Breed of chickens Araucana: description, care, breeding

Chickens of the Araucana breed differ from other bird species in their original color. Also, some birds are characterized by the absence of a tail, which is of particular interest to poultry houses. According to the descriptions and reviews of many farmers, the Araucana chickens are characterized by a calm and non-conflict disposition, which makes them easy to grow.

General characteristics

Chickens Araucana are quite interesting not only for farms, but also for ordinary poultry farmers, as they have an unusual color of eggs. In addition, they have a fairly high productivity.

Photo of chickens of the Araucana breed.


Chickens of the Araucana breed were bred in the South American country of Chile by Indians. The first time they started talking about this breed of birds was at the beginning of the 16th century. Ancient breeders selected chickens that carried colored eggs. In this case, roosters were used, which had a steep disposition.

Photo of a hen and rooster Araucan.

When choosing a rooster, tailless breeds were preferred, as they believed that it would interfere with the fighters.Some experts believe that the eggs of the Araucan chickens have an unusual color, as they were crossed with wild pheasants.


In terms of describing the appearance of chickens of the Araucana breed, it should be said right away that they are characterized by a rather attractive appearance. Their amazing feature is that they have no tail.

The photo shows the tailless chickens of Araucan.

Tufts of feathers stick out near the earlobes. Some subspecies have a feather beard. Birds of the Araucana breed have a small head and a small, slightly curved beak. The shape of the feathery scallop is similar to that of a pea. The earlobes and earrings are small in size.

Birds have a small, dense body. In this case, the chest is wide enough. Feathered have a medium length neck. The coloration of the short legs is blue-green.

The plumage of a chicken of the Araucana breed can be quite varied:

  • Greenish blue;
  • Golden;
  • White;
  • Red;
  • Black.

Thanks to the extraordinary combination of all these colors, the bird looks just amazing.

Video: chickens of the Araucana breed.


According to the description of poultry farmers, Araucana chickens are very calm birds, which greatly simplifies the process of growing them.

Photo of a chicken of the Araucana breed.

The birds are unpretentious and quickly adapt to new conditions. The disadvantage of this breed is the pugnaciousness of the roosters.


Birds are characterized by a high level of productivity, which is explained by an underdeveloped maternal instinct. The egg production of Araucana is characterized by the fact that in a year one chicken can lay up to 180 eggs, weighing 50 grams. They are characterized by a fairly diverse color: olive green, pink, blue, turquoise.

The meat is characterized by high taste. By the way, the mass of a chicken can reach one and a half kilograms, and a cockerel - two kilograms.


Breeders have bred several types of chickens of the Araucana breed. They can be of American or English type. Such birds are characterized by the presence of a tail, as they were obtained by crossing with other chickens. Birds of the English type have a tuft on their heads.

American variety.
English variety.

Features of caring for adult chickens and chickens, their breeding

To ensure a high level of productivity of the breed, it is necessary to provide them with appropriate care.

Conditions of detention

Chickens of the Araucana breed do not need special conditions of keeping. They can be kept not only in poultry cages, but also on the walk. They are in good health and can easily adapt to new conditions. In order to eliminate the possibility of developing diseases, it is recommended to regularly process chicken coops.


According to the description of poultry farmers, chickens of the Araucana breed are not whimsical and do not need special conditions.

Photo of chickens of the Araucana breed.

The cages should have drinkers and feeders. They also need to build a roost, the width of which for one individual should be 30 centimeters.

The walking area should be equipped with a canopy that protects birds from the negative effects of solar radiation in hot weather. The street area should be fenced off with a net. The yard must be regularly cleaned of poisonous plants.

Drinkers and feeders should be regularly disinfected.

The diet

The birds should be fed in such a way that they do not overeat. Eating birds requires the use of vitamin and mineral complexes. Also, this breed needs calcium. Birds of this breed feed on the same feed as ordinary chickens.

Food should be rich in protein. That is why it is recommended to give them cake, earthworms, beans, fish waste, bone meal.

To improve the functioning of the body, it is recommended to give Araucana chickens food saturated with carbohydrates - grains, pumpkins, carrots, potatoes, etc. This breed needs fats, which are found in oats and corn.

The diet must necessarily include:

  • Silage;
  • Yeast;
  • Bone flour.

These foods are rich in vitamins that are essential for the normal growth and development of birds. Also, the bird should be given mineral food in the form of wood ash, shells and gravel.

How to breed?

Breeding is carried out only in incubator conditions, since the Araucan chickens have lost the ability to incubate eggs on their own. You can purchase material for incubators or ready-made chickens from farms.

In order for the eggs of the Araucan chickens to be fertilized, it is necessary to trim the feathers around the cloaca within a radius of 5-6 centimeters.

Diseases and prevention

Despite the exoticism of this breed, they are characterized by the presence of a fairly strong immune system. That is why diseases are observed in rather rare cases.

With improper bird care, the appearance of pests can be observed:

  • Feather mite... Leads to baldness. Treatment of birds in this case is impossible. That is why sick individuals are killed.
  • Pukhoedov... These parasites destroy the activity of downy rods. When they appear, the birds itch and fuss. To eliminate these parasites, Araucan chickens must be treated with insecticides, which are produced in the form of sprays, which greatly simplifies this process. Also, to eliminate parasites, it is necessary to disinfect the chicken coop. For prophylaxis, the feathers of all individuals in the room are sprayed.
  • Helminths... The infection is caused by contact with wild birds. With the appearance of these parasites, poor appetite and poor physical activity in birds are observed. Treatment of pathology is carried out with special drugs.
  • Bloch... These pests bite birds and therefore itch. When they appear, the hen house is disinfected and the bedding is often changed.

In order to avoid the appearance of pests, it is recommended to regularly carry out prophylaxis, which consists in disinfecting the chicken coop.

Advantages and disadvantages

Chickens Araucana are characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include easy adaptation to different temperatures. The birds are unpretentious and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Young chickens of the breed are viable. Oviposition starts very early. In addition, they have an attractive appearance.

The disadvantage of the breed is the lack of independent breeding. Roosters of the breed are pugnacious. The rarity of the breed explains its high cost.

Video: chickens of the Araucana breed in the chicken coop.

Chickens Araucan is a real find for many poultry farmers, so you can find a large number of positive reviews. Despite the fact that the breed is unpretentious to care for, it is characterized by a fairly high performance. These birds are able to decorate any farm and poultry yard.

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