Pink and raspberry tomatoes: a list of the top 25 varieties, their descriptions and characteristics

In the hierarchy of tomatoes, pink varieties of tomatoes are not the last. By eating them, we get the maximum taste and health benefits. All this makes them incredibly attractive for both breeders and amateur gardeners.

Below we offer you a list of the top 25 varieties of pink and raspberry tomatoes, their descriptions and characteristics.

Features and benefits of growing pink tomatoes

Of course, everyone primarily associates tomatoes with red fruits, but it is believed that colored tomatoes are much more tasty and healthy: yellow (orange), black (brown) and pink.

Thus, the advantages of growing pink tomatoes over red ones are:

Interesting! As a rule, if you go to the market or see pink tomatoes in the supermarket, then their price will be significantly higher than red tomatoes. If only for this reason, they must be grown on your site.

  • Excellent taste: they are sweeter and more delicate (delicacy).

Pink tomatoes are just perfect for making summer salads.

  • The high content of useful and nutritious substances: they have much more trace elements and sugars, as well as individual B vitamins, carotene and especially lycopene.

By the way! It is believed that regular consumption of pink tomatoes can significantly strengthen overall immunity, improve cerebral circulation, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular and oncological diseases, and also help to some extent fight asthenia and mild depression.

If we talk about shortcomings, then there are none as such, except that pink tomatoes require more careful farming (a little more dressing so that they gain more dry matter and sweetness) and growing conditions.

Advice! remember, that indeterminate tomatoes are more suitable for greenhouse cultivation, especially if you live in a short summer (for example, the Middle Lane). Only in the South of Russia can they be successfully grown outdoors.

And here determinant tomatoes, especially undersized, ideal for open ground.

Video: pink tomatoes, how are they useful, the best varieties

The best varieties of pink tomatoes: top 25 most popular

Note! The list of the best pink tomatoes was prepared based on the degree of popularity of the names of varieties and hybrids, an analysis of the reviews of experienced gardeners, as well as the author's personal opinion.

The most popular and best varieties of pink tomatoes are (alphabetically):

By the way! The most common pink varieties are the following (in terms of popularity): Pink honey, Batyanya and the Noble - three major hits. Next in popularity are Grandma's Secret, Pink Elephant, Miracle of the Earth, Volovye Heart, Petrusha the Gardener, Abakan Rose, etc.

Abakan pink

  • Early maturing variety.
  • The plant is determinate, bush is 1.1-1.7 m high. It is grown in 1-2 stems.
  • For open and protected ground.
  • Fruits are large, flat-round, slightly ribbed, pink in color. The number of nests is more than 6.
  • Weight - up to 500 g (on average 200 grams).
  • Productivity - 4-5 kg ​​per sq.m.
  • Taste good or great. Ideal for preparing salads.

Grandma's secret

  • Mid-season variety. The ripening period is 115-125 days.
  • The plant is indeterminate, 150-170 cm high. 3-6 fruits are tied on one brush.
  • For film shelters and greenhouses.
  • Fruits are flat-rounded, red-crimson (pink), low-seeded.
  • Weight - 354 g (up to 1000 grams).
  • Productivity - 16.9 kg per sq.m.
  • Excellent taste: the fruits are sweet and fleshy. Perfect for fresh consumption and winter preparations.


  • Early ripening variety. From germination to maturation - 90 days.
  • The plant is indeterminate, 1.7-2.0 m high.
  • For growing in glass and film greenhouses or in the open field (in a cola culture).
  • Fruits are heart-shaped with a spout, very smooth, shiny, crimson in color.
  • Weight - 200-350 grams.
  • Productivity - up to 17 kg per sq.m.
  • Excellent taste: the fruits are sugary, sweet.
  • Salad purpose: for fresh consumption.
  • The fruiting period is very long.
  • Cold resistant.

