Planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground: terms and rules for planting

Spring is at the equator, it is getting warmer and warmer outside, some vegetable, fruit and berry crops have already been planted. Hands begin to itch more and more often ... Why would that be? You probably can't wait to start planting heat-loving seedlings, right?

Well, then you will learn about the timing and rules for planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground, what nuances must be taken into account so that the planting is successful, the plants quickly take root, and the first greenhouses should not be long in coming.

When to plant cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground: soil temperature, appearance and age of seedlings, approximate dates for regions

It is possible to start planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground only when the average daily temperature is strictly above +12 .. + 15 degrees (at night not lower than +8, in the daytime around +18 .. + 20), the soil to the planting depth (10-15 cm) it will warm up to at least +12, and even better it will be + 15-16 degrees.

Important! The soil must be well warmed up; cucumbers do not grow in cold ground, because cannot assimilate food and are often affected by root rot.

Accordingly, the specific time frame will depend on the climatic characteristics of the region and the current weather conditions.

Thus, the approximate dates for planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse in different regions are as follows:

  • in the south of Russia - from the end of March to the beginning of April (for example, in the Volgograd region it becomes possible not earlier than the end of April);
  • in the Central lane (Moscow region) - from the 2nd decade - the second half of May;
  • for the more northern (residents of the Leningrad region), Ural and Siberian gardeners, planting cucumbers in the greenhouse can only begin from the 3rd decade-end of May.

Obviously, the soil warms up faster in the greenhouse, which means that you will have to wait another 1-2 weeks with the planting of cucumbers in open ground.

When to plant seed cucumbers in open ground

By the time of planting, the seedlings should not be overgrown.

As a rule, at the age of 20-30 days, strong and healthy cucumber seedlings look like this:

  • 7-8 mm thickness of the main stem;
  • 15-25 cm plant height;
  • 3-5 true leaves (+2 cotyledons).

In this case, the root system must completely fill the entire volume of the seedling container (pot).

How to properly plant cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse and open ground

Preparing the soil, choosing a place on the site for the garden and rules crop rotation

Cucumbers are very fond of fertile soil, rich in organic matter (humus).

Therefore, do not skimp on introducing organic matter into the garden before planting seedlings!

Of course, such soil must be loose (air and moisture permeable) and neutral in acidity.

If the soil is heavy and clayey, add additional sand (in addition to humus or compost) to loosen it.

As a rule, the garden bed has been prepared since autumn, but if you did not do this last year, then it's okay - you can dig it up (on a shovel bayonet = 20 cm) and apply the necessary fertilizers in the spring, at least a month or 1-2 weeks before disembarking seedlings.

In general, you can add organic matter and / or mineral fertilizers directly to the planting holes.

So, the following fertilizers will be correctly applied to 1 square meter of the garden:

  • humus or compost - at least 4-5 kg ​​(even 10 kg is possible);
  • wood ash100-200 grams;
  • mineral fertilizers - potassium sulfate (20-30 g), superphosphate (30-40 gr), urea or ammonium nitrate (20-30 gr). Or you can use a complex mineral fertilizer - nitroammophos (30-40 g).

Note! In autumn, it is recommended to add potash and phosphate fertilizers (they absorb and dissolve for a long time), and in the spring - nitrogen (they act quickly enough and can wash out of the soil if they are applied in the fall).

Then dig everything up and mix thoroughly with the garden soil (to a depth of 20 cm).

It is worth understanding! No matter how you prepare a bed for planting cucumbers, in any case you you will have to feed them during the growing season, and to do this quite often - during the entire fruiting period (this is especially true for potash fertilizers).

However! It is not necessary to initially apply an excessive amount of fertilizer to the soil, because exceeding their norm will not give a proportional increase in yield.

After which it is better to plant: good and bad predecessors

Of course, whenever possible, the rules of crop rotation and crop rotation should be followed.

Advice! Better yet, each sow green manure beds in autumn and / or spring.

