Growing strawberries from seeds at home: when and how to sow strawberries for seedlings

It should be said right away that growing strawberry seedlings (garden strawberries) from seeds is a rather laborious process. As a rule, gardeners resort to buying ready-made seedlings or reproduction of bushes with your own mustache... However, not all varieties are suitable for propagation with a mustache (small-fruited varieties are just the same, most often without mustache), and sometimes you really want to grow exactly that garden strawberry that your neighbor in the country has treated you to.

Next, you will learn when to sow strawberry seeds for seedlings and how to properly grow them at home before planting in the ground.

By the way! If you want to grow strawberries at home until harvest, then this will help you this material.

How to choose or prepare strawberry seeds yourself

Today there are a huge number of varieties and hybrids of strawberries, whose producers promise huge and tasty berries, early maturity and high resistance to any kind of crop diseases, so it is so difficult to choose the right one.

However, it is believed that withemenami are much easier to reproduce precisely small-fruited strawberries.

The fact is that large-fruited varieties sprout worse and develop more slowlyso they are better propagate vegetatively (mustache).

So, popular small-fruited strawberry varieties are: Yellow miracle, Crimean early, Baron Solemakher, Ali Baba and others.

Especially recommended to grow from seed remontant and ampelous varieties of strawberries.

If you still want to grow from seed large-fruited strawberries, you should pay attention to the following varieties: Queen Elizabeth, Temptation, Fragrant basket, Honey, Xima, Fireworks, Festivalnaya, Regina and others.

Self harvesting strawberry seeds

Seeds for sowing strawberries can be prepared on their own using the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Take any strawberries you like in the summer and cut the top off.
  2. Then, with a kitchen knife or a sharp blade, remove the top layer of seeds from it.
  3. Put the removed layer on a cloth (preferably thick) or paper sheet.
  4. Place to dry in a warm place for a couple of days.
  5. Next, the dried substance must be rubbed in the palms of the hands to separate the seeds.
  6. Place the seeds in a bag for storage. Don't forget to sign!

Note! Strawberries grown from harvested seeds often do not retain their grade. Only small-fruited, as a rule, grows about the same, but large - well, very rarely.

A completely different matter - purchased seeds.

Important! Remember, strawberry seeds remain viable for 2-4 years.

Preparing strawberry seeds for planting: pre-sowing treatment

Friendly shoots and health of future strawberries will ensure proper preparation and processing of its seeds before sowing, which includes soaking and stratification.

For soaking, you will need cotton pads, a small container and always warm, settled water (not boiled). You can use such drugs (growth stimulants) as "Epin" or "Zircon", as well as "Energen" or "HB-101".

A simplified stratification of strawberry seeds can be carried out as follows: spread the seedlings on moistened cotton swabs, cover them with exactly the same moistened cotton pads and put them in the refrigerator on the lower shelf for 3-5 days.

Either you can sow seeds in the snow, or sow seeds and then remove the planting container with them in the refrigerator.

Video: stratification of strawberry seeds

How to properly plant strawberries for seedlings at home

For sowing strawberries with seeds for seedlings, you need a special soil and a certain container (container). Therefore, you need to properly prepare for planting strawberries for seedlings, but first you need to decide on the timing.

When to plant seedlings in 2020

To find out when is the best time to sow strawberries for seedlings, it is important to pay attention to the terms that the manufacturer recommends, indicating them on a bag of purchased seeds. As a rule, you can start sowing seeds for seedlings from the end of January and continue until April.

note! As for experience, the optimal time for sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings is March-early April... At that time daylight hours are already long enough, which means that you do not have to bother with additional illumination of seedlings.

By the way! In May-June, you can sow strawberry seeds straight into the ground.

According to the lunar calendar in 2020

Choose the optimal date for sowing seeds for seedlings can help you moon calendar.

So, favorable days for sowing strawberries for seedlings in 2020, according to the lunar calendar, are:

  • in January - 27-31;
  • in February - 1-10, 14-20, 28, 29;
  • in March - 2-8, 12-14, 26-29;
  • in April - 13-15, 20-22, 25-27;
  • in May - 2-6, 25-27.

Of course, it is not always possible to get to the dacha on favorable days, so the main thing is not to sow on unfavorable dates (the days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign -italicized).