Bull heart pink

  • Mid-season variety (110-115 days).
  • The plant is determinate, 1.4-1.6 m high. Requires pinching. On the hand - 3-4 fruits.
  • For open ground (with a tie to stakes), film greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Fruits are flattened-conical (resemble the shape of a heart), raspberry-pink, smooth,
  • Weight - 250-350 grams (individual up to 400).
  • Productivity - 7.5-8 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruits are fleshy, juicy, with a high sugar content, excellent taste.
  • For salad purposes: recommended for fresh consumption.


  • Mid-season variety. Enters fruiting in 103-117 days after germination.
  • The plant is determinate, 50-60 cm high. The inflorescence is complex. The first inflorescence is laid above 7-8 leaves, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For open ground and temporary cover films.
  • The fruit is heart-shaped, medium-silvery, crimson. The number of nests is 4 or more.
  • Weight - 130-250 grams.
  • Productivity - 8 kg per sq.m.
  • Fruits of good or excellent taste, juicy, sugary. Salad destination.

The second name of the variety is "Budenovka".

Cow heart

  • Mid-season variety (111-115 days).
  • The plant is semi-determinate, up to 120 cm high, according to other sources, indeterminate, up to 160-180 cm). 4-5 clusters are formed on the main stem, each of which contains up to 5 large fruits.
  • For open ground, film greenhouses and greenhouses.
  • Fruits are multi-chambered, cone-shaped (heart-shaped), pink-crimson,
  • Weight - 300-500 g (according to other sources, 150-300 grams).
  • Productivity - 6-8 kg per sq.m.
  • Excellent taste: the fruits are fleshy, very juicy,
  • extremely tasty and aromatic.
  • For preparing fresh salads and juices.
  • Possesses complex resistance to the main diseases of tomato.

De barao pink

  • Mid-season variety (115-120 days).
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-branched, medium-leafy, 2.5-2.7 m high. The first inflorescence is laid above 9-11 leaves, the next ones - after 3 leaves.
  • For film greenhouses and open ground (in the southern regions with a tie to the stakes).
  • The fruit is oval, smooth, deep pink.
  • Weight - 60-90 g.
  • Productivity - 5.4-6.8 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruit is firm, high in dry matter and sugars, good taste.
  • Great for fresh salads, canning and pickling in whole fruits.
  • Resistant to late blight, cold-resistant, shade-tolerant.
  • Excellent transportability and keeping quality of fruits.
  • Long-term fruiting (until frost).


  • Mid-season variety. Comes into fruiting after 100-110 days from mass shoots.
  • The plant is determinate, standard erect, weakly branched, medium-leafy, 60-65 cm high. The first inflorescence is laid above 6-7 leaves, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves.
  • For outdoor cultivation. Suitable for Siberia.
  • Fruits are roundish, bright pink, fleshy. The number of nests is more than 4.
  • Weight - 80-120 g,
  • Outdoor yield is high - 4-5 kg ​​per sq. m.
  • Taste good and excellent, pleasant aroma.
  • Designed for fresh consumption.
  • Fruits are perfectly tied with sharp temperature fluctuations, well ripened.

Note! With uneven moisture, the fruits crack, with a lack of moisture, they are affected by apical rot.

wild Rose

  • Early ripe variety (110-115 days).
  • The plant is indeterminate, 1.5-2 m high. Requires pinching and garter.
  • For growing in open ground and film greenhouses.
  • The fruit is large, rounded, pink in color. The number of nests is more than 4.
  • Weight - 300-350 g (maximum up to 400 grams).
  • Productivity - 6 kg per sq.m.
  • Fresh fruits have excellent taste.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. Heat-resistant, salt-resistant.

Fig pink

  • Medium early grade.
  • The plant is indeterminate, tall. They are formed into one stem, removing all the "stepsons" and lower leaves, and also pinch the growing point at the end of the growing season.
  • For cultivation in greenhouses and open field (southern regions, with a tie to the stakes).
  • Fruits are ribbed at the base, very large, fleshy, multi-chambered,
  • Weight - up to 350-650 g.
  • The pulp is juicy, tender, sugar, with a rich tomato flavor. An excellent choice for preparing fresh summer salads, tomato juices and home canning.
  • Assorted pickles of three colors of the Fig variety (Figs red, Figs pink, Figs yellow) look especially appetizing.
  • The variety has a complex resistance to tomato diseases.

