Reproduction of roses by cuttings in the fall: how to root properly at home

The rose is beautiful with its fresh buds, light aroma of tenderness - it's hard to come off! That is why there is such an irresistible desire to have many wonderful flowers, moreover, of the most different varieties in your personal plot. If you still do not really know how to propagate a rose, stop at grafting. This is one of the most realistic ways to increase your flower happiness, or simply to acquire an interesting new variety of roses, donated by neighbors in the country.

You will learn about the advantages of cuttings of roses, about the timing of autumn cuttings, how to root cuttings of roses at home, as well as other good advice, you will learn from our article.

Benefits of cuttings roses in the fall

If you spend autumn pruning roses front shelter for the winter, then after it, as a rule, there are a lot of good cuttings - the ideal planting material for propagating your roses by further rooting them in autumn or preserving them until spring.

Note! Many people do not like to cut roses at all, because they need to tinker a lot, follow, and often there is simply no time. Therefore, of course, it is much easier to buy or order seedlings of already grafted roses from good nurseries and plant them in the fall or in spring.

What roses can be propagated using autumn rooting cuttings

It should be understood that not all roses can be rooted by cuttings in the autumn.

By the way! It is believed that it is better to root roses in the summer, as there are much more chances of survival.

The following varieties of roses are best suited for autumn rooting:

  • ground cover;
  • semi-leafy;
  • climbing;
  • miniature;
  • some shrub roses.

Important! It is better to root hybrid tea roses in the summer, although experienced florists advise them to propagate them altogether only by grafting.

When to cut roses in autumn

The terms of autumn cuttings of roses coincide with the time of pruning, which, as a rule, is carried out after the first night frosts (subzero temperatures only at night), but always before the onset of stable frosts (when it is minus both day and night).

Thus, the approximate timing of cuttings of roses in autumn in the middle lane (Moscow region) is the whole month of October, as well as in the Leningrad region, as well as in the Volga region. In the cold northern regions (in the Urals and Siberia) - in the first half of September and early October. In the South of Russia (in the Krasnodar Territory) - in late autumn, that is, in the second half of October-November.

Interesting! Many growers, on the contrary, advise to carry out autumn cuttings of roses precisely at the beginning of autumn, i.e. in September, well before night frosts. Moreover, if you plant them in open ground (which, in fact, is not recommended).

How to cut rose cuttings in autumn

Step-by-step instructions for autumn cuttings of roses:

  • As cuttings, only well-ripened shoots with a pencil or pen diameter (that is, about 0.5 cm thick);

By the way! Determine that the escape is ripe and ready for autumn cuttings, quite simply: if thorns snap off when pressed lightly and fly off, then you can start the procedure.

  • Each of the cuttings should have 3-4 developed kidneys, And his length on average should be about 15-25 cm.
  • In order not to be confused when landing and not to stick "upside down", nearly at the very top of the cutting (departing from the upper bud by 2-3 cm) done immediately straight cut, a below - oblique, i.e. at an angle of 45 degrees (just above the lower kidney);

Important! You need to use only a very sharp instrument (secateurs), and it should preferably be disinfected.

Advice! You cannot cut the cuttings with scissors. Seizures can form and the cuttings have very little chance of survival.

Advice! As cuttings for autumn propagation of roses, it is ideal to take specimens with heel (the heel is a piece of old wood). This means that they need to be carefully broken off, and not chopped. callus forms on it (heel) the fastest and such cuttings root better.

  • If autumn rooting is planned, then provide the stalk with food, need to leave at least a couple (or preferably two pairs) of the top leaves, but the lower ones must be removed.

Note! It's another matter if you do not plan to root the cutting immediately, but want to postpone planting it until spring. In this case, you no longer need the leaves, so you need to get rid of them.

  • Done, cuttings are cut, now they are left prepare for planting in open ground or a pot (initially to root at home), namely:treat with special solutions and properly land in the appropriate land.

Interesting! Some gardeners, to play it safe (so that the buds do not bloom prematurely), dip the tips of the cuttings in melted wax and then in cold water.

Video: cuttings of roses in autumn

How to root rose cuttings at home

Rooting cuttings at home will not cause great difficulty if you choose the right container and soil correctly.

However! It is better to plant cuttings of roses, especially in autumn, with a margin, that is, if you want to get at least 3-5 plants, then it is better to plant 6-10 cuttings.

Required containers and soil

Pots for planting cuttings are required in very small sizes (about 0.5 liters, for example, you can cut a liter bottle in half), of course, with drainage holes, and quite wide.

Advice! For planting cuttings of roses, it is better to use a transparent container through which you can see the roots (understand that the rose is rooted).