Unfavorable days, according to the lunar calendar for 2020, for sowing strawberry seeds in spring, the following dates are:

  • in January - 10,25, 26;
  • in February - 9,21-22, 23;
  • in March - 9,19-21, 24;
  • in April - 8,15-17, 23;
  • in May - 7,13-14, 22;
  • in June - 5,9-11, 21.

According to the lunar calendar, from the magazine "1000 Tips for Summer Residents".

Suitable planting containers and substrate

Garden strawberries are best grown in clear containers or plastic cups. In this case, you can easily see and control the degree of soil moisture. But for planting, any other containers made of plastic and wood are also suitable, as well as peat cups, sour cream containers, milk cartons. Of course, withStrawberry seeds can also be planted in peat tablets. In this case, it will be enough planting tank height of 4-5 cm.

Note! Strawberry seedlings can and should be dive, therefore, it is not at all necessary to immediately plant it in individual containers, especially since the strawberry seeds are quite small and do not germinate very well.

Important! Be sure to do drain holes in your planting containers so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil, or fill drainage layer 1.5-2 cm.

The soil for growing strawberries should be loose, air and moisture permeable, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

As a soil, you can use a special soil mixture for strawberries (garden strawberries). Soil is also suitable for begonias or violets or high quality universal primer.

Alternatively, you can prepare the soil yourself according to one of the following recipes:

  • 2/4 sod land, 1/4 low-lying (neutral or slightly acidic) peat, 1/4 river sand;
  • 1/3 sod land; 1/3 humus, 1/3 sand;
  • 1/2 low-lying peat, 1/2 sand;
  • 2/3 humus, 1/3 sand.

Disinfection of soil

Advice!About, how to disinfect the land for growing strawberry seedlings read in this material.

Direct fit (standard method)

Step-by-step instructions for sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings:

  • Fill containers or cups by 2/3 soil mixture, slightly compact and thoroughly moisten with a spray bottle.

Advice! If you have not disinfected the soil before, you can spill the soil Fitosporin solution.

  • Try to distribute the seeds as evenly as possible over the surface (you can make rows and scatter over them, but in no case cover them with earth).

Or sow seeds, previously mixed with sand.

  • Sprinkle well with lukewarm water from a sprinkler or spray bottle.

Important! It is not necessary to sprinkle with substrate. Strawberry seeds good germinate in the light.

  • Cover the top with plastic wrap or cover the container with a transparent lid to create a greenhouse effect.

By the way! If you have not previously stratified seeds, sown not on snow, then after sowing it is very desirable (but not necessary) to remove the planting containers not in a warm place, but in the refrigerator, on the lower shelf, or in another place where the temperature is 0 .. + 4 degrees, for 3-5 days. This will significantly increase the rate of seed germination.

However! This is by no means necessary - for many summer residents, seeds germinate normally without stratification, just in the light and in the warmth.

Video: growing garden strawberries (strawberries) from seeds - sowing seedlings

Sowing in the snow

Of course, there are more non-standard ways of planting garden strawberries for seedlings, for example, sowing on snow, thanks to strawberry seeds kind of pass artificial stratification.

Next, you also cover the planting container with a film (or cover with a lid) and put it in a cool place (the lower shelf of the refrigerator) for 3-5 days.

Thanks to this planting, the seeds will be completely provided with moisture and will not go to the depth, as if they were watered from a watering can.

Moreover, strawberry seeds can be sown both on snow and under the snowin other words, you can put snow on top of the seeds.

You can learn more and more clearly about the method of sowing strawberry seeds in the snow from this video:

How to care for strawberry seedlings after planting

Now let's talk about the rules of care and conditions for growing strawberry seedlings.

  • Before sprouting, be sure to daily remove condensation from the lid (the bag can simply be turned out with the dry side out), and also sometimes open it for ventilation (for 30-60 minutes).
  • After seed germination, the shelter will need to be removed.

Strawberries (garden strawberries) are usually rises in 1-3 weeks.

Daylight hours and temperature

In the future, young seedlings from the very first day will need a long, at least 10-11, or better 12-14 hour daylight hours... In other words, the seedlings should stand on the lightest - south windowsill (southwest or east).

