Propagation of strawberries with a mustache in summer in July and August: rooting rules

So you've decided to update or rejuvenate your strawberry beds, right? Perhaps you like the variety and want to propagate it using this method (mustache).

Indeed, rooting the strawberry whiskers is the most popular and common way to propagate strawberries (garden strawberries). Moreover, the new bushes obtained in this way begin to bear fruit the next year.

Next, you will find out when and how to propagate strawberries with a mustache, which plants and rosettes you need to select for rooting, and how best to do this.

When to root a strawberry mustache: optimal timing

Midsummer is the best time to breed strawberries with a mustache.

With regard to specific dates, the mustache is usually rooted after fruiting bushes (harvesting)when they are re-formed, in other words, approximately in the month of Julyto transplant already new seedlings (rooted rosette mustache) to a permanent place in August.

However! If you have repair strawberrywhich bears fruit 2 times - in June and August, then it can be propagated in August.

What varieties of garden strawberries can be propagated by a mustache

Unfortunately, most varieties small-fruited strawberry whiskers are not given, i.e. are beardless.

As a rule, only a mustache is good. large-fruited varieties.

However, some varieties remontant large strawberry (e.g. Mount Everest) give a mustache only in the first year after planting.

However! Strawberries like this can be easily multiply in a way dividing the bush.

How to propagate strawberries with a mustache: rooting methods

Next, you will find step-by-step instructions for propagating strawberries with a mustache, which includes 3 main stages:

  • mustache selection;
  • direct rooting in one of the ways;
  • transplanting new seedlings to a permanent place.

How to prepare bushes for breeding: rules for choosing a mustache for rooting

  • Before you start rooting a mustache, you should choose in advance the most productive strawberry bushes for breeding.

Best strawberry bushes = bushes with the highest number of large and sweet berries.

As for age, then, as a rule, for reproduction with a mustache they take 2-3 summer strawberry bushes.

However, you can take a mustache from annual bushes planted last year, but no more than 2-3 pieces, and be sure not to let them bloom and bear fruit.

  • In such uterine bushes, many advise cut off all flower stalks and not let them bear fruit this seasonso that they direct all their forces to the mustache (the development of their vegetative parts).

However, if you do this, you simply will not be able to select the most productive bushes.

  • In this case, on one bush should be left no more than 2-4 whiskersand delete the rest.

Advice! The whiskers that form before picking the berries are recommended to be removed, and to start leaving only at the end of fruiting.

  • For acceleration, as a rule, only "baby-daughters" (the first sockets) on the most powerful and well-formed mustaches are chosen. At the same time on a mustache with sockets leaves should already form.

The first rosettes are the strongest and most developed, because get more nutrition from the mother bush (because they are closer).

Whiskers of 2-3 and higher order, as a rule, are weaker in comparison with whiskers of the first order, therefore they enter fruiting later.

However! If the mustache is not enough, then it is quite possible to root the sockets of the 2-3 order.

  • Next, you need to put the selected mustache on rooting, doing it in one of the ways: just in the ground or in cups.

Video: strawberry mustache - secrets of choice

Rooting a mustache in cups

  • Prepare cups and fill them with nutritious soil (garden soil + humus or compost).

Must do in them drain holes.

  • If possible dig in filled with soil mixture cups in the ground up to the shoulders.

Dug in tendrils retain moisture better, but if you, for example, have high beds, then there is no point in dropping them in.

  • Direct the mustache and lay the outlet in the center of the planting container, after spilling it with water.
  • Fasten the mustache on both sides of the socket using an aluminum wire eyelet or an unbent paper clip or similar "fastener".

If the outlet is not pinned, it will not hold well and will most likely pop out of the cup.

  • Trim the mustache (continued escape), which is not connected to the mother bush (so that the plant does not waste extra food).
  • Containers with sockets are now needed water regularly (1 per day).If the weather is dry and hot, it is better to water it even 2 times a day.
  • When the roots fill the entire glass and appear 3-5 leaves (as a rule, it takes less or about a month), the plant can already be separate from the mother bush by cutting off the uterine mustache.
  • That's it, you can transplant a strawberry seedling to a new place.

By the way! As a rule, this method of rooting a mustache is used when strawberries are grown on black non-woven fabric or white spunbond.

Rooting the mustache in the ground

Most gardeners are of the opinion that it is simply "in the ground", ie without cups, the mustache takes root better.

Why do mustaches take root worse in glasses?

  • First, very often they are simply pop out of the cups.
  • And secondly, in glasses the ground dries up very quickly (you need to water often).

Rooting a mustache in the ground is easy:

  • Prepare a rooting site: loosen the soil well, you can even pour a small mound from fertile soil.
  • Aim the mustache, press down lightly (squeeze with your hands) and pour.

  • After about 3-5 weeks, you can already transplant young seedlings to a new place (always with a lump of earth).

Rooting in the air (no land)

It also happens that way (especially if strawberries are grown on a covering material): the mustache hangs in the air, does not fix in the ground, especially when the mustache is short and thick, but it still builds up a good root system. This open-rooted outlet can be transplanted directly to a new location.

Transplanting a new strawberry seedling to a permanent place

  • Choose a place and prepare (fertilize) the garden.
  • Dig the planting holes depending on the size of the containers in which the sockets are rooted.
  • Spill wells with plenty of water.
  • Gently remove the plant from the glass or dig it up with an earthen clod and transplant it into a hole.

The most important thing here is position the growth point of the bush (heart) at ground level... The fact is that if you deepen it too deep, the plant will shake out, plant it high - expose the base of the roots, from which the bush will dry out and simply freeze out in winter.

By the way! About, why mulch garden strawberry beds and about various methods this is definitely a very useful event, you can learn from of this article.

Well, now you know the whole process of reproduction of garden strawberries with a mustache, more precisely, with young daughter plants (rosettes) that develop on a creeping shoot (mustache). Good luck!

Video: how to propagate strawberries (garden dugout) with a mustache

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