Indoor climbing plants and flowers for home growing: names and descriptions

It is difficult to understand this, but some, especially believers in prejudice, believe that climbing plants and vines are not suitable for home growing, because their very presence in dwellings leads to quarrels and discord in the house (even to divorce). However, indoor flower energy experts are unanimous in the opinion that climbing indoor plants only take away excess negative energy from the premises and from the residents, working as a kind of energy vacuum cleaner. We only need to give them what we do not need - negative emotions and experiences. Therefore, be sure that indoor climbing plants will certainly add beauty and comfort to your home, creating a beautiful waterfall from the most magnificent leaves and flowers, varied in shape and color!

Read about the most different types of climbing indoor plants and flowers, as well as about the features of growing and caring for them in our article.

Climbing plants and vines for home

Climbing or ampelous plants are decorative crops that have long and flexible stems, with the help of which they twist upward or spread over the surface.

Most often, climbing plants are planted in hanging vases and baskets, and special supports for shoots are installed for them.

By the way! "Ampel" in translation from German is a hanging vase.

Climbing plants fit perfectly and complement different kinds of interiors, decorating walls and breathing life into empty corners of rooms. They, like no other flowers, are simply created for vertical landscaping.

With regard to care, most climbing indoor plants are quite unpretentious to care for, although begonia definitely cannot be attributed to those.

In general, curly flowers grow both in partial shade and in bright light. But plants with white spots or dashes on the leaves prefer sunnier places, green ones can grow safely in partial shade.

Video: climbing and ampelous house plants

The most popular indoor climbing plants: names of vines and flowers with photos and descriptions

Vines are of particular interest to enthusiastic amateur flower growers. Vines that grow twisting around other plants, as a rule, are distinguished into a separate group.

Begonia ampelous

Ampel begonia pots will ideally decorate any vertical structures, as well as balconies and windows.

This type of begonia has a very long flowering - from spring to late autumn. If you, of course, will keep it in a sunny place with diffused light.

The sizes of shoots with wonderful cascades of flowers in length can reach about 30-40 centimeters.

Note! You can find out in detail how to plant and grow begonia from this material.

Diplomatic property (Mandeville)

This is a very beautiful ampelous climbing plant (liana), which requires quite serious care.

Leaf shapes may vary depending on the variety.

Flowering occurs in June-July. It has large, funnel-shaped flowers (can be red, pink, white).

Ipomoea indoor

The flowers of the plant are incredibly beautiful and interesting: single, funnel-shaped, and also pale blue or lilac in color. The leaves of the flower look no less wonderful.

Morning glory is quite demanding to care for: it does not tolerate drafts, dusty and dry air. Also needs good lighting.

Campanula (indoor bell)

This flower is sometimes called "Bride and Groom" because it has 2 shades of colors - white and blue.

For flowering to be as abundant as possible, this indoor climbing plant requires a lot of sunlight and regular abundant watering.

The length of creeping or hanging shoots is up to 20-30 centimeters.

Scindapsus (Epipremnum)

One of the fastest growing and shade tolerant lianas, able to survive in virtually any temperature conditions. In 1 year, he can add 1.5 meters in height.

Hang the scindapsus in a pot as close to the ceiling as possible, and in a couple of years it will reach the floor.

The beauty of sheet plastic is indescribable: the leaves are heart-shaped, shiny and can be bright green and variegated with spots of colors.

If you want the scindapsus to curl well, then you need to regularly trim the tips of its shoots.


Spectacular liana with chiseled leaves-hearts. To enhance decorativeness, it is necessary to provide support. He does not like bright sun and will say thanks for the light shading. Watering should be plentiful, he loves high humidity very much. Can be grown as a hydroponic crop.

To give the syngonium a more bushy shape, it is also recommended to pinch the shoots.


Another fast growing and unpretentious indoor climbing plant.

There are many varieties of Tradescantia with different leaf colors.

Prefers well-lit rooms. It can grow in partial shade, but then there is a high probability of loss of color, the leaves may seem to turn white.

Requires abundant watering and responds well to spraying.

If you take good care of it, Tradescantia will pamper you with cute little flowers.

Hedera (common ivy)

Quite unpretentious in care, but variegated varieties are more photophilous.

Likes regular spraying in low air humidity, although it can adapt and grow well in dry air.

Hederu it is advisable to place it on a support, along which it will curl with the help of suction cups, or let it hang from a basket or hanging planter.

Cissus (indoor birch)

Like the most common garden grapes, it has special tendrils, with the help of which it clings to the supports.

Indoor birch is distinguished by high growth rates (very fast growing) and shade tolerance.

As for care, in the spring and summer he loves abundant watering and spraying.

Creeping ficus (dwarf, ampelous)

For a ficus, it will be just great if you make a special support for climbing stems in the form of a pyramid in its house (pot).

A distinctive advantage is the fact that this indoor climbing plant can grow in partial shade.

By the way! For a more detailed list of indoor plants that can be grown in partial shade, you will find here.

Ficus responds very well to watering, especially in spring and autumn, and loves spraying in autumn.

Philodendron climbing

Refers to very unpretentious and durable vines.

It can grow even away from sunlight, under fluorescent lamps.

It has amazingly decorative foliage that is heart-shaped or just slightly elongated, green and red shades.

Hoya (wax ivy)

This vine is one of the most popular climbing indoor plants.

It has very fragrant and graceful, white, pink and yellow flowers with umbrella-shaped inflorescences.

Likes to grow in good light. In the warm season, abundant watering is required, in winter - moderate.

Important! During the period of active flowering, the curly indoor liana cannot be touched and rearranged.


This climbing house plant is very beautiful, but rather demanding on humidity (it should be sprayed regularly enough), does not tolerate drought.

The leaves of these ampelous flowers come in completely different shapes.

It blooms enchantingly beautifully.

Decorative ampelous flowers and vines create an indelible impression with their surprisingly airy and welcoming appearance. Those who believed in their negative influence on a person were hopelessly behind. Charge yourself with positive, not burden yourself with artificial problems, and also bring success in business - this is the purpose of these one of the most valued indoor climbing plants.

Video: top 10 most unpretentious climbing indoor plants - names and photos

1 Comment
  1. Evgen :

    I decided to green up the square, thanks for the publication!

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