What can be sown for seedlings in March: what flowers and vegetables

Early spring. Let there still be snow outside the window, but in this first spring month, you can fully begin to grow seedlings, or rather, sow seeds.

Next, you will find out which vegetable and flower crops you can plant for seedlings in March.

There are a lot of flowers for sowing in March, which means that you will definitely find something new for yourself and your flower garden (flower beds).

By the way! The site contains separate articles about which flowers can be planted for seedlings in February, and vegetables.

What flower and vegetable crops can be planted for seedlings in March


In principle, in March, you can start to plant most flower crops for seedlings, becausedaylight hours are actively increasing and the plants will have enough natural light (at least if you have a southern or southwest / east windowsill).

By the way! But the following flowers could be plant back in February (at the end), so the first half of March is a good time to sow them for seedlings (just you can do without additional lighting):

FROM planting garden geraniums for seedlings better hurry up.

  • Gerbera;

  • Coleus;

The seeds are very small, which means that they need to be sown extremely superficially and on high-quality loose soil.

  • Primrose;

Lavender shelter for the winter

If you sow daisies for seedlings in late February-early March with further picking, they will be able to normally grow green mass and roots, which means they can theoretically bloom already this year (in autumn). Although, as a rule, the culture is grown by direct sowing in open ground, and the flowering itself begins the next year.

The following flowers are suitable for planting seedlings in the second decade-half of March (i.e. from March 10-15):

Alyssum is a perennial plant, Lobularia is an annual.

  • Carnation Herb;

And here Shabo cloves should have been sown back in February.

  • Heliotrope;

  • Salvia;

  • Rudbeckia;

Late March-early April can be sown on seedlings:

  • Gaillardia.

It is better to postpone the planting of other flower crops to April.


There are not so many vegetable crops that can be sown in March. It:

Note! Of course, at the beginning of March you can still have time to sow peppers, eggplant, root celery, but it was better to do it back in february (last decade). Although early (early maturing) varieties can be planted in March.

What is the difference from regular onions?

In its gigantic size.

And he grown from seed.


For seedlings in March (towards the end), you can also sow some greens — parsley and basil.

When to sow flowers and vegetables for seedlings in March: timing

You should also not rush with March crops, as well as with February crops, except that in the beginning or the first half of March it costs plant flower (petunia, lobelia) and vegetable crops (peppers, eggplants, celery) that could be sown back in february.

Timing for vegetables

So, leeks and Exibishen onions can be sown in early March, as well as seed potatoes (as well as peppers, eggplant and celery). But the planting of tomatoes and physalis can be postponed towards the end of the first decade of the month or even towards the middle of it (tomatoes - earlier, physalis - a little later). The same goes for cabbage: it can even be sown at the end of March.

According to the lunar calendar for 2020

So,auspicious days according to the lunar calendar, the following dates are for planting flower crops in March 2020:

  • annual flowers (annuals) - 2-8, 10-14, 29-31;
  • perennial flowers (including biennial) - 4-6, 12-14, 26-31;
  • tubers and bulbs of flower crops - 8-12, 26-31.

Auspicious days in March 2020, according to the lunar calendar, for planting vegetable crops are the following dates:

  • peppers and eggplants - 4-6, 8, 11, 12-14, 21-23;
  • celery - 8, 10, 16-19;
  • tomatoes - 4-8, 12-14, 26-29;
  • physalis - 4-8, 12-14, 26-29;
  • leeks and onions Exibishen - 8, 10, 16-19;
  • potato seeds - 8-12, 16-19, 26-29;
  • cabbage - 2-8, 26-29;
  • greens (parsley, basil) - 2-8, 26-29.

Important! It is not so important to sow seeds for seedlings on an auspicious day, how not to do it in adverse.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar, the following dates are for planting flowers and vegetables in March 2020 (these are the days of the Full Moon and New Moon, as well as the period when the Moon is in Aquarius, since this is a barren and dry sign - italicized):

  • 9, 19-21, 24 (common to all cultures).

Spring is knocking at the door, which means it's time to plant seedlings! Now you know what can be planted in March!

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