Diarrhea in chickens - symptoms and treatment: medicines and folk remedies

Stool disturbance in chickens is manifested in a change in the color, smell and consistency of feces, which can be caused both by diseases and be the cause of a violation of the optimal regime for keeping chickens. In order to timely detect a change in the type of droppings, one should be attentive to the changes occurring with the litter on which the birds are kept, and changes in the structure, consistency of the droppings they emit.

As the main causes of diarrhea in chickens, farmers name pathologies associated with disruption of the digestive system and caused by the presence of infection in the body of the bird. To take the right measures to eliminate diarrhea in laying hens, first of all, you need to evaluate the changes that have occurred with chicken droppings.

Diarrhea in chickens - symptoms and treatment

Signs of diarrhea in chickens

Normally, the feces excreted by laying hens look like oblong granules with dark brown and brown shades and are characterized by a regular-shaped structure.The litter of a healthy animal is easily separated from the litter, keeping the size and shape of the individual elements. If a deviation is detected or suspected of being associated with indirect symptoms of diarrhea, the farmer determines the possible cause of the pathology, assessing the metamorphoses that have occurred with the feces.

Causes of diarrhea in chickens

Along with a change in consistency, one of the signs that make it possible to diagnose diarrhea in chickens is an unusual color of discharge from a bird:

  • Litter with green shades of color may be associated with the use of an excessive amount of green fodder in the diet associated with the consumption of large amounts of plant mass by the animals in the summer period of the year.
  • In the photo: example green diarrhea in chickensGreen diarrhea in chickens
  • Another reason causing green diarrhea in chickens, it is the presence of a cold infection in her body. Since a sick animal carries a high threat of infection of the entire livestock, if such a pathology is detected, it is urgently required to isolate the hen with a pathology in a separate room, for quarantine. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide several additional warm rooms, located separately from the common hen house, where the bird is kept until the symptoms of pathology completely cease.

Important! Pasteurellosis is a violation of the stool in a bird resulting from infection and characterized by discharge in the form of green diarrhea with possible admixtures of mucus and blood secretions.

  • Allocations having White color (white diarrhea in chickens), can mean the ingestion of E. coli into the body of a layer, while in the process of development or in the absence of timely measures from the farmer, there is a high probability of developing pullorosis, or white bacillary diarrhea. In appearance, the fecal matter in this case is a transparent or white discharge with a slimy consistency.
  • On the picture: example white diarrhea in chickens

White diarrhea in chickens

  • In addition, diarrhea white tones in chickens, may indicate infection of the bird with paratyphoid bacteria. In this case, experts note the high dynamics of the development of pathology, while the conditions of detention, for example, the lack of ventilation in the chicken coop and the accumulation of a large number of chickens in a small area, contribute to the spread of pathology.

How and how to treat pullorosis (white diarrhea) in chickens - read on.

  • Brown liquid feces can appear when chickens are infected with parasites of the simplest forms. As a rule, food and water consumed by the bird are the source of intoxication.
  • In the photo: example yellow diarrhea in chickensYellow diarrhea in chickens
  • Litter yellow can appear due to invasions, since helminth forms have a serious effect on the animal's liver.

Brown diarrhea in chickens

  • A separate group is distinguished by a pathology called clostridiosis and manifested in the form of feces, having black color discharge with the possible presence in them gas bubbles and a pronounced atypical odor.
  • The droppings excreted by laying hens, infected nematode eggs and roundworms acquire yellow shades... At the same time, farmers note that the presence of invasive forms in the body of a bird is characterized by weight loss, loss of appetite and, in advanced cases, can lead to the death of the animal. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously if yellow diarrhea is found in chickens.

Important! The appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor of discharge in birds indicates an imbalance in the diet of chickens towards an increase in the amount of protein compounds, as a result of which feces ferment in the intestines of the animal.

