The use of onion peels in the garden and vegetable garden: as fertilizer and insecticide (pest control)

So, you are interested in the use of onion peels in the garden and garden, most likely, wanting to prepare an infusion or decoction. Indeed, everyone who is engaged in organic farming knows and constantly uses this natural remedy, which has many beneficial properties and is therefore actively used in the garden and vegetable garden.

Next, you will find out why you can use onion peels in the garden, how to prepare an infusion or decoction to use as a biostimulant, organic fertilizer or insecticide (anti pests).

Onion peel: composition and value

The high value of onion husks is due to its chemical composition.

So, onion peels contain such useful substances as phytoncides (prevent the development of fungi and bacteria, scare off pests), flavonoids (especially rutin and quercetin - have anti-inflammatory properties, in addition, they increase the amount of carbohydrates = sugars in fruits) and carotenoids (strong antioxidants and immunostimulants), as well as vitamin C.

Important! Onion husks and the onion itself have completely different compositions (after all, the husk primarily performs a protective function).

Thus, onion peel is a very useful and truly folk remedy not only for the garden and vegetable garden, but also for human health.

Why you can use onion peel in the garden

In everyday life, onion skins are usually harvested to paint eggs for Easter or to boil bacon (brisket) in it.

Onion hulls have the following beneficial properties that make their infusion valuable for use in the garden and vegetable garden:

  • increases and accelerates the germination of seeds (partly disinfects);
  • enhances the concentration of vitamins and nutrients in vegetables, and also improves their taste, increasing the content of carbohydrates (sugars).

Relevant for tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.

  • prevents the development of fungi and bacteria (especially root rot);
  • scares away pests (aphids and spider mites);

All garden and horticultural crops can be treated from aphids and ticks (currant, cucumbers, roses).

  • helps in protecting potatoes from wireworm (you need to put dry husks in the hole when planting).

And there is also an opinion that onion skins will protect potatoes from Colorado potato beetle.

Accordingly, onion husk infusion can be used for:

  • for pre-sowing seed treatment (similar to Energen or HB-101);

By the way! HB-101 - has almost the same active ingredient as onion peel.

  • watering and spraying vegetables during their fruiting period (to improve their taste, the amount of vitamins and nutrients);
  • as an insecticidal agent and partly fungicidal.

Also, onion peels can be buried in the ground or laid in compost, because it is an excellent source of nutrition for soil microorganisms.

How to make an infusion of onion peel

We figured out the useful properties, now let's talk about how to properly prepare and directly apply infusions and decoctions from onion husks to feed the plant and treat them from pests.

Classic decoction and infusion on water

Decoction recipe:

  • We fill a half-liter jar to the brim with husks, pour boiling water. Next, pour into a saucepan and boil for 5-10 minutes (in some sources, 20-30 minutes is recommended). Let it brew and cool (3-6 hours).

  • Be sure to filter before use. Do not forget to dilute with water, bringing the total volume to 10 liters.

Infusion recipe:

  • Pour 150-200 grams of husks (a full 0.5 liter jar) into a bucket, pour 10 liters of water and let it brew for 4-5 days.

  • We filter and spray (from aphids and spider mites).

You can cook something "in between". Namely, just pour boiling water on the onion peel, then let it brew for 2-3 days.

Vodka Infusion (from Procvetok)

The recipe for the preparation of onion peel extract from the YouTube channel «Procvetok ":

  • Take a 0.5-liter jar and fill the husk as tightly as possible.
  • Pour vodka to the top.

Yes, you heard right! It is in vodka that the main active ingredients of onion husks dissolve better. It is much worse in water, except in steep boiling water.

  • Close the lid.
  • Place in a warm place.
  • Use after 7 days.

In the future, it is better to store in a cool place for 6 months.

Instructions for using prepared onion peel extract from youtube channel «Procvetok ".

  • For pre-planting seed treatment (increasing their germination, germination energy and easy disinfection): 1 tbsp.a spoonful of extract per 200 ml (glass) of water - for soaking seeds for a day (in general, seeds can germinate in this solution).
  • For processing plants in order to prevent them from affecting aphids and spider mites, as well as to increase the quality and sweetness of vegetable fruits: 50-60 ml per 10 liters (bucket) of water.

The same solution can be used to water indoor plants, do sprinkling on them.

Video: how to prepare an extract from onion peels for use in the garden and vegetable garden

Rules for the use of onion peels and answers to popular questions

  • It is most effective to apply precisely husk yellowsince it contains the largest amount of useful active ingredients.

In the red husk, there are almost 7 times less of them, and in the white - a very small amount.

  • To prepare the infusion, you need to use only healthy husk.

If the onion has been affected by peronosporosis or thrips, then you can prepare a decoction, but you cannot infusion (without boiling).

Another thing is alcoholic tincture of onion peel (on vodka).

  • Amount of active nutrients in husks gradually decreases over time, so there is no point in storing it for a long time.

By the spring, when the onion has already begun to sprout, the value of the husk decreases markedly.

Accordingly, as the jar of husks was collected, so immediately prepare the infusion (broth).

  • If you are using onion peel solution for spraying against pests (ticks and spider mites), then preferably into it addadhesive (for example, the same liquid soap).
  • Undesirable sprinkle plants with onion during their flowering periodsince it can scare off pollinating insects.
  • Treatments can and should be carried out throughout the growing season (approximately 1 time in 7-10 days).

Can Garlic Hulls Be Used Similarly?

  • No, garlic husks have no value (similar properties).

Can onion peel infusion be mixed with Fitosporin?

  • Yes, they are compatible. You can even prepare a solution of Fitosporin on a decoction of the husk itself.

Well, now you know how valuable onion peels are to plants. So, do not throw it away anymore, but collect and prepare useful infusions and decoctions, using the husk as an organic fertilizer and a protection against pests (insecticide). Good luck!

Video: onion peel - a super tool for the garden

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