What vegetables can be planted in April: what to sow at home for seedlings, in a greenhouse and open ground

If in March it is still quite problematic to get to the dacha (it may be corny not to walk a bus or snow up to your knees) and therefore this first spring month has a peak sowing vegetable and floral crops for seedlings, then in April you can already plant some garden crops directly in open ground (in a greenhouse) or in a greenhouse to get an early harvest.

Next, you will be presented with a list of garden crops for sowing in April. And also explanations are given which vegetables in April can be planted only for seedlings, and which garden crops can be planted in open ground or in a greenhouse.

By the way! And about that what flowers can be planted in April read in this material.

What vegetables and herbs are planted in April

Vegetable crops

By far the earliest vegetable crop is radish.

And during this period, it's time to sow tomatoes for growing at home on a windowsill or balcony.

How to grow tomatoes on the window

Advice! Very important carefully process carrot seeds before sowingsince they contain essential oils that delay their germination (so they need to be washed).

What shallots look like

Melons (pumpkin) crops (all only for seedlings):

By the way! Zucchini is a green-fruited variety of squash.

Legumes culture:

And also in April you must not forget get potatoes and lay tubers for germination.


  • Arugula.

  • Vegetable purslane (garden).

Yes, purslane is an edible plant, it has very juicy and healthy leaves!

And it is also perfectly grown by self-sowing, in other words, once sown and that's it: now every year with a harvest.

Important! Many even complain that it is quite difficult to get rid of purslane. it grows like a weed ...

  • Leaf salad.

Advice! Please note that there are varieties not only with green leaves, but also with purple ones (rich in anthocyanins).

  • Watercress.

Great for greenhouse cultivation, as well as for windowsill.

  • Coriander.
  • Kinza.
  • Basil.
  • Melissa.
  • Extragon.
  • Parsnip.
  • Onions on greens (feather).

Do not forget that in addition to sheet, there is also root parsley (like celery).

Yes, this is not a mistake, radishes have very tasty and juicy tops that you can eat.

And of course, green manure plants.

What vegetable crops in April to plant for seedlings, in a greenhouse or immediately in open ground

And now we will dwell in more detail on garden crops, which are planted in April for seedlings, either directly in closed or open ground.

It is worth understanding! If there are no obstacles for sowing seedlings, then the possibility of sowing in open ground entirely depends on weather conditions, because there is no year after year.

For seedlings

These vegetables can be grown through seedlings:

Earliest (earliest), determinant and the shortest varieties tomato for open ground it is quite possible to plant in April, because their seedling period is only 40-45 days (the age of the seedlings for planting in the garden). And here tall and greenhouse varieties tomatoes for seedlings are planted in march.

In April, cabbage for seedlings can be sow not only at home (for growing on a windowsill), but also directly into the open ground (in an arc greenhouse) or greenhouse (this method is also called reckless).

By the way! The first days of April are the last time to be in time sow seedlings leek and onion varieties Exibishen (although, for good reason, this should have been done back in march).

In open ground and greenhouse

For obvious reasons, in April, only very cold-resistant crops can be sown in open ground, which are not afraid of return spring frosts.

As you know, the seeds of cold-resistant crops begin to grow at minimum positive temperatures (from +3 .. + 5 degrees Celsius). At the same time, they will really actively grow and develop only at higher positive temperatures (from +10 degrees).

However, it is obvious that in the open ground in April everything will grow much longer (since the temperature drops are greater) than in the greenhouse.

Simply put, in a greenhouse you will get an earlier and more abundant crop.

So where more efficiently use the greenhouse for these purposes (optimally - polycarbonate) or put an arc greenhouse on a garden bed in open ground.

Advice! Before sowing in a greenhouse, or even more so in open ground, a couple of days before planting, it is advisable to spill the garden bed with hot water, and then cover it with foil.

However, not all crops make sense to grow in a greenhouse: as a rule, an arc greenhouse will be enough for most of them at the initial stage.

By the way! It is quite normal if there is still snow around the greenhouse, and you are already taking up the April crops.

Of course, the most suitable vegetable crop is radish, which can be sown both in open ground (under film) and in a greenhouse.

Concerning legumesthen peas - this a very cold-resistant crop, it can be planted in April immediately in open ground (not afraid of recurrent frosts), while beans - thermophilic, like cucumbers , and should be planted no earlier than May. Alternatively, however, the beans can be sown in April in the greenhouse.

Most Popular rootscarrot and beet... Many people consider these cultures to be similar, however, they are completely from different families, and if carrots are relatively cold-resistant, its really can be sown in the second half-end of April, then planting beets is better to postpone to May.

Concerning Lukethen in April, only cold-resistant can be planted in open ground shallot (it is also called "family" onion), which is not afraid of frost. And here onion sets per head can be planted in the ground only in May.

Another thing is that you can plant onions on greens (feathers) in a greenhouse or at all grow green onions in an apartment by the window.

Especially often in open ground (arc greenhouse) or in a greenhouse in April they sow greens: lettuce, watercress, arugula, coriander, cilantro, basil, lemon balm, extragon, parsnip, onion, parsley, dill, sorrel and other aromatic and healthy herbs.

By the way! But in general, most greens you can successfully grow on a windowsill, same green onions, dill, parsley, basil, mintrosemary, spinach.

April is the best time to sow seedlings in open ground (greenhouse) or in a greenhouse cabbage (especially white cabbage).

And here colored does not like cold weather and does not tolerate frost, so it is better sow at home or a little later.

In general, as for the greenhouse, the first thing in April you need properly prepare the greenhouse for the new season (cultivate the land), and then engage in crops.

By the way! Including in the greenhouse in spring you can sow green manure (to improve soil fertility and structure).

When to sow vegetables and herbs in April lunar calendar for 2021

If you want to choose a specific date for sowing seeds in April, then the Lunar calendar can come to the rescue.

So,auspicious days according to the lunar calendar, for planting garden crops in April 2021, the following dates are:

  • tomatoes - 1-7, 9-11, 24, 25, 27-30;
  • root vegetables (radishes, carrots, beets, onions per head, garlic) - 5-7, 9-15, 17-22, 27-30;
  • pumpkin (watermelons, melons, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers) - 1, 2, 24, 25, 27-30;
  • legumes (beans, peas) - 1, 2, 9-11, 13-15, 24-27;
  • cabbage (all varieties) - 1, 2, 11-15, 17-20, 25-30;
  • greens (parsley, dill, onions per feather) - 1, 2, 11-15, 17-20, 25-30;
  • corn - 1, 2, 7, 24, 27-29.

However, it is not so important to sow on auspicious days as not to do so onunfavorable.

Unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar, for planting vegetables in April 2021 are the following dates (these are the days of the Full Moon and New moons, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, because it is a barren and dry sign - italicized):

  • in April - 5-6, 12, 27 (common dates for all cultures).

Remember! When choosing the timing for sowing vegetables, you must be guided by the logic and weather conditions in your specific region. If April is cold and snowy, then what can we talk about at all?

Well, dear gardeners, now you know what to do in April, what greens and vegetables to plant for seedlings, and what can already be sown in open or closed ground. Good luck!

By the way! And about that, the site also has an article about what flowers can be sown in April.

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