On the picture: example of diarrhea withbloody streaks in chickens

Bloody diarrhea in chickens

  • Sometimes, in the droppings of chickens you can find bloody streaks, this is due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines of birds and is called coccidiosis.This pathology can be diagnosed by a number of symptoms such as a decrease in the motor activity of the animal, the presence of streaks of blood and mucous secretions in the diarrhea of ​​chickens, an indifferent attitude of the hen to food, the acquisition of a white comb due to a lack of iron in the body. The best solution in this situation to eliminate the possibility of loss of layers is to seek the help of a qualified veterinarian.

Video: coccidiosis and worms in chickens - treatment and prevention

Note! Another cause of bloody diarrhea in chickens can be mechanical damage to the cloaca.

Any faeces excreted by the bird should not contain mucus, bubbles or blood. An excess amount of fat in the diet of a laying hen can lead to a change in the viscosity of feces, acquiring a sticky consistency.

Causes of diarrhea (diarrhea) in chickens

Among the most common causes of litter change and diarrhea in chickens are:

  1. Eating poor quality feed, arises in the case of purchasing feed with an expired shelf life or impaired storage technology. As a result, pathogenic and fungal microorganisms develop in it, which are difficult to diagnose by visual inspection, but cause an immediate reaction when they enter the animal's body.

Causes of diarrhea in chickens

Important! External manifestations in this case may be the appearance of vomiting, seizures and general weakness in chickens associated with intoxication of the body.

  1. Changing your diet chickens can also cause diarrhea, due to the disturbance of the digestive process associated with a sudden change in the type of feed. Outwardly, the effect of this factor is manifested in the presence of undigested food residues on the surface of feces.
  2. Poisoning by ingestion of large quantities heavy metals, arises as a result of storing feed in containers made of zinc and copper not intended for these purposes.

Note! Among the not very common causes of pathology, experts call spring vitamin deficiency; to eliminate the deviation, it is enough to introduce complexes based on vitamins and minerals into the diet of chickens.

Causes of diarrhea in chickens

  1. Stool abnormalities in poultry can cause respiratory system disorders associated with poisoning when spraying some aerosols or long inhaling air filled with tobacco smoke.
  2. Disorders diagnosed in litter also occur when improper organization of drinkers, untimely sanitary measures, which leads to stagnation of fluid and the creation of favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Note! Some of the pathologies are a consequence of the stress suffered by birds, associated with a visit to the chicken coop by a stranger, collisions with pets, transportation or violent skirmishes with feathered relatives. To normalize the consistency and color of feces in this case, it is enough to provide the chickens with silence and calm conditions.

  1. An important factor provoking loosening of the stool is cold, arising in conditions of low temperatures and high humidity. To exclude this event, it is necessary to take timely care of creating an optimal microclimate in the place where the birds are kept.
  2. Another cause of diarrhea is consumption by chickens. seeds of poisonous plants, occurs when eating food containing buttercup seeds, dope or milkweed.

In general, according to the testimony of farmers, diarrhea is a fairly common occurrence in chickens, however, timely adoption of the necessary measures ensures its rapid elimination. In the absence of intervention, depending on the state of the laying hen's immune system, the pathology can continue for several days.

Video: how to treat chickens for diarrhea

Methods and methods of treating diarrhea in chickens

After identifying the symptoms and causes of diarrhea in chickens, it is necessary to take a number of measures to ensure either the elimination of infection from the body of chickens, or aimed at normalizing the work of the digestive tract and excretory system in birds.

How to treat diarrhea in chickens?

Such measures, depending on the cause of the pathology, may include:

  • If the cause of diarrhea in chickens is food poisoning, it is necessary first of all ensure binding and removal of toxic components from the intestinal area... For this purpose, preparations with adsorbing properties, such as wood ash and activated carbon, can be used. For this, the listed substances are dissolved in water and added to the drinking bowl for chickens.

Treatment of diarrhea in chickens

  • At the second stage, you should spend disinfection and cleaning the body, for this you can use a slightly colored solution of potassium permanganate.

Note! Some farmers practice the treatment with an oat-based decoction with a few drops of astringent red wine.

