Proper watering of cabbage in the open field

Well, dear novice gardener, so you decided to find out how to properly water cabbage in the open field, how often it needs to be done and to what extent.

In fact, there is nothing difficult about this, but there are still several basic rules. Let's consider them further.

Does cabbage like watering or why should it be watered regularly

Cabbage is a very hygrophilous culture (one might even say "water bread"), which grows well and forms large and juicy heads of cabbage or inflorescences (if we are talking about cauliflower, because it has inflorescences, not heads of cabbage) only if if it has full abundance of moisture.

Note! If the cabbage does not have enough moisture, then the plant will simply stop growing, in other words, the heads of cabbage will not increase in size.

Of course, perfectly good for cabbage drip irrigation.

But if you do not have such an opportunity (although it is by no means difficult to make homemade drip irrigation from plastic bottles, it is usually not used for cabbage, another thing is for cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers), that is alternative: you can always, for example mulch their cabbage beds.

How to properly water cabbage outdoors

Basic rules and tips for watering cabbage:

  • Watering itself is recommended early morning (default) or before lunchtime (if the weather is cloudy), or late in the evening after sunset (in severe drought and high temperatures during the day, especially in hot southern regions).

Important! But in cool regions, watering cabbage (like other crops) in the evening is not very desirable, although it is allowed (unlike the same peppers or tomatoes).

  • For watering cabbage you can use cold waterbecause that's enough cold-resistant culture (but not in the early seedling period, otherwise due to a sharp change, cloudy weather to sunny, and due to the presence of condensation on
    leaves, she may get sunburn), but always better to water exactly warm water (room temperature).

Worth knowing! When they say "warm", they do not at all imply that the water needs to be specially heated in some way: it is enough if your container with water (barrel, bath) will just stand in the yard (of course, ideally in the sun). Another thing is that for watering ice water pumped directly from the well is not suitable... If your country water from the hose is + 18-20 degrees, then this is quite normal, especially for cabbage.

  • Cabbage is usually watered under the root (along the groove), but if you get on the leaves and heads of cabbage (flowers), then there will be nothing wrong with that (unlike tomatoes).

Interesting! In principle, it is even allowed sprinkling, thanks to which a certain microclimate will be created near the plant, which means that the processes of growth and development will be better activated.

  • Need to water abundantly and often. Of course, in the first place it is worth navigate the weather... If it is dry and hot, then water should be 1 time in 2-3 dayspouring out at least 5 liters of water under one plant. If cloudy and humid, then after 4-7 days.

Advice! It is possible to determine that the cabbage lacks moisture by its appearance, namely by the leaves: if they are lethargic, hanging = lying right on the ground, then the plant clearly needs to change the watering regime. If this is not done, then the heads of cabbage simply will not grow. But in any case, this cannot be done.

Thus, cabbage should be watered systematically (= regularly, without interruptions), especially during the formation and growth of heads or inflorescences (more on this later).

Watering and mulching

To reduce moisture evaporation, cabbage beds can be mulched. Mulching can help keep nutrient moisture in the soil longer, so you don't need to water as often.

If you are thinking about the question of whether is it possible to water cabbage directly on mulch, i.e. from abovethen the answer is Yes, can.

As for whether than can mulch cabbage, then, as a rule, cut grass is used for this, i.e. straw or hay.

By the way! Another advantage of mulching is ridding the beds of weeds, those. you don't have to weed them.

When and how to water cabbage

Now let's talk about when cabbage should be watered especially hard, and when watering should be reduced:

  • After disembarking cabbage seedlings in the ground (if you grew it at home or in a greenhouse / greenhouse) watering rate plants, as it grows, necessary gradually increase (from 1 liter to 5 liters or more).

  • It is especially important to water the cabbage abundantly and often, when the heads of cabbage (flowers) are just starting to be tied, and during their active growth, those. during the period of the greatest development of the vegetative mass.

  • And after that how the heads of cabbage will fully form, their active growth will stop (gradual drying of the lower leaves will begin), watering should be reduced.

Note! It is especially important during this period not to overmoisten the cabbage beds, but it is also impossible to forget about watering altogether.The fact is that if you sharply give cabbage a weekly watering rate, then your heads of cabbage can simply crack.

We hope you now know when and how to water cabbage outdoors. Big and juicy harvests for you - heads of cabbage ... or inflorescences!

Video: how often and how much to water the cabbage

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