At what distance to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: planting schemes

Do you want to know at what distance to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse or open field, you cannot figure out the planting scheme in any way?

Well, if you really want your tomato bushes to actively grow and develop, not get sick, and it was convenient to care for them, then you need to initially choose the most suitable planting scheme.

Next, you will find out what schemes for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse and open ground exist, which affects the distance between plants, and how best to place them in the garden.

What determines the optimal distance between tomatoes

It is rather difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how far away to plant tomato seedlings in a greenhouse or in open ground. It all depends on your specific growing conditions, namely:

  • the size of the greenhouse and the layout of the beds in it;
  • characteristics of the variety, its type of growth (height).

Tomatoes are dwarf (superdeterminate), undersized (determinant) and tall (indeterminate).

Placement rules:

  • You need to plant in such a way that you it was convenient to care for the plants.
  • Most importantly: no way you can not thicken the planting! If the bushes are shade each other, poorly blown, they will not have enough light, then because of this they will get sick more often (for example, the same late blight). And the ripening (filling) of the fruits itself will be delayed.
  • The most convenient plant seedlings staggered, but it is quite possible in parallel.

Also, thanks to the checkerboard planting, the bushes are better illuminated and ventilated.

Planting schemes for tomatoes, depending on their type of growth (variety)

Superdeterminate (lowest-growing) varieties

Undersized tomatoes, as a rule, are distinguished by the earliest ripening period and the smallest bushes, in other words, they can be planted as close as possible to each other.

Landing scheme dwarf or standard (superdeterminant) tomatoes:

  • between plants in a row - from 20 to 30 cm;
  • between rows - 30 to 40 cm.

Advice! Superdeterminate tomatoes are very convenient to place at the edges of the greenhouse or garden bed in the OG (open field).

Determinant (undersized) varieties

Landing scheme determinant (undersized) tomatoes:

  • between plants in a row - from 30 to 50 cm;
  • between the rows - from 40 to 60 cm.

Semi-determinant (medium-sized) varieties

As a rule, medium-sized indeterminate varieties of tomatoes with a height of up to 1.5-1.9 meters are referred to as semi-determinant.

Landing scheme semi-determinant (medium-sized) tomatoes:

  • between plants in a row - from 40 to 60 cm;
  • between the rows - from 50 to 80 cm.

Indeterminate (tall) varieties

As a rule, it is tall tomatoes that are used for growing in a greenhouse, because they are the most productive.

main feature indeterminate varieties in that they have unlimited growth (hence the name), in other words, as long as there is an opportunity, they will grow up (from 2 meters and above), while continuously forming flower brushes on the stem.

Accordingly, such tomatoes need the largest food area.

Landing schemeindeterminate (tall) tomatoes:

  • between plants in a row - from 50 to 80 cm;
  • between the rows - from 60 to 100 cm.

Important! If you want to form bushes of indeterminate tomatoes in 2 barrelthen the distance between the bushes should be greater (i.e. 70-80 cm)than with the standard formation in 1 trunk (50-60 cm).

Features and layouts of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Greenhouses come in different sizes (3 x 8, 3 x 6, 3 x 4), with the most popular widespread being 3 x 6 meters.

Typically, a greenhouse has 2 or 3 beds, i.e. 1 large (wide) or 2 small (narrower) aisles.

3 beds: narrow on the sides and wide in the middle

Interesting! Typically, 1 pass is done in greenhouses less than 3 meters wide (eg 2.5).

Accordingly, the maximum number of bushes that can be planted directly depends on the size of the greenhouse (its length) and the distance between the plants you choose.

Thus, you can apply the following schemes for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse:

  • If your the beds are located on the sides of the greenhouse (i.e. there are only 2 of them)then it is best to plant tomatoes in 2 rows staggered... For example, in the greenhouse 3 by 6where 2 beds, you can plant 56 bushes (with 40 cm spacing between plants), 44 bushes (with 50 cm spacing) or 36 bushes (60 cm).

  • If you have 3 beds (2 on the sides and 1 in the center), then it is most convenient to plant (and further care) in this way: on both sides, along, place one row at a time, and in the middle make a double row.

Advice! Wherein on the central bed (wide) in 2 rows fit optimally tall (indeterminate) tomatoes, a on the side (narrower) in one rowundersized (determinant) varieties.

Thus, in a greenhouse 3 by 6, where there are 3 beds, you can plant: on the central bed - 16 indeterminate bushes (at a distance of 60 cm) or 18 (at a distance of 50 cm), on each side - 19 (at a distance of 30 cm ) or 14 determinant bushes (at a distance of 40 cm), i.e. in total - 44-56 bushes.

  • If you want to plant only tall (indeterminate) varieties, then 16-18 on the middle and 9-11 on the side, i.e. only 34-40 bushes.
  • What if all 3 beds are the same width, then, of course, it is better to plant 1 row on each.

Features and layouts of tomatoes in the open field

In the open field, the scheme for planting tomatoes will be slightly different from their placement in a greenhouse, but not fundamentally.

Obviously create optimal conditions for growing tomatoes in the open field much more difficult than in a greenhouse, if only because we cannot control external conditions (especially temperature). In other words, in open ground it will be trite colder (relevant for the Middle Lane), which means tomatoes will grow worse. Accordingly, their can and should be planted a little closer (denser)however, it shouldn't be too close anyway.

External conditions are imposed on the choice of the variety, in other words, in the Middle Lane (Moscow region) in the open field it is better to grow the earliestdeterminant (undersized) varieties tomatoes, and in regions with cold and short summers - only superdeterminate (dwarf, standard).

Of course, in the open field, you can plant and tall indeterminate varieties, but in this case you will have to build a sufficiently high trellis and shape maximum 1 stem.

Important! In the open field, even determinant tomatoes form no more than 2 stems.

Open-field cultivation is a compromise solution medium-sized indeterminate tomatoes (also called "semi-determinant«).

Well, now you know at what distance to plant tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the open field, which means you can choose the right planting schemes in order to ultimately get the maximum yield.

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