  • For the final elimination of pathogenic microflora, it is necessary give chickens Levomycetin at the rate of 5 tablets / 1 liter of water or Biseptol, which should be taken twice a day, 1/8 of the tablet per session.

How to treat chickens for diarrheaHow to treat chickens for diarrhea

Important! Any type of diarrhea in chickens leads to dehydration of the bird's body, and therefore, if a pathology is detected, it is necessary to provide a regime of abundant drinking with the addition of a decoction of oatmeal or rice groats or a small amount of potassium permanganate.

  • In order to suppress pathogenic microflora, carry out antibiotic therapy. It includes the addition of Furazolidone, Doxycillin, Enrofloxacin, Levomycetin, Tetracycline or complex-type aqueous solutions such as Quincol, Enrocoli, Avidox, Dolink, Trisulfone to food.

You should know! The therapy is carried out within 3-5 days using the drugs recommended by the veterinarian.

  • Since some antibiotics have a negative effect on the beneficial intestinal microflora, to restore normal functioning of the digestive system drugs such as Lactobacterin, Acilek, Bifidumbacterin, Monosporin, or the addition of whey or yogurt to bird feed can be used.
  • With the aim of strengthening the immune system of the laying henAfter diarrhea, it is practiced to use vitamin-type premixes and vitamin solutions added to the diet of chickens for 1.5-2 weeks.

Note! Among the most popular drugs among farmers, it should be noted Hydrorexvital, Chiktonik, Vitaminol.

  • During treatment pullorosis (white diarrhea in chickens), antibacterial medicines are used, including Furagin, Furazolidone, Terramycin, taken according to the scheme of 2 weeks of use with three days of break, after which, if necessary, the course should be repeated.
  • In order to eliminate invasive forms, which became the cause of stool disturbance in chickens, drugs such as Tetramisole, Febendazole, Phenothiazine are used.

You should know! As a preventive measure, anti-ascarid treatment should be carried out several times throughout the year by adding medicines to the food of chickens. In order to restore microflora after each such treatment, it is necessary to use drugs such as probiotics, for example, Emprobio or Flosana.

As a therapeutic measure for the detection of diarrhea in chickens, a number of alternative methods can be used to ensure high efficiency and quick results. So, when brown faeces appear, it is recommended to add chamomile decoction to the chickens drinker for several days. To stop diarrhea caused by the action of pathogenic microflora, a decoction based on pomegranate peels, which have pronounced antibacterial and astringent characteristics, can be used.

Video: the best remedy for diarrhea in chickens

Preventing diarrhea in chickens

To prevent the onset of pathology in chickens, the most experienced farmers take preventive measures, since it is always easier to forestall the appearance of a disease than to deal with its consequences.

Among the most effective measures to prevent diarrhea in chickens, they call:

  • To prevent food change disorder, it is necessary to practice gradual introduction of complementary foodsgradually increasing the proportion of products such as mash, compound feed and pellets.

Prevention of diarrhea in chickens

  • Most often, the appearance of microbial infections is associated with the use of trough and cup drinkers. Based on this, diarrhea in chickens associated with the use of poor-quality water can be prevented by the use of nipple drinkers when connected to running water from a water supply.
  • An important role in the prevention of stool pathologies is played by organization of timely change of litter in the chicken coop, since even with the provision of optimal conditions of detention, over time, a certain amount of dangerous pathogenic life forms accumulates in it.

By the way! It is necessary to ensure the observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the place used for free range of birds, which also prevents the appearance of pathology in chickens.

Isolation of a bird in case of illnessand related procedures are also preventive measures to prevent contamination of the entire livestock.

Treatment for diarrhea in chickens

Changes in the consistency and color of feces excreted by a laying hen are due to a number of reasons. The key to success in the event of a pathological discharge in a bird is a correct assessment of the event that caused the occurrence of a violation and its timely elimination or the implementation of the necessary therapeutic measures for the disease in chickens.

1 Comment
  1. Alexei :

    Actually, not chickens, but chickens. Let's be more literate.

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