How to properly plant eggplants for seedlings: rules for sowing, growing and caring for home

Until recently, the heat-loving eggplant was considered a purely southern vegetable, but everything is changing, and today it can be found in the beds and in greenhouses in all regions of the country.

However, in order to get a generous harvest, it is necessary to properly plant and grow strong eggplant seedlings in compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology for growing this nightshade crop.

How to plant eggplant seeds for seedlings

How to plant eggplants for seedlings: basic sowing rules

In order for the eggplant seedlings to turn out strong, it is necessary to take into account such important details as: choose the right sowing time, prepare and process the seeds, choose the soil and planting container correctly, and, of course, sow them correctly.

When to Sow Seeds: Optimal Sowing Times

Note! The site already has a detailed article about how to calculate the timing of sowing eggplant for seedlings, including indicated favorable days for planting in 2020 according to the lunar calendar.

Seed preparation and treatment before planting

Seed material, which was either collected independently or purchased from a store, must be properly prepared and properly processed before planting on seedlings. This will help protect it from disease, and also stimulate its growth (germination).

Seed preparation for sowing seedlings

Note! Pre-sowing preparation does not require pelleted, granulated and glazed purchased seeds. The producers have already processed these seeds and covered them with a special shell. They must be sown dry.

Disinfection seed eggplant is recommended to be carried out using drug Fitosporin (according to instructions), which will help to neutralize pathogens.

Many people use a solution of potassium permanganate (but this is a very ineffective etchant). Actually, in this case, you need to prepare a saturated pink solution and dip the seeds into it for processing (in a gauze cloth) for about 20-30 minutes, after which they should be rinsed with plain water (some gardeners do not wash).

For stimulating growth and enhancing immunity it is best to use special drugs (growth regulators or stimulants): "Epin" or "Zircon". It is recommended to soak the seeds (according to the instructions), after which they should be planted in the ground.

Seed preparation

For swelling and subsequent awakening (germination) of seeds the germination procedure should be carried out - soaking the seeds in water.

Note! Moreover, if you simply immerse the seeds in water, then there will be no effect. The fact is that oxygen is required to awaken them, so the seeds need to be soaked in a damp cloth (in a cloth or in the same cotton pads; they can grow roots into gauze) so that the seeds have access to both moisture and air. For example, putting it on a saucer, and covering it with a plastic bag (cling film) on top so that moisture does not evaporate quickly, in other words, create a greenhouse effect.

Important! The optimum germination temperature for eggplant seeds is about + 23-25 ​​degrees, so the container with soaked seeds should be removed to a warm enough place, for example, on a kitchen cabinet for 2-3 days before germination.

Video: how to prepare eggplant seeds for sowing

You can also watch this detailed video:

Video: preparing eggplant seeds for sowing

By the way! In general, the methods of seed processing are similar, so you can read this detailed article about the pre-sowing preparation of pepper seeds and apply matching techniques to eggplant.

Soil selection

Now any substrate can be bought in the store, so the best choice may be ready-made substrate for growing eggplant (which is generally also suitable for peppers and tomatoes).
In general, the soil mixture for growing seedlings should be loose, light, nutritious, its acidity should be close to neutral (within 5.5-6.5 pH).

By the way! Eggplants love "fat" soils, rich in organic matter (humus, compost, wood ash).

Of course, the soil for planting eggplants can be prepared independently, for example, from different components, using one of the following recipes:

Recipe number 1:

  • sod land (nutritious enough) - 1 part;

Sod land is made from turf, chopped and dug up in meadows and fields. In this case, it is best if fodder plants, for example, clover, grew on this place (ground) before.

  • high-moor peat - 1 part;
  • humus or compost (to improve the nutritional value of the soil mixture) - 2 parts;
  • sphagnum moss or river coarse sand (baking powder) - 1 part.
  • wood ash (potash and phosphorus fertilizer, as well as a deoxidizer) - 1 glass per bucket of soil mixture.

By the way! As a baking powder can also use perlite.