If the strawberry seedlings lack sunlight, then it is necessary stretch out and you have to pour earth into pots (up to cotyledons or "heart").

The air temperature in the room should be around + 18-23 degrees (and the closer to disembarkation, the more it can be lowered - up to 15-16 degrees, taking it out to the loggia or balcony).

Therefore, if you sowed in February or early March, then be sure to supplement the strawberry seedlings with special phytolamps. Otherwise, she will be very elongated, pale and weak.

Advice! For convenience and simplification of seedling care, you can buy a "smart" timer-socket, which will automatically turn on and off the light (lamp) at the time you set.


The appearance of real leaves is your main reference point for starting active watering and removing shelter. But again, don't be too zealous!

Important! You can't water often newly emerged strawberry shoots, as this can cause, firstly, the appearance of mold on the walls of the planting container or, even worse, actually fatal to plants - black leg.

The frequency and volume of watering differ significantly at each stage of the formation and growth of strawberry seedlings:

  • So, immediately after sowing, while the seedlings are in the greenhouse, it is most likely not required to additionally moisten it, but it is imperative to monitor the humidity.

At the same time, it is very important that in no case a dry crust forms on the ground.

  • As soon as the first shoots appear, watering should be carried out somewhere 1 time in 5-7 days.

It is convenient to water small seedlings using syringe or enemaso as not to erode the soil and root system of the plant, which can cause the seedlings to fall.

  • The appearance of the first true leaves is your signal to increase the number of waterings by 2 times (1 time in 2-3 days).

Moreover, you need to water so that the soil in the tank was moistened to the very bottom.

  • The more leaves form, the more moisture will be required (evaporation will be stronger), which means that you will have to water more often.

Advice! For watering strawberry seedlings, it is optimal to use exactly settled water at room temperature. Naturally, you don't need to boil it! Also great for this case melt or rainwateror filtered.

Video: caring for young strawberry seedlings


You can dive strawberry seedlings when it forms 2-3 true leaves (although it is possible in phase 1-2), that is, approximately 3-6 weeks after sowing (2-3 weeks after germination).

Note! The site already has a detailed article about picking strawberries grown from seeds.

Top dressing

As soon as the plants have 3-4 true leaves, you can feed the seedlings of garden strawberries with one of the complex mineral fertilizers (such as Nitroammofoska, Fertiki Lux or similar). Before planting seedlings in a permanent place in the ground, you can perform up to 2-3 dressings (every 10-14 days).

By the way! If you originally planted or dived strawberry seedlings into nutritious soil, then you can do without any additional feeding.

Video: caring for strawberry seedlings after picking

When and how to plant strawberry seedlings in open ground

Before planting strawberry seedlings in open ground, it is recommended that you first carry out it hardening (adapt to harsher outdoor conditions). To do this, containers with seedlings should first be taken out to the balcony or loggia, and when it gets completely warmer, then to the porch.

Important! Room conditions should be alternated with stressful ones.

You can start planting strawberries in open ground even when soil temperature warms up to + 10-12 degrees, and ambient air up to + 12-14. EAnother condition is the appearance in the plant 6th present sheet.

As for the approximate timing, it depends on the climatic characteristics of the region. On average, you can start planting strawberries in the open field from April - in the South, from the second half of May - in the Central lane (Moscow region), not earlier than late May-early June - in the Urals and Siberia.

Either way you need wait out the spring return frosts.

Video: planting seedlings of strawberries grown from seeds in open ground in a garden

Strawberries grow well only in fertile soils, and they also like illuminated areas. However, in the first 10-14 days after planting, it is better to cover it with something to prevent burns of young leaves. But you need to water the strawberries in the open field abundantly.

By the way! About, how to plant garden strawberry seedlings in open ground in spring, about the methods and schemes of disembarkation, read in this article.

Thus, if you follow all the above recommendations and adhere to the basic rules for planting garden strawberries for seedlings, you will definitely be able to grow strawberries from seeds at home, and then successfully plant them in open ground, in order to subsequently get a rich harvest of delicious berries in this ( if it is a remontant variety) or already next year.

Video: growing strawberries from seeds

Idea! You can try continue to grow strawberries at home on the windowsill.

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