake up, they begin to consume more and more food. As a result, the bushes are depleted, since the roots have not yet taken root properly.

If you need urgently transplant roses in summer, then in this case the most important thing is to choose a cloudy and as cool day as possible, and, of course, do not forget to shorten the aboveground part. Only in this case, the rose will be able to take root in a new place, although it will most likely hurt for some time.

Still, it is believed that the ideal time to transplant roses is autumn. It is recommended to replant roses in autumn because by this time the shoots are already ripe, a growth processes in plantcompleted (it went to rest).

Concerning the approximate timing of the autumn transplant, then, for example, in the Middle Lane (Moscow region), it is better to transplant roses in late September-first half of October (although transplanting is allowed in October, but only in the first half).

By the way! Many experienced flower growers recommend acting based on their climate. If your winters are too harsh, then it is more practical to carry out this procedure in the spring, because when transplanting, you will definitely damage the roots and the bush may not take root. If the climate is mild, then it is possible in the fall. And here again the main thing is to choose the right time. It is best to do this 2-3 weeks before the onset of stable subzero temperatures, so that the roses have time take root in a new place (growth processes in the roots occur even at a temperature of + 2 ... + 5 degrees).

Thus, you must choose the season for transplanting and / or dividing a rose bush yourself, for example, based on the climate and your capabilities.

How to transplant roses to another place: rules for preparing a site

And now you decide on the timing of the transplant. Now, in order for the transplanted rose bushes to take root well in a new place, you must again choose the right place for them on your personal plot. And the most important thing is to prepare the planting pit well, including filling it with fertile soil and applying the necessary fertilizers.

Planting site and soil

As the experience of practicing flower growers confirms, the place for planting roses must be chosen quiet and calm, not shaded from the sunbut sheltered from the wind (especially northern) and drafts.

Therefore, you should abandon the idea that the location of the bush surrounded by trees, right against the wall or near any building (which covers the plant from the south side) is a good place to place a rose garden.

If you plant roses in the shade, then they will reach for the light, bloom a little and hurt a lot. But even on the too sunny south side, the plant will quickly lose moisture and fade in a short time. This means that you should choose a place where there is a lot of sunshine, but there will be a light shade for several hours in the afternoon.

However! For example, climbing varieties of roses know how to dispose of the north-western (eastern) areas of the dacha allocated to them: they grow and bloom beautifully even in such shady places.

Not worth planting plant in the lowlandswhere water often stagnates. The presence of high groundwater is also undesirable. Rose does not like excessive moisture... In such conditions the root system of the plant begins to rot and the plant dies.

Roses like to grow on soil in which the acidity is close to neutral (pH 5.5-6), therefore, in case of increased acidity (ph below 5.5), you should not plant roses right away, first it is better to reduce its (soil) acidity (as an option adding to the soil dolomite flour, lime or wood ash).

By the way! The site already has detailed materials about how to determine the acidity of the soil and change (decrease or increase).

Of course, it is ideal if the growing conditions in the new location are as close as possible to the oldso that the plant, so to speak, does not notice the change of residence and quickly adapts.

Landing pit

The next stage of planting is to prepare the landing pit for transplanting. The optimal size of a planting pit for roses is about 50-70 cm wide and 40-60 cm deep.

However, you need to dig a hole specifically for the root system of your particular plant, more precisely, under its earthen lump, while, of course, it should be larger (so that there is room for refueling with fertile soil).

What kind of fertilizers can you fill the planting pit for transplanting roses?

Since your task is to prepare a nutritious and loose soil mixture, it will be great to lay compost (or humus), as well as wood ash, and mix everything with the fertile topsoil that was left from digging the hole. Alternatively, you can take peat, turf and sand.

Important! When transplanting, as when planting roses, it is highly discouraged to use mineral fertilizers.

As for the distance between seedlings, if you plan to divide and plant bushes, then it varies depending on the variety of roses. So, polyanthus, hybrid tea and Floribunda roses are planted at a distance of about 30-60 centimeters from each other, park - 75-90 cm, climbing and standard - 100 cm or more.

How to transplant roses: digging, dividing and planting - step by step instructions

So, you have chosen and prepared a new place for transplanting roses. Now you need to dig out the bushes and move them to a new place, and also, if necessary, divide them first.

For transplantation at any time of the year, it is optimal to choose it's a nasty day either do it late afternoon when the sun already will come.

Digging and replanting bushes with a clod of earth

The most important thing here is to try to gently dig out the bushes without damaging the roots and completely preserving the earthen lump. Of course, this is almost impossible to do, but the damage must be minimized.

  • Before digging up the roses, it is recommended to shed the bushes well with water so that the earthen lump holds tightly and does not fall apart during transplantation.

If there has recently been rainfall, the ground is already wet, then you do not need to moisten anything additionally.

  • Now you need to carefully dig in the bush from all sides (along the perimeter, and even better along the projection of the crown), departing from the center by 20-25 centimeters.
  • Then you can pry on and take out the bush.

