We plant grapes in the spring correctly

Due to freezing or boring monotony, gardeners think about grafting grapes in the spring. And this is quite justified, since as a result of grafting, you can quickly get a powerful fruiting plant. What do you need to know about this garden manipulation and is it worth, in general, to spend your time on it?

Below you will find information about the features and methods of grafting grapes in spring, which will be especially relevant for novice gardeners, as well as video and photographic materials.

Why vaccinate, the benefits of vaccination

The grapes are grafted to improve the original data of the plant. Grafting is especially important for plants that have average or poor performance.

Vaccination improves the following specifications:

  1. Disease and pest resistance... For manipulation, I use a stock with good immunity to powdery and downy mildew, anthracnose.In addition, shrubs that have been inoculated are less susceptible to phylloxera attacks. Of course, vaccination is not a panacea for all problems, but infected plants are much easier to tolerate diseases than specimens of common varieties.
  2. Yield... As a result of grafting vigorous varieties, fertility also increases, since such plants grow very quickly and form many fruiting shoots.
  3. Compactness... If you can plant two cuttings on the stock, you can reduce the space for the grape bushes.

A gardener who is passionate about the vineyard must plant the grapes for maximum results.

When to plant in spring, timing

Anyone who is going to carry out this procedure is interested - when to plant grapes in the spring?The ideal time for vaccination in the spring is when the temperature is kept at +15 C.

Depending on the weather conditions of the region, grapes begin to be grafted in the spring at the following dates: in the last decade of April or the first decade of May.

Video: timing and optimal time for grafting grapes

General rules and tips for spring grafting

Before carrying out the procedure, you need to know how to properly plant grapes. This can only be grafted with properly prepared cuttings.

Chubuki are harvested in the fall before the onset of frost. Cuttings with 2-3 eyes 10-12 cm long are cut from a healthy grape bush, which has borne abundantly this year with a sharp knife.

The stalk is cut from the mother plant at an angle of 45C, the length of the cut is 2-3 cm. The same cut is made on the other side of the scion. The prepared cutting should resemble a wedge in shape. The main condition in the preparation of scions is that the cut at the bottom of the shank must be even, otherwise it will not take root.

Important! It is impossible to use thin, deformed or damaged cuttings for grafting grapes: such grafts simply will not take root on the bush. It is also not recommended to harvest cuttings from the tip of the shoot 30 cm long.

In order for the scion to take root, the cuttings must be perfectly even. In order not to spoil most of the shoot, it is better for novice gardeners to pre-train on any thin branches.

In order to disinfect, cuttings are immersed in 3% copper sulfate for half a minute. Then the scion is dried, wrapped in a film and placed on the top shelf of the refrigerator or lowered into the basement or cellar, where the temperature is less than + 5C. Cuttings of several varieties are harvested, a sticker with the name is glued on top of the packaged cuttings.

In addition to proper preparation during vaccination, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to observe the temperature regime and the timing of the manipulation.
  2. To plant grapes, you needuse only sharp garden tools that are thoroughly disinfected.
  3. The rootstock and scion must be absolutely clean.
  4. Before choosing varieties for grafting, you need to carefully study their characteristics.
  5. For the grafting to be successful, the cutting must be provided with the most comfortable conditions.

Features of the choice of scion and rootstock

Graft - the part of a plant that will be grafted onto another plant.

Rootstock - the plant to be inoculated.

When choosing a scion and stock, important nuances must be taken into account:

  • For grafting grapes, varieties with high affinity should be chosen: the survival rate increases significantly if the rootstock and the scion belong to the same growth group.
  • The best graft is a moderately moist cutting on the lower node of which, there is a sign of a fallen antennae and a full-fledged diaphragm.
  • Healthy adult plants can be used as a stock.
  • It is best to inoculate among themselves varieties with approximately the same vigor and maturity.
  • Grafting of radically different varieties is also allowed, however, the survival rate of grafts in this case is very low.
  • For grafting it is better to choose hybrid varieties that are resistant to common grape diseases.
  • In the northern regions, varieties with high frost resistance should be chosen as a rootstock.