Or here's another recipe:

  • peat - 3 parts;
  • compost - 5 parts;
  • sawdust (rotted) or sand - 1 part;
  • wood ash - 1 glass per bucket of soil mixture.

Another option:

  • sod land - 2 parts;
  • humus or compost - 3 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • wood ash - 1 glass per bucket of soil mixture.

And one more option:

  • sod land - 1 part;
  • sheet earth (plays the role of a baking powder) - 1 part;
  • humus or compost - 1 part;
  • wood ash - 1 glass per bucket of soil mixture.

Sowing soil

Advice! A few days before sowing, it is highly recommended to carry out disinfection of soil mixture from pathogens of fungal diseases and soil pests (larvae, worms), which will help protect seedlings at the initial stage.

For this, the soil should be spilled with a solution potassium permanganate deep pink or apply the drug "Fitosporin" (according to the instructions), orsteam in the oven... And you can do both, but in the reverse order (first steam, and then spill).

Video: preparing land for eggplant seedlings

Selection of planting containers

Each gardener must decide for himself in what container it is convenient for him to grow eggplant seedlings.

To determine, you need to familiarize yourself with the common options for sowing seedlings of eggplant and other plants:

  • Plastic cups. For planting, it is recommended to use a container with a volume of 200 ml, and for picking - 500 ml. In addition, an additional common drip pan will be required. When transplanting from glasses, the root is practically not damaged, which shortens the period of plant adaptation. A clear drawback of such a container is that there are no drainage holes, so you need to make them yourself. Also, additional devices will be required if it is necessary to transport seedlings.
  • Plastic cups.
  • Wooden and plastic boxes.
  • Plastic containers.

If you are using container without drain holesthen to the bottom should fill in a drainage layer from stones (expanded clay) and sand (add optional).

  • Plastic cassettes. This type of landing containers appeared relatively recently. Cassettes include connected individual cells with drainage holes of different numbers and volumes, which allows you to choose the best option based on the size of your windowsill. They are often sold complete with a pallet and even a lid, which greatly simplifies the growing process. The advantage of this type of container is that the seedlings are easily removed from the cell during transplantation without damaging the root. If it is necessary to separate one or more copies, the cassette can be easily cut with scissors. The disadvantage of containers is that they break and bend relatively easily.

Plastic cassettes

  • Peat tablets. Ideal for planting, because they have a balanced composition, fully prepared for seedlings. Before sowing, it is necessary to soak the tablets for 5-7 minutes, which allows them to be saturated with moisture and increase in volume. Their advantage is that when transplanted into the ground, the containment membrane dissolves and does not interfere with the roots of further development. But at the same time, there are obvious disadvantages: rapid evaporation of moisture, so frequent watering should be carried out. An additional common pallet will also be required.

Peat tablets

  • Peat glasses (pots). Often this type of containers is used at the dive stage, which allows you not to damage the root if a transplant is necessary. Their outer shell dissolves completely in the soil and serves as plant food. Their disadvantage is that frequent watering is required and an additional common tray for all seedlings.

Peat glasses

Planting scheme or at what distance to sow to spread seeds

As the seedlings grow, young seedlings will need more space to develop, so this must be taken into account when planting.

If you are using general capacities (boxes or containers), then for sowing should be done grooves at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other... Themselves seed should spread out at a distance of 1.5-2.5 cm.

If sowing is done in individual containers (cassettes or cups), then they are already doing small depressions (holes)in which spread out 1 seed (if you have large-diameter containers, then for reassurance it is better to sow 2 seeds at once, in order to later leave a stronger plant).

Direct sowing

A properly performed eggplant sowing procedure guarantees a high percentage of seed germination, and also favorably affects the development of seedlings in the future.

Step-by-step instructions for planting eggplant seeds for seedlings:

  • fill the containers 3/4 with prepared, disinfected and nutritious soil;
  • water abundantly and allow moisture to be completely absorbed, and the earth to settle (if necessary, add additional soil and water again);
  • make grooves and place seeds at the required distance (the scheme is described above);

Sowing depth of eggplant seeds - 1-1.5 cm (according to some sources, 0.5-1 cm, i.e. optimal - still by 1 cm).