Raspberry Giant

  • Early grade. From germination to the beginning of fruiting - 105-110 days.
  • The plant is determinate, spreading, 70-90 cm high. It requires moderate pinching.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • The fruit is flat-round, crimson.
  • Weight - 200-400 grams (the first - up to 500-600 g).
  • Productivity - 5.9 kg per sq.m
  • Excellent taste and valuable dietary qualities.
  • For salad purposes: recommended for fresh consumption and preparation of various salads.


  • Mid-season variety (110-115 days).
  • The plant is indeterminate, up to 1.5 meters high, requires a garter and formation.
  • For growing in the open field and under film shelters.
  • The fruits are very large, flat-round, smooth. The color of the ripe fruit is crimson. The number of nests is more than 6.
  • Weight - 300-400 grams.
  • Productivity - 7-8 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is excellent, very juicy and sweet. Ideal for preparing salads and juices, easy cooking possible.

Mikado pink

  • Early ripe variety (94-95 days from germination to fruiting).
  • For film and glazed greenhouses.
  • The plant is indeterminate (with unlimited growth), with a height of 1.5-1.8 m. A garter of plants is required a few days after planting. The plant is formed into one stem, removing all the "stepchildren" and lower leaves, and also pinch the growing point at the end of the growing season, above the 7-8 brush, leaving 2 leaves above the last brush.
  • Fruits are flat-rounded or round, pink, smooth, even in shape and size, rather dense, fleshy.
  • Weight - 300-400 g (individual - up to 600 g).
  • Productivity - 5-6 kg per sq.m.
  • The pulp is delicious, juicy, sweet, high in carotene, lycopene and selenium.
  • The fruits are perfect for making salads and canning in pieces.
  • Resistant to the main diseases of tomatoes.

Eagle beak

  • Mid-season variety.
  • The plant is indeterminate, medium-sized, depending on growing conditions, with a height of 1.2 to 1.5 m, requires a garter and moderate pinching. The first inflorescence is laid over the 10th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 3 leaves.
  • Recommended for growing in open and protected ground.
  • The fruits are crimson-pink in shape, resembling the powerful curved beak of an eagle.
  • Weight - 200-400 g (the first up to 800 grams).
  • Productivity - up to 6-8 kg per plant (or 10.5-14.4 kg per square meter).
  • The pulp is low-seeded and very dense, which ensures good keeping quality and high salting qualities of the fruit.

Petrusha - gardener

  • Medium early variety.
  • The plant is determinate, standard, undersized, 50-60 cm high. It practically does not require pinching.
  • Recommended for growing in open field and film shelters.
  • The fruit is oval-elongated (cylindrical with a pointed apex), smooth, medium density, crimson (pink). The number of nests is 6 or more.
  • Weight - up to 200 g (average 150-180 g).
  • Productivity - 4-6 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruits are fleshy, sugary, very tasty both fresh and canned.

Pink Bush F1

  • An early ripe hybrid.
  • The plant is determinate, stunted, with short internodes.
  • For growing in the open field and under temporary cover films.
  • The fruits are large, deep pink in color, rather dense. The number of nests is 4-6.
  • Weight - 180-210 g.
  • Productivity - 2.5-5 kg ​​per sq.m.
  • The pulp is juicy, with a sugar flavor. Recommended for salads, appetizers and slices.
  • The hybrid is resistant to a complex of diseases: nematode, verticillosis, fusarium and cladosporium. Transportable.