Important! If a rose was grafted onto a rose hip, then it has a very long and deep taproot.However, nothing terrible will happen if you cut him off, because you actually have no choice. The main thing is not to damage the lateral roots.

  • Now you need to bring the seedling with an earthen lump to a new place, while it is very important that the earthen lump does not fall apart.

Alternatively, you can put the seedling in a bucket (however, then it will not be very convenient to take it out of it), or even better - in some kind of bag or bag.

  • Place a seedling with a clod of earth in an already prepared planting hole (into which a fertile substrate has already been poured).

Note! If you have own-rooted roses (i.e. not grafted), then they need to be planted so that the root collar is flush with the ground.

If the seedling is grafted, then it is recommended to plant it below the surface of the earth somewhere 3-5 cm (but no more!), i.e. root the neck, more precisely, the vaccination site needs to be deepened.

  • Almost everything, it remains only to cover the empty edges with soil and, if necessary (if it is a grafted rose), cover the root collar, and then lightly tamp (press with your hands).
  • Form a near-trunk circle - a hole for watering.
  • Carry out abundant watering (by the way, as an option, you can water it with any special fertilizer for better rooting).

Do not feel sorry for water, the soil should tightly enclose the roots of the seedling, so that there are no "air pockets / voids".

  • If the earth settles, then you will definitely need to fill up.

In general, the procedure for watering and adding soil is best done at least a couple of times. This will help completely rid the air between the roots and the ground.

  • At the end, it is highly recommended to mulch the trunk circle (with straw, wood chips, peat).
  • Shade a little (for example, putting a frame on the sunny side and pulling gauze or spunbond) for a couple of weeks.

Video: how to transplant a rose correctly

Transplant with dividing bushes

If the roses are grafted, then there is no point in dividing them, only if they are rooted.

In general, everything is similar to a transplant with an earthen lump, with the exception of a few nuances and the direct division procedure:

Reproduction of a rose by dividing the mother bush is a fairly simple and reliable way, because a rose is a completely hardy plant. So, do not be afraid, you will succeed, you just need to follow some rules.

  • After you dig out the bushes, you will need to clear the rose root system of excess soil so that it is convenient to divide them (the bushes).
  • Next, the bush is divided (cut with a knife or ax) into several parts, while each should have a powerful root and a pair of young annual shoots.

  • Now the root system should be dipped in a clay mash (so the roots will definitely not dry out). Either treat the damaged areas with some kind of fungicide, for example, brilliant green or copper sulfate, or, as an option, dipin Fitosporin solution.

  • Further, the bushes are planted in the prepared planting pits.
  • It remains to cover with nutritious soil and spill abundantly with water. Further, everything is similar to a conventional transplant.

Video: how to split a rose bush

Caring for roses after transplanting

After transplanting, roses need proper care.

So if you spendautumn transplant, then first of all you need to cut off all the leaves so that the rose does not in vain evaporate moisture. And already just before the sheltercut (according to this instruction for autumn pruning for the winter).

When, if you shared bushes, in other words, the root system was exposed, then the above-ground part must be immediately, without fail, shortened (equalized with the underground). The same is recommended when it comes to tall roses (climbing) with a conventional transplant with a clod of earth.

Likewise, if you transplant in the spring - roses must be cropped.

First of all, it is worth spending sanitary pruningsince after winter, there are always a lot of dried and frozen twigs.

By the way! If you transplanted roses in late spring, when already buds formed, then they are also needed delete (twigs with buds, not just buds) so that the plant does not waste energy on flowering, but grows roots in a new place.

In general, transplanted roses (like any other perennial flowers) in the first year after transplantation, and even more so division, are better not to bloom.

But in general, each variety of roses is pruned in the spring in my own way... For example, hybrid tea roses are cut for 2-3 eyes, English - for 4-6 eyes.

Advice! The site has a detailed article about spring pruning of roses.

At first, it would be good to shade the seedling and be sure water regularly (especially in spring, as well as in autumn, if it is dry).

If your seedling is tall enough, it is highly advisable to tie it to a peg so that it is not blown away by the wind.

No additional fertilizing in the near future roses not required, of course, if you transplanted roses into the planting pit, which you filled with a fertile substrate.

By the way! The site already has a detailed article about how and what to fertilize roses in spring and summer and separate in autumn.

If suddenly on your roses aphids will attackthengive her a fight.

Also every autumn you need it right prepare roses for winter.

Important! The following articles will help you with this:

Thus, transplanting a rose to another place is a fairly simple, albeit relatively time-consuming, procedure (in terms of digging and pulling out bushes). The main thing is to do everything according to the rules, including not forgetting to take good care of after transplantation (especially when it comes to watering). And at what time (season) to transplant - in spring or autumn, it's up to you to decide. In principle, both are acceptable.

Video: how to transplant roses in October

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