As for the soil mixture for filling planting tanks, it needs to be very loose and of high quality, so it is optimal to buy ready-made special soil for roses, although any other soil for flower crops is allowed.

By the way! It will be very good if you dilute such a soil with river sandby mixing 1 part earth and 2 parts sand.

For better moisture and air permeability, it is good to add a little to the soil mixture perlite or vermiculite.

Advice! It will be absolutely great if you add to the soil mixture sphagnum mosswhich is very useful for rooting cuttings because prevents their decay and provides better air permeability of the earth.

Preparing for planting: processing cuttings

For more successful rooting, it is advisable to hold the cuttings of roses in one of the solutions or special root-forming agents before planting. For example, you can put the cuttings in a honey solution (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) for 10-12 hours or immerse them in Kornevin's solution (according to the instructions). Also, for better results, you can immerse for 12 hours in a solution of "Heteroauxin" (according to the instructions) or "Zircon" (according to the instructions).

Advice! Many experienced flower growers suggest making it even easier and faster: just dip the lower part of the cut (oblique) slightly in Kornevin or Heteroauxin powder.

For soil disinfection can be used "Glyocladin" - an excellent biological preparation that prevents the development of various root rot in the soil. In a small pot (200-300 ml), only 1 tablet needs to be buried 1.5-2 centimeters into the soil. If you have not found Glyocladin, then you can use Fitosporin (many like it even more) by diluting it in water (according to the instructions) and spilling the soil before or after planting the cuttings. Of course, you can do the oldest and most ineffective way and try to disinfect the ground by spilling pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Rooting in water before planting in the ground

Advice! Many gardeners recommend germinating them in water before planting cuttings in the ground, so the likelihood of their rooting will increase markedly.

It is believed that if you germinate cuttings in water, then the size of the roots of 1 cm is quite enough, and it will already be possible to plant them in the ground, then they take root better. But with long roots it is much more difficult. In general, it is believed that it is possible to plant in the ground when it has just begun callus (plant tissue or growth on which roots are formed).

Important! So that the cuttings do not rot, it is advisable to add to the water Fitosporin (a little bit of powder - on the tip of a spoon).

Planting cuttings

Step-by-step instructions for direct planting of cuttings of roses in a pot at home:

  • Preparematching pots and do the necessary soil mixture or buy ready-made soil for roses.
  • Process the cuttings: keep in solution or dip in powder.
  • Disinfect the soil (spilled with a special solution), in which you will plant the cuttings.
  • Stick the stalk in a pot of earth, and this must be done downhill (it's better for rooting). Planting depth - 2-3 cm (or 2 buds), while making sure that 1-2 buds remain on top.

If you are planting an already germinated cutting, then first you need to pour some soil on the bottom of the pot, and then put the cutting and cover it with earth.

By the way! If you plan to plant several cuttings in one pot at once, then they should be planted at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from each other.

  • Abundantly pour warm water (you can add Fitosporin).
  • Add some sand on topto avoid crusting.
  • Cover the stalk a cut-off plastic bottle (top with a lid) or a glass, jar, or plastic bag. Thus, you will create a mini-greenhouse, that is, there will be a greenhouse effect, which means that the cutting will be constantly moisturized and will not suffer from the dryness of the room air in the winter.
  • Left put the pot in a relatively bright and warm place, with an air temperature in the region of + 22-25 degrees. Optimally - on the eastern window-sill, and direct rays, namely scattered ones, should not fall on the "greenhouse".

Important! It is not allowed that there is a strong draft from the cracks, it can easily destroy the cuttings.

Care after planting and before disembarking in open ground

Important! Remember to regularly (every day) ventilate your greenhouses. In this case, you can simply open the cork on the bottle. But if there is no strong condensation, then it is possible every other day.

Concerning watering, while the cuttings are under the bottle or bag, they need to be moistened only when necessary. To say unequivocally how often to water is very difficult, since everything depends on your specific conditions, namely: the soil itself (its structure), temperature, humidity. Actually, since the evaporation in the "greenhouse" is minimal, therefore it is often not necessary to water. Another thing is, if you poured water, and a lot of condensation has formed, then you must definitely open the plug (or remove the bag) and ventilate. Of course, if you notice that the ground begins to dry out, then you need to water a little.

By the way! If suddenly, in the process of rooting, the cuttings begin to turn black, then they will need to be quickly pour solution Fitosporin (If it is in powder, then 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water)... In general, it is recommended to do this periodically just for prevention.

