Milfler chicken breed: description, care, breeding

The Milfler breed is a fairly common decorative breed. These mobile chickens are characterized not only by high productivity, but also by ease of care. That is why they can be grown at home.

Photo of a fabulous hen and rooster of the Milfler breed.

General information and characteristics

Milfler chickens are typical representatives of the dwarf type. Due to the exotic nature of these birds, they enjoy a high level of popularity among many poultry breeders.


The chickens were bred by a selection method. The developers wanted to get an unusual aesthetically oriented bird that would have beautiful plumage. As a result of selection, a bipedal bird appeared, which is characterized by its small size.


The indisputable advantage of birds is their decorativeness, which is explained by the peculiarities of their plumage. The value of milfleur chickens is explained by a wide variety of pigmentation:

  • tricolor;
  • black and white;
  • blue speckled;
  • white;
  • porcelain.
Photo of a beautiful hen milflera.

In addition, Milfleur chickens have other distinctive external characteristics: a proud posture, a small head and plumage on their legs. Despite the small neat body of the bird, it has a rather dense plumage. The delicacy of the breed is ensured by its bright color.

In addition to describing Milfleur chickens, you can see their photos below:


Despite the small size of the birds, they have a rather solid character. If the need arises, then they can protect themselves. In general, chickens have a peaceful and calm nature, which allows them to be fully grown at home. According to the description of poultry farmers, such character traits in milflera chickens are their advantage.

Males of this breed take great care of their offspring. They do their best to keep the hens and chickens from being touched by enemies. They start eating cocks only after the chickens are invited.


Milfler chickens are small in size, so the weight of an adult rooster does not exceed 800 grams, and hens - 700 grams. For a year, one bird can lay from 105 to 110 eggs, the weight of which is 28-30 grams.


There are several subspecies of Milfler chickens. The first is the blue Milfleur, which has blue feathers. Golden feathers are observed on the bird's neck and back.

Chickens of the second and third subspecies are orange or light brown in color. There are symmetrical spots on both sides. These subspecies of birds differ in tail color. The second subspecies has a bright orange tail with black edging, while the third has a black tail.

Features of caring for adult chickens and chickens, their breeding

In order to ensure decorativeness and maximum productivity of Milfler chickens, it is necessary to properly care for them. For this purpose, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules.

Conditions of detention

Milfler chickens are a hardy breed, which is why they do not require special conditions for keeping. Even if the birds are grown in premises of a small area, then the loss of their decorative effect will not be observed. But, during the period of growing chickens, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • The hen house must have a grass cover.
  • The cultivation of the Milfler breed should be carried out in dry rooms, which are characterized by the absence of drafts.

  • Chickens need to regularly change the litter to prevent it from sticking to the feathers.
  • Birds are encouraged to build high perches.
  • Such birds do not like low temperatures, therefore, additional heating must be provided in winter.

Subject to all of the above rules, correct plumage and health of the breed will be ensured.

The diet

In order to eliminate the possibility of disease in the Milfler breed chickens, as well as to ensure its full growth and development, it is necessary to provide it with proper nutrition. In the summer, a lot of grass should be included in the diet.

You can feed the chickens with compound feed or a variety of grain mixtures.

After the birth of the chickens, they are given a special feed, which is produced in granules. This balanced diet will ensure full growth.

You can also feed the chicks a hard boiled egg. It is crumbled beforehand. Corn or wheat grits are added to the resulting mixture.

Knot grass is quite useful for chickens and adult chickens, which must first be chopped up and mixed with cereals. Also, the diet of Milfler chickens should consist of carrots and tomatoes. It is recommended to feed the birds with shrimp and seafood waste once a week, which will ensure their full growth.

How to breed

Milfler hens are excellent hens.That is why breeding them at home is most often done naturally. In this case, a person needs to ensure cleanliness in the chicken coop, as well as good nutrition for the chicken.

The possibility of breeding chickens in incubator conditions is provided. After the chicks have hatched, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature in the incubator for 5 days. After this time, the chicks are taken outside if weather conditions are favorable.

Also, young individuals of the breed need timely vaccination against chicken flu.

In this case, it is also recommended to introduce a variety of mineral supplements into the diet, which will eliminate the possibility of developing a variety of diseases.

In order to safely breed Milfler chickens, it is recommended to adhere to the hygienic rules of their growing. The poultry farmer must keep the drinking bowls clean. They should not have a slippery coating on the surface.

Photo of a hen of the Milfler breed with chickens.

Diseases and prevention

Milfler chickens can be exposed to a variety of diseases due to insufficient care or the appearance of pests. That is why, in order to prevent diseases, it is recommended to regularly clean the chicken coop. The poultry farmer should paint the walls and perches with lime mortar annually.

When growing Milfler chickens in aviaries, ash is added to the litter. You can also install large containers with this substance. Thanks to ash baths, the possibility of the development of parasites will be eliminated.

It is recommended to process the paws of chickens once a quarter. For this purpose, birch tar or overcooked unrefined oil is used.

If the poultry farmer adheres to the rules of growing chickens, then he will be able to eliminate the possibility of pests and diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages

Chickens of the Milfler breed are characterized by a large number of advantages, the main ones of which are:

  • Decorativeness, which allows you to highlight the chickens from the rest of the birds on the site.
  • Simplicity of content, which makes it possible to grow them to anyone who wants to.
  • Small size. This characteristic attracts the attention of any person.

The disadvantages of the breed include their low weight. That is why they are rarely grown for meat production.

Nevertheless, chickens of the Milfleur breed are deservedly popular, and according to the description and reviews of the breeders, their maintenance will not cause trouble.

Milfler chickens are an exotic breed of birds that amaze the eye with their beautiful plumage. Due to the unpretentiousness of these birds, any person can be engaged in their cultivation. In this case, it is recommended only to adhere to certain content rules.

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