Pink Paradise F1

  • Mid-season hybrid.
  • The plant is indeterminate (with unlimited growth), tall, powerful, well leafy. It is obligatory to tie up the plants a few days after planting. They are formed into one stem, removing all the "stepsons" and lower leaves, and also pinch the growing point at the end of the growing season.
  • For growing in film greenhouses.
  • Fruits are flat-rounded, fleshy, pink. The number of nests is 4 or more.
  • Weight - up to 200 g.
  • Productivity - up to 4 kg per square meter.
  • The pulp is juicy, delicious, quite dense.
  • Recommended for preparing salads.
  • Resistant to a number of tomato diseases (verticillium, fusarium wilt, TMV).

Pink heart

  • It is a mid-season variety that starts bearing fruit 110-115 days after germination.
  • The plant is indeterminate (about 2 meters), compact in structure.
  • For film greenhouses.
  • Fruits are heart-shaped, slightly ribbed, crimson-pink, with few seeds.
  • Weight - 200-230 g (the first up to 400 grams).
  • Productivity - 6-7 kg per sq.m.
  • The fruits are delicious and aromatic.For fresh consumption and juice production.
  • Resistant to TMV, cladosporiosis, alternaria leaf spot, fruit cracking.

Pink giant

  • Mid-season variety, from germination to ripening 111-115 days (according to other sources 120-125 days).
  • The plant is indeterminate, 2.0 m high. After planting in a greenhouse, it is formed into 1-2 stems. The first inflorescence is laid over the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 3 leaves.
  • For film shelters and glazed greenhouses.
  • Fruits are flat-round, intense crimson-pink color. The number of nests is more than 4.
  • Weight - 200-300 g (maximum up to 700 grams).
  • Productivity up to 2.5-3 kg per sq. meters (according to other sources, 5.8-6.4 kg per square meter).
  • The fruits are delicious and fleshy.
  • Recommended for fresh consumption.
  • Medium resistant to the main diseases of tomato.

Pink honey

  • Mid-season variety. From germination to fruiting - 100-120 days (on average - after 115 days).
  • The plant is determinate, weakly growing, 60-70 cm high, with a high load of heavy fruits. It should be grown in 2-3 stems with a garter.
  • For open ground and film shelters.
  • Fruits are truncated heart-shaped, deep pink in color with a moire tint.
  • Weight - from 400 to 1500 grams.
  • Productivity - more than 6 kg per bush.
  • The taste is excellent. For fresh consumption, home cooking and market sales.

Pink Elephant

  • Medium early variety (period from full sprouting to fruit ripening 110-115 days).
  • The plant is semi-determinate, medium-sized, medium-leafy. The first inflorescence is laid over the 7th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 2-3 leaves.
  • For growing in the open field and under film shelters.
  • The fruit is large, ribbed at the base, fleshy, multi-chambered. The color of the ripe fruit is pink.
  • Weight - 300 g (up to a maximum of 800 grams).
  • Productivity - 6.5-8.5 kg per sq.m.
  • The taste is excellent. Recommended for fresh consumption, in salads.

Pink flamingo

  • Mid-season variety. The period from germination to maturity is 110-115 days.
  • The plant is determinate, up to 60 cm high.
  • For open ground and plastic greenhouses.
  • The fruit is round, slightly ribbed, of medium density, pink in color. The number of nests is 4-6.
  • Weight 95-110 g.
  • Productivity - up to 3.5 kg per sq.m.
  • Excellent taste, universal use: for salad and tomato juice.
  • Differs in high resistance to diseases.

Sugar bison

  • Mid-season variety, from germination to fruiting about 110 days.
  • The plant is indeterminate, tall (up to 1.8 m). Bookmark the first inflorescence over 6-7 leaves, the next after 1-2 leaves.
  • Fruits are heart-shaped, dense, multi-chambered, raspberry-pink in color.
  • Weight - 200-250 g (the first up to 350-500 grams).
  • Productivity - 6.5-7.2 kg per sq.m.
  • Fleshy fruits, sugar, excellent taste. Perfect for a salad.