As a result, under a bag or bottle, the stalk should stay about 2 months. But when you see that leaves from dormant buds have begun to appear, and roots have grown (which is why it is better to use transparent pots), you will need to open the cork or start periodically removing the bag. However, in no case should you put a rose stalk in an open place where the sun is bright.

Worth knowing! You can not remove the shelter ahead of time, until the roots have formed. And it often happens that the leaves are already beginning to grow, but the roots have not yet appeared. In this case, the plant that has not yet accepted will quickly wither and die.

If the leaves do not wither, then you can hold it this way (with the cork open) for several more weeks. And only then completely remove the cover (bottle or bag).

Note! When rose cuttings already firmly rooted, then further, before landing in open ground, they need rearrange to a cooler place and keep at a temperature of 15-18 degreesso that they do not stretch out.

When the leaves begin to grow actively and become larger, the rose can be sprinkle with the preparation "Fitoverm" for spider mites. Very much he (the tick) often attacks the rose in the apartment, because in autumn and winter we are very dry due to central heating, and ticks like this climate very much.

Important! As a rule, it is possible to root a rose stalk at home in most cases. Moreover, most often all problems are associated with overflow and excessively cold window sills.

When to plant in open ground

As a rule, rooted cuttings of roses are planted in open ground in a permanent place the next year, of course, not earlier than steadily warm spring days, i.e. in April-May. At the same time, the seedling itself should look strong enough. If he is frail, then it is better to wait a bit until he gets stronger and / or to take better care of him.

The process of planting roses grown from cuttings in spring is similar planting seedlings with a closed root system.

Video: how to root cuttings of roses in the fall at home

How to plant cuttings of roses in open ground

When planting young rose seedlings in open ground, it is important to focus on the processing of cuttings, choose the optimal place for planting and properly cover for the winter.

Worth knowing! The survival rate of cuttings of roses planted in this way is very low, and quite often they simply rot. It is much more effective to simply save them until spring rooting.

Processing cuttings

By the way! Preparation of cuttings of roses for planting in open ground, in general, is similar to processing before planting in pots at home.

Landing in open ground

Step-by-step instructions for planting rose cuttings in open ground in the fall:

  • It is optimal to immediately plant cuttings on permanent placeso that they take root on it and no longer experience stress when transplanting to a new place.

Advice! If you plan to transplant to another place, then it is better to do this only after a year, so that the roses get stronger and transfer the transplant painlessly.

  • For planting, you should prepare a landing pit with a depth of about 30 cm.
  • Next, fill the hole 20 cm with cut grass, and fill it with compost on top.
  • Stick it into the prepared soil at an angle of 45 degrees, while deepening the cutting 2/3 into the ground so that 1-2 buds remain above the ground level.
  • Shelter for the winter.

Shelter for the winter

The last stage of planting rose cuttings in the fall is their shelter for the winter. This is quite simple to do: you need to take a glass jar or a plastic bottle, cut it in half and cover the plantings. Then you can additionally sprinkle with foliage or straw, or insulate with sawdust. And if your winters are snowless, then it is better to cover these bottles with earth to the top and cover them with non-woven covering material.

Option for sheltering cuttings using cans

By the way! How cover roses for the winter, you can read in detail in this material.

It is quite simple to find out that the cuttings of roses have taken root in the open field - if in the spring they remain green and put out leaves, it means that they have successfully taken root and started growing.

How to keep cuttings of roses in winter until springrooting

There are several very similar ways to preserve cut rose cuttings in winter:

Note! Before laying cuttings of roses for winter storage, you must completely get rid of all the leaves.

  • Chopped cuttings immediately wrap in non-woven fabric (for example, in lutrasil, spunbond or the old fashioned way, you can use a polypropylene bag from sugar and flour) and dig into the ground in the garden, about the bayonet of a shovel (25-30 cm). And in the spring, dig up and examine the cuttings for the formation of callus on them (a growth on which roots appear).

Important! You cannot fold and wrap all the cuttings together at once, each must be wrapped separately.

  • First you need dip each end of the cuttings in melted candle wax or paraffin, thereby, "soldering" it.Further wrap up each of the cuttings separately in the cloth and put, eg, in a candy box or shoe boxand then again dig in the garden to a depth of 25-30 cm.

By the way! Do not forget to somehow mark the place of your "treasure".

How to root a rose from a bouquet

Note! Detailed information about rooting a rose from a presented bouquet set out in this detailed article.

There is never too much beauty, besides, the propagation of roses by cuttings is not so difficult not to try. To do this, you need to choose a suitable variety of roses, do not miscalculate with the timing of cuttings, skillfully cut and prepare for planting in open ground. The survival process will go more efficiently if the cuttings are properly looked after before and after planting, and also properly covered for the winter. So get to work!

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