Why does a chicken have blood from the anus

The appearance of blood in the anus in chickens may be associated with a number of factors, which, in addition to the inflammatory process in the cloaca area, include a violation of the feeding conditions for chickens, the release of an egg that has an irregular shape, and injuries caused by laying neighbors.

In addition to these reasons, the causative agents of pathology leading to the appearance of blood from the cloaca can be infection with bacteria contained in the litter or inflammation resulting from the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the area of ​​the oviduct in a bird.

Why does a chicken have blood from the anus: causes and possible diseases

Inflammatory processes as a factor provoking the appearance of a disorder occupy a fairly high percentage of the total number of cases of bleeding from the cloaca in chickens. Among the most common pathologies associated with inflammation of the cloaca and oviduct in birds, experts call salpingitis and cloacitis.Both of these pathologies can be caused by contact with the source of infection, be the cause of mechanical damage to the organs of the chicken's reproductive system, and arise as a result of a violation of the conditions of detention. However, despite the cause that caused the onset of the disease, the lack of treatment for the pathology carries a high risk of infection of the entire flock of layers.


Cloacite in chickens is an inflammatory disease that damages the mucous surface of the cloaca, which is an important part of the chicken's digestive system. According to statistics and observations of farmers, young laying hens are most susceptible to this disease.

Video: cloacite in a laying hen

Note! This may be due to the inability of the body to lay eggs, the weak immune system of the bird, or adaptation to the conditions of feeding and keeping in the chicken coop.

Among the reasons provoking the onset of the disease, experts call:

  • Long-term stool disturbance, for example diarrhea, after which contamination of feathers is formed in the area of ​​the excretory canal of the bird. Over time, the forming masses are seized by a crust, which damages the mucous surface and the skin of the cloaca, as a result of which lesions form on its surface, from which blood oozes.
  • Another cause of the disease may be a prolonged course of constipation in poultry associated with prolonged use of poorly digestible roughage.
  • Among the factors causing cloacitis, inflammation of the oviduct is also called, associated with mechanical stress on it, which occurs, for example, in the case of difficulties with laying eggs.

Important! Among the symptoms that determine the course of the pathology, experts distinguish such signs as hyperemia and swelling in the anus in a chicken, the presence of ulcers and dropped feathers in the damaged area, lethargy and immobility of the bird, an increase in the time required for hatching an egg, a decrease or complete loss of egg production. ...


The inflammatory process in the area of ​​the oviduct most often appears in the middle of the egg-laying process as a result of exposure of the organs of the reproductive system of birds to bacteria in the litter.

  1. In generalthe process of infection is as follows: when the egg enters the cloaca from the oviduct, and then into the nest, the organs of the chicken's reproductive system come into contact with pathogenic microorganisms that inhabit the litter of the chicken coop. The result of this type of disease, in the absence of timely treatment, with a high probability will be the prolapse of the oviduct through the area of ​​the cloaca in the bird.

Video: prolapse of the oviduct in chickens

By the way! In the future, the course of the disease with a prolapsed or partially protruding oviduct can be aggravated by pecking of the damaged area by other chickens.

  1. Another reason for the appearance of pathology may be damage to the oviduct and inflammation caused by the destruction of the egg as it passes and is pushed out. In this case, the sharp parts of the shell can injure the walls of the oviduct and lead to the appearance of blood from the anus in the chicken.
  2. Reproductive system injuries can be associated with falling chickens from a great height, as a result of which the integrity of the structure of the oviduct is disrupted, which, with further formation and movement of the egg through it, causes an inflammatory process.

Important! Experts identify several forms of salpingitis associated with metabolic disorders and the deposition of excess fat in the body. Pathological processes in this case are associated with a change in the concentration of choline and cholesterol in the body of the bird, which first lead to rapid weight gain, then to dysfunction of some organs and end with the death of the bird.

  1. Inflammation due to secondary infection, when a pathogenic microflora present in the body of a bird enters the area of ​​the cloaca and oviduct.

To signsby which a breeder can diagnose salpingitis include deterioration in appetite, a decrease in the number of eggs in a clutch, an increase in the body temperature of a bird, a depressed appearance, a blue scallop... Experienced farmers can determine the presence of an inflammatory process by probing the abdomen of a bird, in which there is an increase in the organ. The examination gives the chicken unpleasant pain.

Note! In critical cases, the development of the inflammatory process leads to difficulty in the process of hatching an egg, when, after a long stay in the nest, the chicken does not lay eggs, since the process of their movement through the oviduct causes severe pain. With this course of the disease, with an untimely start of treatment, there is a high risk of death of the bird.

