Why are cucumber seedlings pulled out on the windowsill: reasons and what can be done

This is probably the first time you planted cucumbers for seedlings, and they stretched out. Perhaps the plants even died (because the stems are very long and thin) ...

Experienced gardeners who have already encountered this problem know how to care for cucumber seedlings so that they grow strong and do not stretch.

Next, you will learn what to do so that the cucumber seedlings do not stretch, and how to be (how you can help) if the plant stems are still stretched up.

Why are cucumber seedlings pulled out

As you know, seedlings of cucumbers, in principle, are very prone to stretching, therefore, in the first days after germination, you must carefully monitor the growth of your plants in order to react in time and take the necessary measures.

Remember! Any seedlings always drawn out from lack of lighting (short daylight hours, cloudy days, northern windowsill).

In this way, thin and elongated stems - this is clear evidence of a lack of sunlight.

Additionally, elongation can also be facilitated high humidity (excessive watering) and too high temperature.

Interesting! Cucumbers for seedlings are usually planted in April, when the daylight hours are quite sufficient (more than 12 hours), there are fewer cloudy days (compared to March).

What to do if the seedlings of cucumbers have begun to stretch out or are already strongly stretched: ways of salvation

First of all, you need to eliminate the very reason for pulling out seedlings, in other words, urgently rearrange the seedlings on a lighter window sill or start supplementary lighting (of course, if you have phytolamps).

Alternatively, you can try to compensate for the lack of lighting by lowering the temperature, for example, by closing the battery with something or rearranging it to an insulated balcony or loggia (in this case, the temperature should be at least +15 degrees, optimally reduced to + 18-20).

Important! Do not try to plant cucumbers for seedlings in March, without additional artificial lighting, they will inevitably stretch out. Moreover, this makes no sense, because cucumber seedlings can be planted in the ground 20-30 days after germination.

Adding earth

If the seedling pots are not filled to the top with earth, then you just need add earth.

You need to sprinkle it strictly up to the cotyledon leaves (Not higher!).

Many gardeners use this technique not only in the case of pulling out seedlings, but also for better development of the root system, because adding earth, in theory, should promote the formation of additional roots on the plant stem.

However, it is believed that pumpkin crops (cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini) do not give lateral roots (unlike the same tomatoes).

But, as practice shows, adding soil affects the seedlings extremely favorably and allows you to save the elongated seedlings of cucumbers.

Advice! To make it convenient to add soil when the cucumber grows up and begins to stretch, you need initially plant seeds in 0.5 liter cups filled with soil only up to half or even 1/3... Thus, you can add earth as the plant stem grows, strengthening its root system, while not injuring it.

Picking elongated seedlings

If the glass is filled with soil almost to the brim (there is simply nowhere to add it), then you have no choice but to dive the elongated seedlings into new containers.

And you do not need to dive, namely transplant by transshipment method. In other words, transplant together with an earthen lump, doing it as carefully as possible, i.e. in no way exposing or injuring the root system of the plant.

After transshipment, you will naturally need deepen elongated seedlings, you can directly to cotyledonsbut not higher.

If the stem is very long, then it can be roll loop (ring, semicircle), gently press, and then sprinkle with soil (up to the cotyledons) and water.

They also say "loop back".

Wherein you need to bend it very carefullysince the stem is very brittle and easy to break.

Advice! In order for the stem to bend (fold) well, it is important not to water the plant before transplanting (just a couple of days), then it will stick a little and become more pliable and flexible.

Actually, the same way You can drop off elongated cucumber seedlings into open ground or greenhouse.

Treatment with Athlete

If the above measures do not suit you for some reason, then you can try using a special a plant growth regulator (retardant).

The most popular is "Athlete"(Active ingredient is Chlormequat chloride).

The mechanism of action is as follows: the active substance of the drug stops the growth of the aerial part of the plant, preventing its overgrowth (stretching), causes shortening and thickening of the stems, and increases the width of the leaves. In seedlings, a redistribution of nutrients occurs, most of which enters the roots, thereby causing their growth, i.e. the root system is strengthened.

Thus, you can grow strong (well-developed root system, thick short stems), but compact (not elongated) cucumber seedlings on the windowsill.

In order not to practice "dancing with a tambourine", you need during and plant correctly and take care of.

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