Tomato care in September: how to properly care for tomatoes in the fall to continue to harvest good crops

If at the beginning of autumn you did not manage to remove tomato bushes from your garden (open ground) or greenhouse, then in order to prolong their fruiting, you need to properly care for them in September.

We will talk about this further in our informative article, in which we will consider important points regarding watering, feeding, processing, accelerating the ripening of fruits on a bush and ripening tomatoes at home.

How to properly care for tomatoes in autumn in September in a greenhouse and in the open field


On the issue of autumn glaze tomatoes should be approached especially.

By the way! The site has a separate article about how to properly water tomatoes throughout their growing season.

If, with the arrival of autumn, the temperature gradually began to decrease (for example, in the Middle Lane), the heat is no longer there, and it rains periodically, watering should be stopped completelysince the moisture reserves that have accumulated in the soil will most likely be sufficient (should be sufficient). This is especially true if your tomatoes grow in a greenhouse, and not in the open field.

Why don't you need to water anymore?

The fact is that by this time the roots had already gone deep and were able to find moisture on their own.

For example, surface watering is harmful, as there is strong evaporation, which increases the risk of developing fungal diseases (the same late blight).

Moreover, it is worth stopping watering if your tomatoes are cracking.

Advice! ABOUT the reasons why tomatoes crack, described in detail in this material.

But you need to water at least once a week, if (usually in the southern regions):

  • you have sandy soil, which means that moisture does not linger in it at all;
  • still dry and hot;

If it has warmed up to +25 in the afternoon, then watering, of course, must be resumed.

  • no rain at all.

And don't forget! Watering tomatoes is a must warm water and only at the root.

Autumn feeding

Concerningtop dressing, then they can also continue to be done, but already only in liquid form.

On the other hand, if you originally had very fertile land and you did top dressing (including autumn = potassium-phosphorus), then in September you can do without them.

For such autumn feeding of tomatoes, any easily or quickly digestible complex mineral fertilizers, in whichdominated by potassium and phosphorus (optimal - potassium monophosphate, but it is not cheap). It is these macronutrients that stimulate the early ripening of tomato fruits.

By the way! The site also has detailed material on how when and how to feed tomatoes in different periods of their growing season.

Disease treatment

First, you need to manually pick off all leaves affected by brown spotso that the disease does not spread.

Brown spot or cladosporiosis of tomatoes

It is equally important to conduct processing of tomato bushes from late blightif obvious signs (spots) began to appear on the fruits. Moreover, contact biological preparations will no longer help you: you need to spray only systemic drugsthat will penetrate and destroy pathogens. However, according to gardeners, biological preparations such as the same Fitosporin, Bitoxybacillin, Lepidocide.

More details about the causes of late blight and how to deal with this dangerous fungal disease written in this material.

What agrotechnical techniques to use for tomatoes so that they ripen faster on the bush and at home

Ways to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes on a bush

So, for example, in September it is necessary to remove bottom stepsonsso that they do not take all their food, and also pick off all the buds on the top of the tomato bush.

Note! The site has a detailed an article on how to speed up the ripening of tomato fruits on a bush in a greenhouse and open field.

Ways to ripen tomatoes at home

Important! The site also has comprehensive material about, how to ripen tomatoes at home.

Can I continue to keep the greenhouse open

If you grow tomatoes in a greenhouse, then, despite the drop in temperature, it is better keep the greenhouse open(namely the door, one window is not enough). Otherwise, a lot of condensation will form (in a closed greenhouse, humidity rises greatly), which will easily lead to various fungal diseases (namely, to the most terrible disease - late blight).

However, if the temperature during the day does not rise above +14 degrees, the greenhouse should be closed or only slightly covered, leaving only the window open and always closing it at night.

Many experienced vegetable growers in the Middle Lane recommend keeping the greenhouse completely closed in September and opening it for ventilation only in case of abnormal heat.

Important! The greenhouse must be dry!

And instead of a conclusion - the last advice: do not forget to quickly remove the ripening crop, especially from the lower branches, so that the tomatoes located on the top of the bush ripen better. Good luck!

By the way! And very soon, if you are planting varieties, not hybrids, you will need collect and prepare tomato seeds, in which our this material.

Video: how to care for tomatoes in September

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