Incorrect egg shape

One of the reasons causing the appearance of blood from the cloaca in chickens is the formation of eggs that have a surface shape that is not oval, which is not typical for eggs, but unevenly convex on one side. Damage to the structure and the associated appearance of blood occurs when an attempt is made to move a deformed egg through the organs of the reproductive system, resulting in damage to the mucous surfaces of the oviduct and the formation of bleeding wounds.

Irregular eggs in chickens

Important! This disorder may be due to an insufficient amount of nutrients such as calcium and magnesium in the diet of chickens, and a lack of vitamins in the diet.


Damage to the surface near the anus in chickens may be related to the molting process that occurs during the spring and fall. At this time, the skin on the back and in the area of ​​the cloaca of the molting individual is exposed, which attracts the attention of the laying hens and provokes them to peck at these places, which causes bleeding on them.

How to cure chicken: various methods and medications

What to do if you notice blood from the anus in a chicken? The procedure for alleviating the condition of the bird is determined by the nature of the cause that caused the appearance of the pathology. However, experts are unanimous in the opinion that the first action of the farmer when he finds blood in the anus in a hen should be to separate it from the main herd. Further measures of therapy and treatment, depending on the type of disease, may include:

  • Manual processing of the anus. Cleaning the chicken cloaca from feces used in case of prolonged constipation. To facilitate this procedure, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​the anus of the bird with a tampon moistened with warm water with potassium permanganate or urine. After that, the entire period until the healing of the damaged area, it is necessary to treat the injury site with a 3% solution of water mummy.

Important! To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to add shilajit to poultry feed for several weeks at a rate of 0.04 mg / kg. Such procedures should be carried out in the morning 0.5 hours before feeding.

  • Another measure used to treat cloacitis symptoms, is an adjusting the diet of chicken feeding, a decrease in the amount of rough, products with a low degree of assimilation, the inclusion in the diet of herbs and mash with a balanced mineral composition of the components.
  • In order to stop the inflammatory process, it is recommended to ensure the passage course of treatment with antibiotics and drugs of the sulfonamide group. However, in order to choose the best drug that does not harm the beneficial microflora in the bird's body, you should consult a veterinarian. Among the medicines of this group most used by farmers, such drugs as methionine, hepatrombin, lysine, choline chloride should be noted.

Remedies for the treatment of chickens if they have blood from the anus

  • Reducing symptoms and completely eliminating signs of inflammation allows performing intramuscular injections with the help of the drug pituitrin, with an active ingredient concentration of 50,000 IU. The therapy is carried out within 4 days, with two procedures performed during the day.
  • Treating inflammation symptoms in safer ways includes adding to the drink and feed of poultry decoctions based on yarrow, calendula, string and chamomile.
  • By changing your diet, the addition of products containing the necessary vitamins and mineral components, the symptoms of egg laying with an irregularly shaped structure are eliminated, and the rehabilitation process is accelerated after the removal of inflammation in the oviduct.

Note! Among the potential sources of minerals necessary for poultry, experts name sand, small shells, wood ash and eggshells.


In addition to actions aimed at eliminating the manifestations of pathology, to prevent their appearance, it is recommended to take a number of preventive measures, including:

  • determination of the most aggressive individuals in the livestock and their separation from the main herd;
  • cutting off the beak in birds, the so-called de-picking procedure, which is carried out using a special tool or nippers and is a herd-safe procedure that will eliminate at least one factor of the possible appearance of pathology;
  • For the prevention of cloacitis, the practice of adding food antibiotics to food is widespread, among which are called flamovicin, biovit, bioschrot, kormogrizin.
  • in order to prevent the depletion of the hen, it is recommended to control the light regime of the day by properly organizing artificial lighting in the hen house so that the bird has enough time to rest;
  • as a measure to prevent the appearance of salpingitis, it is recommended to add potassium iodide to the chicken diet at the rate of 3 mg / individual;
  • the use of a balanced diet, the addition of foods containing vitamins E and A to it, which are necessary to prevent diseases of the cloaca.

To facilitate the removal of large eggs with a severe course of the inflammatory process, lubrication of the inner surface of the chicken cloaca with petroleum jelly can be used to prevent injury to the mucous surfaces.

Vaseline veterinary

A farmer's lack of timely reaction to the first signs of a violation can lead to the transmission of infection to the entire livestock with a subsequent risk of a decrease or complete loss of egg production and even death. First of all, the breeder needs to understand the reasons that caused the appearance of blood from the anus in the chicken, check the conditions in the hen house and examine the entire herd for similar symptoms. After that, it is necessary to separate the sick bird for keeping in quarantine during the treatment. If in doubt about the cause of the pathology, it is recommended to seek the help of a qualified veterinarian.

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