  • sprinkle with dry soil;
  • lightly compact and moisten again with a spray bottle;
  • cover the containers with a transparent lid (film or bag);

To create a greenhouse effect - maintaining high temperature and humidity.

  • put in a dark and warm place where the temperature is not less than +24 degrees, but not higher than +30 degrees (on the same kitchen cabinet).

Lower temperatures noticeably delay the germination period. For example, an elevated temperature (over +30 degrees) can even damage delicate seedlings that have germinated before.

Video: how to sow eggplant seeds for seedlings

Rules for the further care of eggplant seedlings: temperature and other features of growing

In order for the eggplant seedlings to develop evenly, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations for the care and maintenance of this culture. Otherwise, non-observance can lead to slow growth of seedlings, and sometimes to their death.

By the way! Some gardeners recommend opening a container with crops every day for ventilation, as well as monitoring the importance of the soil.

After 7-14 days, when friendly shoots appear, it is required to remove the shelter and rearrange the planting containers on a light window sill (if you miss it, the seedlings will begin to stretch).

Some gardeners believe that after the emergence of seedlings, they should be adapted and only then removed the shelter. To do this, you must initially open the container with crops for 40-60 minutes and every day increase this interval by 2 times. That is, a week after the start of the procedure, the eggplant seedlings can already be fully opened.

Content temperature

After the emergence of seedlings, eggplant seedlings are recommended to be placed for several (5-7) days in a sufficiently cool place, where the temperature is about + 14-18 degrees. This will prevent the overgrowth of the aerial part and allow the root to grow.

Then it is necessary to raise the maintenance regime: in the daytime - + 20-25 degrees, and at night - + 18-20 degrees. Temperature changes contribute to the hardening of plants.

Important! To prevent the soil from overcooling on a cold windowsill, it is recommended that you make a foam cushion or a wooden board.

Optimum temperature


Eggplant seedlings require a full day of light to grow. not less than 10, and preferably 12 hours.

The most suitable place for placement of seedlings will be the southern windowsill. An east or west window sill is also suitable, and even better if it is a southeast or southwest.

If you only have a northern windowsill, then you will definitely need to supplement the seedlings with special phytolamps.This will help to avoid pulling out the sprouts and a pale foliage.

It is necessary to use a phytolamp for lighting

Watering and moisture

Moistening the soil must be carried out as the top layer dries. At the same time, eggplant seedlings should be watered carefully at the root, since otherwise you can put all the seedlings. Any excess moisture should be released through the drain holes.

Important! The water should not be cold (only warm, room temperature, preferably standing), as this will lead to stress.

The best time to water is in the morning.

The approximate frequency of watering is once every 5-7 days.


Features of picking eggplant seedlings

By the way! The site already has a detailed article aboutpicking eggplant seedlings.

When the eggplant seedlings grow 2 true leaves, they must be sorted into separate containers. This usually happens 3-4 weeks after germination.

Note! Eggplants do not tolerate picking well and take root long enough, so the procedure should be carried out carefully and carefully, trying to injure the roots of the plant to a minimum.

When picking eggplant seedlings into separate containers, their volume should be at least 0.5 liters. They must also have drainage holes.


Note! If you use a container with a volume of 0.2-0.3 liters, then after a while you will need to carry out another transplant (picking), more precisely, a transshipment. Do you need it?

The soil for picking eggplants is suitable the same as when sowing seeds, in other words, loose and light, unless you can make it even more nutritious. And don't forget to disinfect.

A couple of hours before the pick, the seedlings should be spilled abundantly with warm water so that the soil does not crumble from the roots when they are transplanted, and the earthen lump is well separated.

By the way! Some gardeners at the same time (1-2 hours before the pick) recommend sprinkling the seedlings with one of the growth regulators "Epin" or "Zircon" (according to the instructions) to neutralize possible stress.