Super Cluff

  • Medium early grade. From germination to fruiting - 100-105 days.
  • Standard bush, stable, undersized, up to 30-40 cm high, does not require pinching (formation).
  • For open ground.
  • Fruits are pink, rounded.
  • Weight - 150-250 g.
  • Productivity - up to 10 kg per sq.m.
  • Fruits are universal, tasty both fresh and canned.
  • The crop is hidden under the leaves at the back of the bush.


  • Mid-season variety (110-120 days from germination to fruiting).
  • The plant is indeterminate (with unlimited growth), medium-sized, medium-branched, medium-leafy. The first inflorescence is laid over the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 3 leaves. On a huge branched brush, 50 or more fruits are formed.
  • For film greenhouses and open ground with a tie to the stakes.
  • Fruits are plum-shaped (ovoid), pink.
  • Weight - 30-40 g.
  • Productivity - 4.0 kg per plant (or 7.8 kg m2).
  • The fruits have an excellent dessert taste.
  • Recommended for making salads and canning whole fruits.
  • Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus.

Miracle of the Earth

  • Medium early grade. Fruiting begins 100-110 days after germination.
  • The plant is indeterminate, low-leafed, up to 200 cm high.
  • For growing in open ground and film shelters (greenhouses).
  • The fruits are flat-round, deep pink (crimson) in color.
  • Weight - up to 1000-1200 g (average 380-700 grams).
  • Productivity - 13.9 kg / m2 (under film shelters).
  • The pulp has excellent gustatory qualities, sweetish dessert taste.
  • Universal use: for fresh consumption and processing on purees, juices and pastes.
  • Tolerant to unfavorable growing conditions.

Monomakh's hat

  • Mid-season variety.
  • The plant is determinate, medium-sized, 90-130 cm high.
  • For cultivation in open ground and film shelters (greenhouses).
  • Fruits are oval-rounded, dark crimson in color. Number of nests 4 or more.
  • Weight - 600-900 g or more.
  • Productivity - up to 20 kg per sq.m. in the greenhouse and up to 8 kg in the open field.
  • The fruits are sugary, of very high taste. Used fresh and for canning.
  • Quite highly resistant to the main diseases of tomatoes.
  • It tolerates temperature fluctuations well.
  • With waterlogged soil, the fruits are prone to cracking.

Japanese crab

  • Mid-season variety (110-115 days).
  • The plant is indeterminate, up to 2 meters high.
  • For growing in the open field and under film shelters.
  • The fruit is flat-round, medium-silvery, pink, multi-chambered.
  • Weight - 250-350 g (the first up to 800 grams).
  • Productivity - up to 11-15 kg per square meter.
  • The pulp is fleshy, very tasty, juicy.
  • Ideal for fresh consumption, in salads.
  • Differs in high productivity and complex resistance to diseases (to apical and root rot, TMV).

Other varieties of pink tomatoes

It is not surprising that there are a huge number, albeit relatively less known, but quite reliable and proven varieties of pink (raspberry) tomatoes, among which the following (alphabetically) can be distinguished:

  • Altai pink;
  • Scarlet candles;
  • Anna;
  • Banana pink;
  • Dimensionless;
  • Biysk rose;
  • Brandy pink;
  • Bugai pink;
  • Your Honor;
  • Victoria;
  • The cherry is pink;
  • Pear pink;
  • De Barao Tsarsky;
  • Raspberry Rhapsody;
  • Raspberry Viscount;
  • Crimson elephant;
  • Mammoth;
  • Millionaire;
  • Pink Brandy;
  • Pink Unicum;
  • Early love;
  • Pound rosamarin;
  • Rosemary F1;
  • Pink Liana;
  • The pink king;
  • Early ripening pink;
  • Tsunami;
  • Cherry Pinky;
  • Japanese rose.

Due to the amazing number of advantages, pink (raspberry) varieties of tomatoes belong to the category of vegetables that are experiencing constantly growing consumer interest. Now you have the opportunity to correctly determine the choice of the variety that is best suited for the conditions of your site and, undoubtedly, will reward you with a generous harvest.

Video: the best varieties of pink tomatoes

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