Important! You can only graft cuttings on a rootstock 2-3 years old. One-year-old bushes cannot be vaccinated, because of their thin growth.

Vaccination methods

Before you start growing an improved variety, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible ways of grafting grapes in spring, and choose the most suitable one. All the grafting methods presented below are highly adaptable and very easy to implement.

Video: ways of grafting grapes in spring.

Into the cleft

The first grafting of grapes in the spring is recommended in this way, since it is very easy to perform. The grafting of grapes into the split is done as follows:

  1. 2-3 days before the intended vaccination, the cuttings are taken out of the refrigerator or cellar, the lower part is carefully sharpened to a height of 3-4 cm and placed in a growth stimulator.
  2. The trunk is dug in to a depth of 15-20 cm, and then cleaned from the bark.
  3. In the middle of the trunk, a sharp knife is used to make a split 3-4 cm deep.
  4. 2 cuttings are inserted into the slot from opposite sides. The dissected trunk is fastened with twine and covered with a thin layer of clay.
  5. The deepening around the trunk is covered with soil, and the scion is sprinkled with sand.

The manipulation is carried out in March or April.

In the photo, the scheme for grafting grapes into the split:

Video: grafting grapes in the spring in the black-to-green split.

Video: grafting in the spring in the black-to-black split.

Into the semi-cleavage

This type of vaccination is done in the same way as the cleft vaccine. The only difference between these manipulations is the number of cuttings used. If in the method of splitting 2 scions are grafted onto one stock, then in the method of semi-splitting - 1 scion. The grapes are planted in the spring in March-April.

In the butt

Stock grafting is considered the safest way to graft grapes in the spring, as most grafts take root. This method is great for grafting shrubs growing in low humidity regions.

Algorithm for grafting grapes in the spring in the butt:

  1. Stepchildren and leaves are removed from the rootstock vine.
  2. From the ripened shoot of the scion, a section with a bud is cut off together with a tissue 20 mm long located above and below it. Scion thickness -2 mm.
  3. A similar cut is made on the scion vine, and the cut off piece is replaced with a rootstock bud.
  4. The vaccination site is wrapped with a bandage without touching the kidney.

Grapes are planted from late May to early July. In spring, lignified shoots are used for grafting, in summer, green shields.

Video: how to plant grapes in the butt.

Back to back

It is quite easy to carry out such an underground grafting of grapes in spring. The peculiarity of this type of grafting is that the cuttings are grafted onto last year's top that has grown from the trunk. The sequence of performing underground grafting of grapes in the spring end-to-end is as follows:

  1. The stock is cut by 2-3 internodes from the stem, and then carefully cleaned from the ground.
  2. The diameter of the stock is measured and the cutting of the appropriate size is selected.
  3. The scion is cut with one eye. Slices are 1.5-2 cm below and above the eye.
  4. A thin peg is hewn out of a hard tree, and then it is driven into the stock and scion to the same depth.
  5. The vaccination site is wrapped with a cotton swab dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and the seedling is covered with earth.

It is best to do the end-to-end vaccination in early May.

To the stem

Usually in this way, grapes are grafted in the spring on an old bush. The advantage of this method of grafting is that 2 varieties can be grafted onto one stem at once. The cuttings should have at least 3 buds.

Grafting grapes into a stem is done like this:

  1. The bush is dug to a depth of 10 cm, and then the trunk is cleaned from old bark and collected dirt, wiping it with a rag.
  2. In the upper part of the rhizome, the most suitable internodes are selected, and then the aerial part of the bush is removed.
  3. To make the cut absolutely even, they work with a sharp garden knife.
  4. In the prepared trunk, several slots are made with a depth of 3-5 cm for the subsequent installation of scions. Pay attention to prevent severe splitting of the wood, before splitting the stock on the knot is pulled together with twine.
  5. In order to seal, the graft site is covered with plasticine, and then the seedling is covered with earth.

