Planting parsley in autumn in open ground: terms and rules for winter sowing

It is believed that plants planted before winter grow healthier and harder. So you decided in this way, finally, to grow good parsley, moreover, even before everyone else.

Well, then you will learn when and how to properly plant parsley before winter in order to get the earliest greens or root crops in the spring.

Can be planted in autumn both leaf and root parsley.

When to plant parsley in autumn

Do not rush to sow parsley seeds before winter. If you sow too early, the seeds may swell out of time and germinate in the still warm ground, and die with the onset of frost.

Remember! Podzimny sowing is performed after frost, when the ground is slightly frozen (grabbed with a crust).

Thus, the approximate timing of sowing parsley before winter in the Middle Lane is this is the second half of October-first half of November.

Advice! Be guided by the weather! Autumn is often quite long (warm) and very rainy. You also need to wait for stable subzero temperatures.

According to the lunar calendar for 2020

If you want to choose a specific date, then you can refer to the lunar calendar.

So, the most auspicious days in 2020 for winter sowing leaf parsley in open ground are:

  • September - there are no favorable dates;
  • October - 18, 19;
  • November - 5-7, 22-27.

By the way! If you are going to plant parsley to the root (root)then favorable days will differ markedly. The tops and roots are planted at different times.

So, auspicious days, according to the lunar calendar, for winter landing root parsley in 2020 are:

  • in September - 24-26;
  • in October - 3-6, 8-11, 13-15, 18-23, 26-28;
  • in November - 5-9, 22-24.

However, it is not so important to sow greens or vegetables on an auspicious day, how not to do it on an unfavorable one (the days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign -italicized). According to the lunar calendar for 2020, these are:

  • in September -1, 2, 17, 27-28.
  • in October - 2, 16,24-26, 31
  • in November - 15,20-22, 30.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

How to properly sow parsley in winter

Underground sowing rules are quite versatile, so if you learn to plant parsley in the fall and get good shoots in the spring, you can grow other cold-resistant crops in this way.

Heat-loving ones do not plant before winter!

Choosing a place and preparing a bed for winter sowing

A bed for winter sowing parsley needs to be prepared in advance (back in September)while the ground is soft and amenable to cultivation, and not when it is already frozen by frost.

Dig up the soil, apply the necessary mineral and organic fertilizers (compost, humus).

Reference! Parsley grows well on loose and fertile soils rich in organic matter. If your soil is heavy and clayey, then you need to loosen it with sand.

Cut grooves immediately (at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, 1.5-2 cm deep).

And then cover with something so that they (furrows) will not be washed away by rains.

Important! Also prepare the ground in advance for filling the grooves. Alternatively, fill a bucket and place it in a summer cottage or greenhouse (greenhouse). Or, just before sowing, buy seedling soil (literally 5-10 liters).

Then plant: crop rotation rules

The main rule of crop rotation is the alternation of crops on the site. In other words, it is not recommended to plant plants of the same family in one place several times in a row (especially tomatoes after potatoes and vice versa). Accordingly, parsley can be planted after any crops other than the umbrella familywhich include dill, parsnips, celery and carrots.

Preparing seeds for planting

As known, parsley seeds (like other plants of the Umbelliferae family) covered with essential oilsthat delay their pecking. Therefore, in order to accelerate the germination of seeds of umbrella crops, before planting them in spring processed, more precisely, soaked in various solutionsthus flushing out essential oils.

However, in the case of sowing seeds before winter, they no seedbed preparation required... Seeds are sown exclusively dry and unprocessed.

Advice! Sow straight from the pack!

Direct sowing

  • Choose in advance a place for the garden, prepare the soil, cut grooves.
  • When the ground freezes, sow seeds in grooves, 1.5-2 cm deep (No more!).

Important! In this case, you need to increase the seeding rate by about 25%, in other words, sow more densely than in the spring... All weak seeds simply won't sprout in the spring.

  • Sprinkle the seeds with loose soil prepared in advance (or purchased).

We repeat! Parsley seeds should not be covered with more than 2 cm of soil.

  • Everything, it remains only to somehow designate the garden, so that next spring you will not forget that this place has already been taken.

Note! No need to water!

What to do after sowing parsley seeds before winter

Actually, that's all. No additional care, let alone watering the seeds, is needed. they should germinate in the spring, when the necessary conditions are created for this (the earth is saturated with melt water and warms up). After sowing, the seeds should in no case swell and hatch in moist and warm ground, which is why it is podzimny sowing is best done as late as possible (in November).

Bountiful harvest to you!

Video: winter sowing of parsley

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