So, it is recommended to plant cucumbers after the following crops (plant families):

  • nightshades (tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, as well as potatoes);
  • onions (all varieties) and garlic;
  • cabbage and other crucifers (radish, turnip, radish):
  • carrots, beets, etc.

Shortly speaking, cucumbers should not be planted only after pumpkin and melon crops (pumpkins, squash, squash, melons, watermelons and cucumbers themselves), since plants of the same family have common diseases and pests.

However! When it comes to greenhouse cultivation, then you have no other options but to alternate beds with tomatoes (or peppers and eggplants), which is generally quite normal.

Place on the site

If you choose a place for a garden for cucumbers in the open field, you should know that this culture is not only very thermophilic, but also photophilous, and will not be able to develop normally without good lighting (sunlight). Even light shading will definitely negatively affect its yield (although there are relatively shade-tolerant bee-pollinated varieties; you just need to select the appropriate hardy variety or hybrid).

Hardening seedlings before planting in a permanent place

5-7 days before planting the seedlings in a permanent place (in a greenhouse or open ground), it is recommended to start hardening the seedlings so that they can adapt to new (outdoor or greenhouse) conditions, which are noticeably more severe than at home.

To do this, the seedlings of cucumbers must be gradually (starting from 1 hour to a day) taken out into the open air, in the same greenhouse or greenhouse, as an option, on an open balcony or loggia.

Important! During hardening, the temperature should not fall below +6 .. + 8 degrees, it is optimal to keep in the region of + 15… + 18 degrees.

Landing scheme

Seedlings should be planted according to the recommended planting pattern for the variety or hybrid (see on the back of the seed package). As a rule, 1 sq. no more than 3-5 plants are placed per meter (optimally in a checkerboard pattern - for better illumination and ventilation), at a distance of 30-50 cm between plants in a row and 60-100 cm between rows.

Is it possible to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse along with tomatoes

Of course, ideally, it would be nice to have two greenhouses, but if you have only one, then subject to certain growing conditions, you can well count on a decent harvest of both crops.

Advice! The site already has a separate material on how toHow to plant and properly grow cucumbers and tomatoes in one greenhouse.

Direct planting of seedlings

Step-by-step instructions for planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground:

  • Choose a cloudy day; if the day is sunny, then the afternoon (late afternoon).
  • Dig holes (10-15 cm deep).

If you have not previously applied fertilizers for digging, then they can be added directly to the holes before planting seedlings. Pour 2-3 handfuls of humus or compost, 1-2 tbsp. spoons wood ash. If you allow the use of mineral fertilizers, then another 1 tbsp. a spoonful of potassium sulfate and superphosphate or just 1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide of nitroammophoska. And be sure to mix everything thoroughly with the garden soil.

  • Spill the wells with warm water (approximately 1 liter per well).
  • Disembarkation is carried out by the transshipment method. Namely, you need to carefully get the seedlings out of the containers, without damaging the earthy coma, and put them in the holes.

With regard to planting depth, plant as the seedlings grew in the cups. The main thing is not to deepen it! Better even to land a little higher than lower!

If the seedlings grew in peat cups, then they do not need to be removed, they themselves will gradually dissolve in the ground.

  • Cover with earth, compact slightly.
  • Spill well again with warm water (0.5 liters per well).
  • Sprinkle lightly with dry soil again.

Important! After 5-7 days, the bushes will need tie up, and a few days later - mulch (about 7-10 after disembarkation).

Do not mulch immediately after disembarkation.since mulch reduces soil temperature!

Further care for cucumbers in the open field and in the greenhouse

Obtaining a bountiful harvest of zelents will directly depend on how you use the basic agricultural techniques for growing cucumbers. Namely, you will need:

Note! The site already has a separate article about how to grow and care for cucumbers in open ground after planting seedlings or sowing seedsto get a good harvest. Greenhouse care is generally similar (except that the greenhouse should not be forgotten periodically ventilate).

Well, now you know exactly how to plant cucumber seedlings correctly, and in what time frame it can be done (at what soil temperature).

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