Grapes grafted in this way need to be watered as needed, and towards the end of summer, the shelter is gradually removed.

The timing of grafting grapes into a stem is no different from the general ones, in which it is recommended to graft a shrub. The optimal time for such an inoculation comes immediately after the start of sap flow and lasts until the end of spring.

Video: grafting grapes into a stem in the spring.


Unlike the traditional split grafting method, drilling grafts are fairly easy and quick to carry out. Due to the simplicity of the method, the survival rate of the grafts also increases.

The drilling sequence is as follows:

  1. The graft is taken out of storage and wrapped with a damp cloth and left to rest for a while at room temperature.
  2. As soon as the places of the cuts are found a little, the tips of the cuttings with a height of 0.5 cm are cleaned from the bark.
  3. A drill is selected, the diameter of which corresponds to the thickness of the scion, and disinfected with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. A hole is made in the trunk with a depth of 5 mm and the scion is inserted into it. Due to the snug fit, there is no need to fix or process the vaccination site.

To increase the likelihood of survival, experts recommend planting a couple of cuttings at once.

Such grafting of grapes is recommended to be carried out at the end of April-beginning of May, when the plant has begun active sap flow.

Care after vaccination

Whether the scion will take root depends not only on the observance of agricultural techniques, but also on the care of the grapes after manipulation.

  • To increase the likelihood of survival, the mound around the seedling is regularly loosened throughout the year.
  • 35-45 days after grafting, the soil is removed from one side and the upper roots are cleaned on the cuttings. It is necessary to cut off the protruding roots so that the scion grows into one whole with the module, and does not take root on its own. After trimming, the mound is poured back.
  • If necessary, the emerging growth is removed in the summer.
  • Shoots with an interval of 10 days are sprayed with a Bordeaux mixture. The first time a 0.5% solution is used for spraying, and subsequent times - 1%.
  • Provided that there is little rainfall in the first half of summer, the soil around the seedling is moistened once a week. From the middle of the summer period, the number of waterings is reduced.
  • Top dressing is recommended only in poor soils. Moreover, they should be fertilized no more than 3 times.
  • In order not to damage the adhesion, shoots longer than 40 cm are attached to stakes or trellis.
  • In August, when the shoots are completely woody, the mound of land around the grafted grapes is removed.

In order for the bush to distribute nutrients correctly, the rootstock shoots are cut off in the fall within 4 years after vaccination. For the same purpose, it is required to remove the roots of the scion. If grafted grapes are not pruned annually, they may die.

Important! The shoots of grafted grapes cannot be bent to the ground for the winter. Strong pressure can damage or break the adhesion.

In the northern regions, it is extremely dangerous to leave the bush open for the winter, so you need to cover the grapes in any case. To insulate the shoots of the grafted bush, they are cut off, leaving 4 eyes each. The grafting site is wrapped with insulated wire, and then the seedling is covered with dry earth.

Popular mistakes during the vaccination procedure

Gardeners who plant for the first time, due to poor knowledge of manipulation, may plant grapes in the spring with errors. Here are the most common ones:

  • Poor affinity of scion and rootstock... For grafting grapes in spring, it is best to use varieties with the same vigor and ripening period. Cuttings often die due to incompatibility.
  • Deep cleft... If the gap is too large, there is a lot of space between the module and the cuttings. Over time, Moist air entering the cleavage will cause rot.
  • Wrong equipment used during vaccination... Due to the use of blunt and unsuitable tools, the cuts on the cuttings are uneven. Even a slight roughness can become the reason for not recognizing the cutting.
  • Cuttings are not stored correctly... Wood is a porous material that quickly loses moisture. A heavily overdried stalk will not take root. So that the scions do not dry out, they are dipped in paraffin or wrapped in polyethylene before laying.

Grafting of grapes in spring is widely used in order to improve the characteristics of the variety you like. With the help of garden manipulation based on several adult rootstocks, you can create 2 times more oppositely different plants.

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