The picking procedure itself is standard: fill individual containers with soil, make holes, carefully remove the seedling with an earthen clod (with a spatula or spoon) and put it in the hole, slightly deepening the stem halfway. Then you spill it (with warm water) so that the roots of the plant come into good contact with the soil.

Advice! It is advisable to remove the seedlings from the windowsill for a while (for 24-48 hours) after picking so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

Video: how to dive eggplants

Important! On the website you can find a separate detailed article aboutpicking eggplant seedlings.

Seedling care after picking

Further care for eggplant seedlings is similar - you need to continue to maintain temperature and light conditions, as well as irrigate on time and start feeding.

Top dressing

In order for the eggplant seedlings to grow stronger and grow evenly, after the pick, you should start feeding using complex mineral fertilizers.

Important!If you initially prepared a nutritious soil mixture, in other words, thoroughly filled it with fertilizers (adding humus or compost, wood ash to it), then, as a rule, you can do without additional fertilizing. However, if the appearance of the seedlings raises concerns, then feeding should be done without fail.

Usually, first feeding perform already after the pick (after 10-14 days), i.e. when the seedlings adapt to a new location.

For example, the first feeding may be like this: 10 grams of dryyeast dissolve in 1 liter of water, let it brew for 4-6 hours and pour under the root.

Advice! For a more active reproduction of yeast, add 4-5 tablespoons of sugar.

Next dressing should be done again in 10-14 days. Suitable for this wood ash solution (10-20 grams per 1 liter).

The last feeding it is recommended to give 10-14 days before landing in the ground... For example, it could be herbal infusion.

If you do not want to bother, then for feeding eggplant seedlings it is best to use complex mineral fertilizerscontaining equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Moreover, it is desirable prepare 2-3 times less concentrated solutionsthan the manufacturer recommends.

Video: feeding eggplant seedlings

Problems in growing eggplant seedlings

Sometimes mistakes in the care of seedlings lead to problems and diseases of seedlings. In this case, it is impossible to hesitate, since in the absence of timely measures, all efforts can be wasted.

Seedling problems

Problems when growing seedlings:

  • Seedlings do not appear in any way. The reasons may be: too low temperature (less than +20 degrees) and excessive moisture, too dense and acidic soil that was not subject to disinfection.
  • The seedlings are frozen in growth. As a rule, the main reason is a lack of nitrogen, which means that nitrogen fertilization must be performed. Also, the seedlings often "slow down" after the pick, especially if it was not done very carefully.
  • Eggplant seedlings are pulled.The reasons may be: lack of light, excessive crop density or improper temperature content. Too early or late picking can also play a negative role. However, too frequent watering and feeding can also provoke the pulling out of seedlings.

Advice! If the eggplant seedlings are stretched out, then you can simply sprinkle the earth.

  • Eggplant seedlings have yellow leaves.This can be caused by: lack or excess of moisture, lack of nitrogen, entwined roots due to poorly executed dives or transshipment.

If the lower leaves (cotyledons) began to turn yellow, then this is most likely due to a lack of nutrition, in other words, the plant has sucked out everything that was in the soil, and now feeds on its lower part. What to do? Obviously, you need to perform a complex feeding.

  • And here leaves may start to dry due to excessive exposure to direct sunlight.
  • If the leaves of eggplant seedlings began to turn white, then this clearly speaks of potassium starvation, which means that it is necessary to feed wood ash or other potash fertilizer.
  • The seedlings wither and fall. This is usually caused by the appearance black leg — a fungal disease that provokes rotting of the root collar and the death of roots. The reason is usually contaminated soil or rotting due to excess moisture.

Video: tricks for growing healthy eggplant seedlings - when and how to feed

When to plant in the ground and how to care for a good harvest

Advice! You can get all the necessary information on this issue in this separate article.

By following all the recommendations for care and cultivation, you will definitely get strong eggplant seedlings by the required time. As a result, you will undoubtedly achieve a generous harvest, of course, if you properly care for plants after planting in the ground.

Video: how to sow eggplants for seedlings

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