Collection, drying and storage of rose hips: terms and rules for harvesting for the winter

Rosehip is very popular in folk medicine. And deservedly so! After all, he is able to give the human body great benefits due to the high content of vitamins (especially vitamin C), trace elements and other useful substances. Thanks to this, the plant strengthens the body, heart, blood vessels, helps with vitamin deficiency, has choleretic properties, and many others. etc. Not only fresh berries are healing, but also dried ones. But to get the most out of it, it's important to harvest, dry and store the rose hips properly. Let's figure out how to prepare sour berries in order to preserve all the vitamins and beneficial properties.

When to collect rose hips: optimal timing

It is important to observe the optimal dates for collecting rose hips for subsequent drying, storage and consumption.The quality of the berries, their composition and the benefits that they can give to a person after drying will depend on this.

There are general recommendations for the timing of the rosehip harvest:

  • The fruits of the shrub should be collected during the period of their full ripeness, at which time the plant contains the greatest amount of nutrients.
  • You can understand that it is time to collect rose hips by the protruding sepals. Also, ripe fruits are red or bright orange in color, they are hard to the touch.
  • Do not delay and postpone the collection, because over time the amount of sugar will increase and the amount of vitamin C will decrease.
  • In any case, it is recommended to collect it before the first frost.
  • As for the approximate ripening dates, then, of course, they differ depending on the climatic characteristics of the region. For example, in the Middle Lane (Moscow region) the optimal harvesting period is from mid-September, in the Leningrad region from the end of September, and in the South - already at the end of August-beginning of September.

How to collect rose hips: tips and rules

It is important not only to know when to harvest the rose hips, but also how to do it. It is worth keeping in mind the following recommendations for collecting rose hips:

  • Collecting rose hips is recommended when it is dry, sunny day outside.
  • Do not collect fruits or any other parts of the plant near roads and railways, farms, any enterprises, chemical warehouses, landfills.
  • For collection, you should choose hard berries, and you need to remove them along with the sepals and stalks (after drying, they can be easily removed).
  • Do not pick fruits that are damaged, cracked, black or rotten.
  • When collecting rose hips, you must have tight gloves on your hands so as not to prick or scratch on the thorns.

How to dry and harvest rose hips

Before starting drying, it is necessary to carefully examine the berries, select bad, damaged, affected by the disease. There are two main drying methods - cold and hot, and can also be frozen.

Natural drying (cold method)

A very convenient and simple way to dry rose hips for the winter, which allows you to maximize the beneficial properties of vitamin berries, so this method of harvesting is preferable.

For natural drying, it is necessary to have a well-ventilated, dark, dry room without the penetration of sunlight. In order to properly dry the rose hips for the winter by this method, it should be put in a thin layer on a hard surface, after having placed a material, for example, clean burlap, cardboard, plywood.

Thereafter, stir occasionally to avoid mold or caking. Dry rose hips under such conditions until the moment when it becomes hard and dry. As a rule, the berries are dried in two or three weeks, the temperature of the room affects the period.

Thermal drying (hot method)

It is not always possible to dry the berries naturally. In this case, the hot method comes to the rescue, which allows you to dry the rose hips in the oven (both gas and electric). Of course, oven drying may not be as beneficial as cold drying, but it can be a great alternative for those who do not have a suitable space (for example, apartment residents).

To properly dry rose hips in the oven, you must:

  1. put the berries on a baking sheet in one layer;
  2. put the baking sheet in the oven with a temperature of 40-60 degrees (it is not recommended to preheat the oven in advance);
  3. when drying in the oven, the berries must be constantly stirred, dried for about 7 or 8 hours;
  4. in order for moisture to evaporate, it is necessary to keep the oven door slightly open, if there is convection in the oven, it is turned on during the process;
  5. upon completion of baking, it is necessary to allow the raw material to lie down at room temperature for several days.

You can determine the readiness of the berries by their rich color; the peel should also be springy.

Important! Do not overdry the berries, otherwise they will lose all useful properties and will crumble.


Freezing is also a great option for storing healthy berries. It allows you to preserve the healing properties of the product. You can store the berries as a whole or in a grated form. Place berries in the freezer in a plastic container or bag. It is recommended to store berries as a whole for up to a year, and in the form of puree up to 8-10 months. Before storing in the freezer, the berries should be rinsed under running water and allowed to dry completely.

How to store rose hips at home

The next equally important stage after collecting and drying the rose hips is storage. First of all, after drying, you need to remove dried sepals, stalks (for this you can simply rub dry berries in your hands).

After that, the berries should be placed in a container for storage. Glass, tin dishes will do. It is recommended to use two-layer gauze or cotton cloth as a cover. The container must be dry, clean, and most importantly, breathable. This will help prevent mold and product deterioration.

Note! It is not recommended to store rose hips in bags for the winter, this may negatively affect the product. Storage in bags is allowed only when frozen.

It is required to store rose hips for the winter in a dark place, away from sunlight. Choose the coolest place in the room. It is forbidden to store a useful product next to any smelling objects, heating devices, fresh fruits, vegetables, berries.

By the way! With proper storage, the lifespan of such rosehip berries is up to two years.

Kayou can use rosehip

And so, you went through all the stages, did painstaking work, and you have a healing source of vitamins, but the question surely arises - how to use this good to make it tasty and healthy? There are many options, for sure, everyone can find something for themselves. Dried rose hips can be prepared:

  • herbal tea;
  • compote;
  • jam;
  • jelly;
  • tincture;
  • useful broth for skin and hair.

But no matter how you use the dried product, you need to wash it thoroughly before using it. And after preparing any drink, it is imperative to pass the liquid through a sieve or a homemade filter consisting of three layers of gauze. This action will filter out unnecessary rosehip particles.

Consider the most delicious and healthy options for using dried rose hips:


To prepare a pleasant and life-giving drink, you need to pour boiling water (about a liter or one and a half) over a handful of berries and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes. After that, you need to let the drink cool down and you can drink. If you wish, you can add honey, sugar.

Video: how to brew rose hips correctly.


Another delicious use of dried rose hips is jelly. Cooking is easy and simple: pour about 100 grams of berries with two liters of water, boil over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then carefully strain the liquid, add one glass of sugar, and pour 50 grams of starch, previously diluted in cool water, bring the mixture to a boil. Add a few slices of lemon if desired.

Broth in a thermos

A more gentle method of brewing berries, which allows you to save more nutrients than the first option. For a drink, you must first grind three tablespoons of rosehips, pour them with a liter of boiling water. It is best to insist in a thermos from night to morning.

Video: cooking broth in a thermos.

Decoction in a water bath

You can prepare a rosehip broth as follows: 2 tbsp. l. chopped berries are poured with 2 cups of hot water (but it should not be boiling!), after that it is necessary to place the liquid with berries in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink the broth strained and chilled.

It is not so difficult to prepare a rosehip for the winter, but how much use, benefit and pleasure! Observing all the rules of collection, drying and storage, you can replenish the balance of forces, strengthen the body and increase immunity with the help of delicious berry-based drinks without expensive medicines and vitamins.

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