Caring for roses in the spring outdoors after winter: the main spring activities

And now spring has come, which means it's time to start looking after your garden after winter. Naturally, it is very important to pay attention to the queen of your garden. So timely opening of roses in spring Is the first procedure included in the spring rose care measures.

What further care will the roses need after opening?

  • How are they correct trim?
  • How to feed and process roses in spring after opening?
  • What about watering, loosening and mulching?

You will learn further from this material about these and other important activities that must be performed with roses in spring.

Opening roses after winter (shelter removal)

In short, the roses begin to open only after the snow melts and the soil thaws. Moreover, initially the shelter should be opened slightly (they make "airs"), and after 2-4 weeks they are completely removed.

Important! And in more detail about when you can open roses after winter, as well as what to look for when you first examine them, told in this separate article.

Rose restoration after wintering: sanitary pruning of damaged shoots

First of all, you need to carry out the spring sanitary pruning of roses, namely, cut out all frozen, sick (including those affected by an infectious burn and gray rot) and broken shoots.

Frozen shoots, usually, black and dry.

But to define freezing of the escape from within the color of its bark is sometimes impossible at once. But this can be easily checked by a slice, and if middle brown - the escape is frozen and you need it trim to healthy wood (until the middle is white).

If after 2-3 weeks, you notice that even on the left (seemingly good) shoots, the buds did not wake up, then they must be completely removed to the grafting site, freeing it to the maximum from the ground, i.e. rose grafting needs to be broken. It will also have a positive effect on the awakening of dormant kidneys.

To stimulate the awakening of dormant kidneys, it is recommended to provide increased humidity at the vaccination site, namely to create greenhouse conditions. For example, you can cover the rose with a cut 5 liter bottle and be sure to shade. As a rule, after 2-4 weeks, the buds should open and shoots will appear. But if this does not happen, then you should not immediately despair and uproot the bush. Wait until autumn, because the rose is a very hardy shrub.

And in addition, you can pour the remaining part of the bush after sanitary pruning with a solution of the natural stimulant HB-101.

Video: what about roses in spring, how to help them after winter

Advice! All cuts after pruning should be covered with garden varnish, and even better with RanNet paste.

It is also very important that you use only a sharp and well-disinfected pruner, for example, it can be treated with chlorhexidine.

Other aspects of spring pruning

Advice! More details with the rest of the main features of spring pruning of various types of roses you can read in this separate article.

Treatment of roses from diseases and pests

  • The first spraying of rose bushes must be done even during the first airing (partial opening, but before cutting)to prevent the occurrence gray rot and infectious burn (stem cancer)... At this moment, the only possible fungicides that will work at low temperatures (up to + 3..5 degrees) will be copper sulfate (3% solution), bordeaux liquid or other copper-based preparations (Hom or Oxyhom).

However, if you have not previously encountered strong manifestations of these diseases (or you see that everything is in order), then this treatment can be skipped.

  • The next processing must be done already after trimming... For example, you can use all the same preparations based on copper (for example, a 3% solution of copper sulfate), as well as the contact-systemic fungicide preparation Ordan (also based on copper + Cymoxanil), Ridomil or Profit Gold or even better Horus (with temperature above +5 degrees).

What diseases will you treat:

  • from black spot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • infectious burn;
  • bacterial burn.
  • After the roses buds will open and leaves will appear, it's time to re-treat with such fungicides as Topaz or Skor.

In principle, copper-based fungicides are also suitable for treatment, but at a lower concentration, for example, a 1% solution copper sulfate.

  • During budding and before flowering one more processing is required. Again, you can use Topaz or Skor, as well as Fundazol.

And when it is already warm enough (+10 .. + 15 degrees), then biological preparations are suitable against fungal diseases: Fitosporin, Alirin, Gamair.

From such a dangerous disease as bacterial burn, a biological product is suitable Fitolavin.

  • Naturally, roses are also attacked by various pests (spider mites, caterpillars, thrips - insecticides such as Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin, Senpai, Sharpei, Iskra are suitable against them), the most annoying of which is pink aphid.

Advice! If suddenly on your roses during vegetation and flowering aphids will attackthen in this material you will find the basic means to combat this pest.

Top dressing

In order for the roses to grow immediately after wintering, they need recharge.

Important! If you originally planted roses in a fertile and well-fertilized planting pit, then the first feeding should be done only after 2-3 years.

As a rule, roses are fed in spring, summer and autumn according to the following scheme:

  • With the beginning of shoot growth and leaf blooming (10-14 days after the first feeding) - complex mineral fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium - approximately equally, such as nitroammofoska).
  • During the budding period - complex mineral fertilizer (less nitrogen, more phosphorus and potassium, as an option, potassium sulfate + superphosphate or just potassium monophosphate).
  • After the first flowering (in summer, around July) - complex mineral fertilizer (nitrogen is the minimum, more phosphorus and potassium).
  • Autumn feeding. Its goal is to prepare the plant for winter, which means that it should be exclusively phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

By the way! The site already has detailed articles about how and what to fertilize roses in spring and summer and in the fall.

Transplant and landing

It often happens that roses grow very much and begin to interfere with the passage (for example, if you planted them near a path or a house). At the same time, due to excessive growth, the shrub begins to lack nutrition, as a result, it blooms poorly or even dies. And all this is because you initially made a mistake when choosing a place for planting it or simply planted it at the wrong depth (which is why the roses did not take root and began to die).

Of course, there are other, so to speak, external reasons. For example, you urgently need to free up space for a building or you decide to create a beautiful composition in another place.

Well, here are your reasons to transplant roses to a new location.

Note! The site has a detailed material about how to transplant roses correctly in spring and autumn.

Cutting roses

However, if you want multiply roses in this way (by dividing the bush during transplantation), then they will be much more effectivecuttings in autumn.

How to root a rose from a bouquet

If you were presented with a bouquet of roses for March 8 or another spring holiday, then you can save them and plant them in your garden.

Note! Detailed information about rooting a rose from a presented bouquet set out in this detailed article.

Other measures for the care of roses in spring

No less important, but still secondary works that are part of the spring rose care activities are the following:


Roses are very fond of watering. Of course, in the spring, as a rule, they have enough natural moisture, but in no case should you allow the soil in the rose garden to dry out too much. The first watering, as a rule, will be required only after some time and only when the weather is stable and warm.

The main indicator (however, this, in principle, should not be brought to this), by which you can determine that the roses are very lacking in moisture, is the lower leaves.

Naturally, it is desirable to use warm water for irrigation, preferably rainwater. And, of course, watering itself must be carried out exclusively under the root of the plant, no sprinkling is a sure way to fungal diseases.

Although, if you do light sprinkling in the morning (so that the foliage has time to dry out during the day), then, in principle, it will even be useful for the shrub.

Loosening and weeding

Perhaps why you need to loosen the near-stem circle of roses and other plants is clear to everyone, but we will repeat it again. So, thanks to loosening, the access of air, moisture and nutrition to the roots of the plant is improved.

This is especially important to do after opening the bush after winter.

The very soil around the shrub must be loosened after each watering, and this must be done quite superficially (at a depth of no more than 5 cm) so as not to damage the roots.

Naturally, together with loosening, weeding is also carried out.


This is one of the auxiliary agrotechnical techniques that can significantly simplify the care of roses.

Why mulch roses (and other garden crops):

  • To water less. Thanks to the mulch, moisture will be stored longer and not evaporated.
  • After watering, no dry crust will form, and the soil will always be loose.
  • Weeds will not grow under the mulch.
  • Mulch is also a great organic food.

How can roses be mulched?

For this purpose, hay, straw, sawdust, wood chips, pine bark, peat, humus, compost.

Important! Do not mulch the already heavy soil, otherwise it will acidify even more. In this case, you just need to loosen after each watering.

Garter shoots

If you grow climbing (climbing) roses on your garden plot, then after you free them from the winter shelter, they will need to be tied back to the support.

Why tie roses?

Thanks to the garter, it will be more convenient for you to care for your climbing roses. It's also a great way to decorate your garden.

There are many ways to tie roses: you can tie them to pillars, arches, special nets, directly to gazebos or to the same fence.

Well, now you know when and how to open roses after winter, as well as what you should first pay attention to in order to help the rose recover faster after winter and start new rapid growth and development.

Correct and timely spring care of roses after wintering is a guarantee of the future abundant flowering of your garden queen.

Video: caring for roses in spring

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